Wednesday, February 21, 2007


The liturgical season of Lent—a time of reflection and repentance, modeled after Jesus’ 40 days of temptation in the wilderness following his baptism (see Luke 4:1-13)—began at St. Andrew’s this morning with a seven AM worship service. We’ll be together again this evening at 7:00. If you want to eat with us, soup is served from 6:00-7:00. Nancy and I will be preaching on the Parables of Jesus between now and Easter, starting this Sunday with Nancy’s sermon on “THE GOOD SAMARITAN: Beating People Up, Passing People Up, Helping People Up.”

ERIC H. writes: There will be a short organizational meeting for the St. Andrew's Men's softball teams this Sunday afternoon in the Family Life Center at 4:30pm. Please bring $50 payable to St. Andrew's, sign the official OSA registration form and get more information about the upcoming season.
From NETTA P.:

A few funny and positive things happening in Upward Basketball and Cheerleading:

A Father is overheard speaking to his son during a period break in last week’s Upward Kindergarten hour regarding a rug burn on the elbow. “You’ll be OK, you still have to play the next period so tough it out. Rub some dirt on it,” says the father attempting to encourage his 6 year old to continue playing and forget about the burning sensation on his arm. While rolling his eyes, the 6 year old retorts, “Daaaaaaaad! That is so not Upwardsy of you!”

Referee Brian S. complimented 2 things: 1) The extremely noticeable skill level difference he personally has observed the last couple weeks between the 4th graders in Upwards vs. other basketball programs. 2) He is, also, extremely impressed when the refs blew their whistle and asked players this last week, “Can you tell me what happened?” or “why did I blow my whistle?” Each and every player was 100% correct with their answers. They knew exactly why the whistle was blown and why play was stopped! Brian S. is very impressed with what he has seen early on with this years Upward kids! Brian has been officiating youth basketball for more than a decade and when he makes compliments like these, they carry a lot of weight!

Finally: Thank to all the Cheerleaders who participated in the Worship Services this past Sunday. You were great!
COMING, Sunday evening, March 25, 7:00
FROM PASTOR CHARLOTTE: Are you a pianist who would like an opportunity to play for a worship experience, occasionally, at the newly opened MAPLE RIDGE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY, 168th & W. Maple Rd.? Pastor Charlotte would love to hear from you soon.

CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of joy for Ashton B., preemie with heart & breathing problems, who is home from the hospital and doing well (great nephew of Dan R.). Prayers of joy for the recent birth of Addison Olivia S. (daughter of Tracy and TJ S.; first grandchild of Dan and Kathy R.). Prayers for Tim C., recently deployed to Iraq; pray for his safety and that he quickly matures (son of Laura J.; nephew of Kathy R.). Prayers for all who are afflicted with AIDS that they and their families may find strength and peace. Prayers for Mardell A., who is preparing for a second kidney transplant; pray for a viable kidney for her and strength for the journey (sister of Madonna S.).
Mark 1:12:133
And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him.