Saturday, December 30, 2006

Old Aquaintance


December 31, 2006

8:00, 9:15 & 10:45 AM

Nancy Davis preaching:



The death of President Gerald Ford has put me to thinking about some not-so-good old days. America was reeling from Watergate--and, remember, Ford became vice-president only after Spiro T. Agnew resigned in disgrace, ultimately pleading no contest to charges of accepting bribes and evading taxes. (My collection of eclectic stuff features an LP of Spirio T. Agnew speeches, including the classic line about “nattering nabobs of negativism.”) While history has looked favorably on President Ford’s decision to pardon Richard Nixon, public reaction was much more mixed at the time, and the pardon would play heavily into Ford’s 1976 election defeat. The nation was still suffering the after-shocks of Vietnam (maybe we still are). But what I remember as worst of all was the spiraling inflation. President Ford appealed to the public to plant WIN (Whip Inflation Now) gardens. With energy prices skyrocketing, he asked us to turn down the thermostats in our houses. I remember trying to take morning showers at the recommended temperature and turning blue. That said, Gerald R. Ford, born in Omaha, brought Midwest values of dignity, calm and common sense to the White House at a time when we needed them most. He was not among the great presidents, perhaps, but he can be counted among the important ones..

Nancy and I had thought about driving to Denver between Christmas and New Year’s. Given the weather out west, we are surely glad we decided to stay in Omaha and go to movies, instead. I know the reviews of “The Good Shepherd” have been mixed, but Nancy and I both thought it was a terrific film. Larry King may not be off base in saying it’s the best spy film ever made (does the PBS miniseries “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” count?)—unless you believe James Bond was a historical figure.


From BRANDON Q.: STRESSED OUT FROM THE HOLIDAYS? Then join us at the STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP at St. Andrew's on January 18, 2007, from 7 – 8 p.m. Community Counselor, Kim M., will lead the session. Please contact Brandon, Health Ministry Leadership Team Co-Chairperson, Pastor Charlotte. Please sign up for this event by January 10th.


MARK S. wrote on Wednesday: We had a new addition to the family yesterday at 4:11 pm. Grant Anthony was 8lb 10oz, 20". Everyone is doing well! We hope to be going tomorrow.


We received this nice note from HELEN H.: A very special “Thank you” to my “family” for your prayers, visits, cards and telephone calls while I was in the hospital and since my return home. It is indeed comforting to have a Caring Church Family. In Christian Love, Helen


PATTI BETH H. writes: “My grandfather, Al P., 79, passed away on December 26th. He had been in the hospital for 7 weeks and had recently been diagnosed with cancer.Until 9 weeks ago, he led a wonderful and happy life.” Please pray for our family.”


Nancy says I’m mis-hearing the song, but I’ve never understood why old acquaintance should be forgot and never brought to mind. The year of our Lord 2006 ends with me so very thankful for the acquaintances we have made since coming to Omaha 15 months ago, looking forward to strengthening those relationships and building new ones in the year ahead.


O God our help in ages past

Our hope for years to come

Be thou our guide while life shall last

And our eternal home

--Isaac Watts
