Monday, February 26, 2007



STEVE and CINDY S. Steve and Cindy are already plugged into St. Andrew’s Wednesday evening “Living The Questions” class.

MIKE and KARLA S. Mike and Karla have a three year old son, Kaden, and are expecting a daughter in March.
Suffice to say, those in attendance Sunday morning had no difficulty finding a place to sit. Worship attendance was 388. We had 39 children in the church school. I blame the weather forecasters as much as the weather itself. This talk of a blizzard surely freaked people out. What actually precipitated hardly merited the B word. But then I guess weather guys and gals would rather give a dire forecast and be wrong than offer an optimistic forecast and have people caught in snowdrifts.
These bad weather weekends and consequent low attendance Sundays have hurt us financially. Anyone who is a position to help us catch up would be as an angel in our midst.

March 4, 2007

The Second Sunday in Lent

Bruce Davis preaching:


Luke 16:1-13.
Mystery readers, let me highly recommend Dennis Lahane’s “,” out now in paperback. But if you plan to read it, do so in the next 13 days, as I will be giving away the ending in the March 11 sermon, “THE PARABLE OF THE EMPTY HOUSE.”
Nancy and I tuned out the Oscars to watch Helen Mirren in a “Prime Suspect” rerun on PBS. We got back to the Oscars just in time to see Ms. Mirren very deservedly win in the Best Actress category for “The Queen.” I was surprised and disappointed that the Clint Eastwood Iwo Jima movies were shut out. The Ennio Morricone tribute was terrific. That Celine Dion song was set to a tune from one of the best movies few have ever seen: “Once Upon A Time In .” What she sang as “Knew I Loved You” was originally “Deborah’s Theme.” What a luscious melody.
ERIC H. writes: The Men's Softball team registration is now closed. We have 45 players registered and plan to have three teams. This is a new record for St. Andrew's!!! All players have until this Sunday, March 4th to turn in their registration fee and sign the OSA waiver form at the church office.

CRAFTERS GROUP: Crafters of any kind are welcome to join this group on Thursday, March 1 in Room Lower Level 4. If you have any questions contact Ricci.

WOMEN’S RETREAT: Just a reminder to those of you attending the Women’s Retreat this weekend, we will begin at 7 p.m. sharp on Friday evening. You can check in to your room after 4:30, so please have this done before 7 p.m. Also, remember that dinner is on your own Friday evening. You can dine in the Lodge Restaurant if you wish. If you have any questions, please contact Diana.

PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Jim E., in his long recovery from a stroke; pray, also, for strength and hope for his wife, Shirley, and family (Grandparents of Kelly R.). Prayers for Marvin B., cancer has recurred (friend of Ed & Lela C.). Prayers of encouragement for Maria, a young mom Todd S. met, traveling from Tampa. Prayers for Stacy, recently diagnosed with cancer, undergoing intensive treatment (friend of Jim and Patti A. and family). Prayers for Pam F., completed chemotherapy treatments; pray for remission and healing (Mother of Lisa C.).
Luke 16:1-9

Then Jesus said to the disciples, “There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was squandering his property. So he summoned him and said to him, “What is this that I hear about you? Give me an accounting of your management, because you cannot be my manager any longer.” Then the manager said to himself, “What will I do, now that my master is taking the position away from me? I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg. I have decided what to do so that, when I am dismissed as manager, people may welcome me into their homes.’ So, summoning his master’s debtors one by one, he asked the first, “How much do you owe my master?” He answered, “A hundred jugs of olive oil.” He said to him, “Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it fifty.” Then he asked another, “And how much do you owe?” He replied, “A hundred containers of wheat.” He said to him, “Take your bill and make it eighty.” And his master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly; for the children of this age are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light. And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of dishonest wealth so that when it is gone they may welcome you into the eternal homes.”