Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Radical Hospitality

January 7, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
We start a new year of worship with Bruce preaching:” ’WASHINGTON'S CROSSING.”
What Life Crossings Will You Be Making In 2007?
We welcome ne readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.

We were blessed to participate in the baptism of WILLIAM R. on Sunday, son of Corey and Shawna, brother of Holly & Sarah.
Also from NANCY: LIVING THE QUESTIONS class begins on January 10 at 6:00 P.M. If you have ever wondered about things like the inerrancy of the Bible, how a mature Christian interprets the story of creation, how to live by the Ten Commandments in our world today, or how to take the things you learned as a child in Sunday School and apply them to your faith today, you will enjoy this class. It would be good if students in this class had experienced a basic Bible class, such as Disciple 1 or its equivalent. Nancy Davis is the teacher. You can sign up by calling Nancy or Diana at the church office.
Does the Post Office always close a day in memory of a deceased president? The internet never closes, on the other hand, the internet doesn’t deliver year end contributions.
From PAM F.: All children's and youth choirs will not meet tomorrow evening as originally announced. We will start the new year next Wednesday, Jan. 10th, at the usual times of 5:30 p.m. for the childrens choirs (ages 4-5th grade) and 6:00 p.m. for the youth choir (6th -12th grades)……We would like to thank Miss Jessica for stepping up and leading the Music Makers (preschool choir) these last few months. Sarah W. will now lead this group. Sarah will be student teaching music (elementary and high school) with the schools. This last summer she worked with preschoolers in the Gymboree music program. All 4 and 5 year olds are invited to meet and sing with Miss Sarah next week at 5:30……Thank you to all who participated with the various Christmas choirs. Quite a few people participated who are not regulars in the music program. If you still have some of the music, please return it to the church office or to Pam. If you and your family have a New Year's resolution to join the music ministry program, we welcome all! The St. Andrew's Singers will meet tomorrow night, Jan. 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.
There will be few Sundays when I can report a worship attendance of 434 as good news, but given the weather and the holiday weekend, I was actually surprised to see so many people out. Bless your hearts.
I think if the Cornhuskers played Auburn 10 times, the Scarlet and Cream would win seven of the games. Alas… And did you see that Boise State/Oklahama game. Wow!
In perhaps the most influential book I read in 2006, “THE EMERGING CHURCH,” Dan Kimball writes: “In ministry, some things much never change, while other things must be constantly changing. God’s five purposes for his church are nonnegotiable. If a church fails at worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism, it is no longer a church. It’s just a social club.” It occurs to me that Kimball’s five “nonnegotiables” fit well with the “Signs of Discipleship” that we track at St. Andrew’s: Radical Hospitality, Heartwarming Worship, Risk-Taking Mission, Vital Faith Formation and Gracious Generosity. I thought we’d start the new year with a short discussion of each of these “signs,” as practiced at St. Andrew’s. Today’s item:

RADICAL HOSPITALITY: In the paradigm of Kimball’s “purposes,” what we call Radical Hospitality embraces components of both evangelism and fellowship. Jesus said, in Matthew 25, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” At St. Andrew’s, we want to be in the business of turning strangers into friends. That begins the moment people first enter the facility. While we have designated “greeters,” who do a great job, one of my hopes for St. Andrew’s is that we will see the welcome component as the ministry of each and every member. As we greet one another prior to the first song on Sunday morning, won’t you please look for someone you don’t know and go out of your way to share the gift of hospitality? If a person looks lost out in the Rotunda, don’t wait for an assigned greeter, offer to help yourself. As 2006 began, we were considering multiple models to serve as our primary “port of entry” for new persons coming into the fellowship. Early in the year, we settled on PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS,” which has been a big hit. On the second Sunday of each month, persons interested in moving toward membership are invited to meet with members of the staff for a time of introductions and fellowship. We share information about the congregation, field any and all questions. We were blessed to receive over 240 new members into the congregation in 2006. We began to be concerned about follow-up; Julie Harris has since taken leadership of a ministry in which new members are contacted at the one, three and six month marks, to see how they are settling in. This whole issue of people “falling through the cracks” is of great concern—regarding new members and veterans alike. Hence, we have asked the Ombuds, a seven member “listening team” to take a shepherding responsibility, making periodic contact with the entire membership. And let me add this: If you have noticed someone “missing,” give them a call yourself. It can mean a lot.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Ann R., in her recent passing (sister of Billie F.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Al P., in his recent passing (grandfather of Patti Beth H.). Prayers of joy for Mark and Marlo S., in the recent birth of a son, Grant Anthony. Prayers for Calvin B., recently diagnosed with cancer, awaiting further test results (Renae G.s’ father).
KATHY R. writes: Dan and I would like to ask prayers for Dan's nephew, Anthony B. and his wife Candice in Sioux Falls, S.D. They were expecting a little baby boy in mid-March 2007, but little Ashton William made his appearance on December 23, 2006, weighing in at only 3 lbs. 4 oz. He is the first child for this wonderful young couple and we just pray that good health and growth prevail.
Job 19:25-27, “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand upon the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see on my side, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. My heart faints within me!”