Wednesday, December 27, 2006


We welcome new readers to A-MAIL--particularly those who gave us your e-address on Christmas Eve. If you ever want off the list, let us know.
December 31, 2006
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45 AM
Nancy Davis preaching:”LOSING YOUR LUGGAGE”
10:00—377; 3:00—465; 5:00—510; 7:00—576
PAM FLEURY writes: The St. Andrew's Singers will have rehearsal tonight (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. The children’s and youth choirs will not meet until next week, Jan. 3rd. If there are questions, please contact Pam Fleury at 498-9023.
LISA MAUPIN of United Methodists For Mission & Justice writes re the Food Challenge gift we were able to give Pearl Food Pantry: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Your generous gift to Pearl Pantry was not only good sized, but truly amazing. I hope that you know what a huge impact your church has made on Pearl Pantry. It will help them serve families in need all year around. Honestly, we have been left speechless by this gift! Thank you and Merry Christmas.
On Christmas Day, Nancy and I saw “DREAMGIRLS” at the 20 Grand. Twenty-some years ago, I bought the original Broadway album on vinyl, and am happy to report the film adaptation did not disappoint. Jennifer Hudson’s take on “And I Tell You I’m Not Going” falls into the category of WOW!!! And I actually got kind of teary at the end. Given the prominence of the James Brown character, as played by Eddie Murphy, it was startling to read that the “Godfather Of Soul” passed on the film’s opening day.
January 7, 2007
The First Worship Services Of The New Year
Bruce preaching: “ ’WASHINGTON'S CROSSING.”
If you are into New Year’s Resolutions, you may find this JEFF H. e-mail helpful. I share it with his permission:

To help me remember and reflect on my 2007 resolutions, I have decided to combine my resolutions into a mantra that I like to call my 2007 Resolantra. Here it is: HAVE NO FEAR, GIVE OF YOURSELF, BE OF GOOD CHEER.
I believe that each of these items fulfils a commandment from God.
HAVE NO FEAR: As the Bible commands me, “fear not, for I am with you.”
GIVE OF YOURSELF: Give my time, my talent, and my treasures.
BE OF GOOD CHEER: Be a light to others, spread joy, give encouragement to everyone I come into contact with.
CHARLOTTE MALLOTT asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Bill D., in his recent passing (brother-in-law of Robert H.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Thelma C., in her recent passing (Norm C.’s mother). Prayers for Tiffany B., recovering from a second surgery (daughter of Susan and Craig B.).
Ecclesiastes 7:8, ”Better is the end of a thing than its beginning; the patient in spirit are better than the proud in spirit.”