Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Addams Family

THIS SUNDAY: CONFIRMATION SUNDAYNancy preaching in all three services: “HERE I STAND”May 6, Bruce is in the pulpit:“O BE CAREFUL: A Sermon On Christ And Culture”
If you’ve been following the local news, you know there has been a rash of church break-ins in Omaha. St. Andrew’s has had some things go missing. On the advice of police, we’re going to be leaving fewer doors open during the slower times of day. As we can most easily monitor comings and goings from the office, you may sometimes find the Rotunda doors locked. If so, just come in through the Office/Gym entrance.
While this day is hardly conducive to thinking about softball, the Men’s Teams are scheduled to begin play this Sunday evening. Again this year, we will field two teams. Last year, we were in the same division, which was a tad awkward. This year, we’re in different leagues. Both teams are scheduled for 9:00 games at the Kelly Fields, one playing on Field 3, the other on Field 4. The Kelly Fields are on Fort Street, around 122nd Street.
BOB D. writes: On April 21st eleven St. Andrews youth and four adults were a part of “Global Youth Service Day”. We spent the day working at “BIG Garden Project” sites in various locations in north and south Omaha. The garden plots help provide fresh produce to low income families along with providing nutrition education. We all learned a lot and enjoyed helping communities in need. EDITOR’S NOTE: You’ll find a couple of pictures of this event on the web site. Go the home page:, hit the YOUTH link. The photos are in the left hand cell.
SABBATH NIGHT LIVE NEWS: THE ST. ANDREW'S RECKLESS ABANDON PLAYERS present - SABBATH NIGHT LIVE 2007. This years Dinner/Theater performance is on Friday, May 4th and Saturday, May 5th. We have sold out 4 years in a row, so don't miss out on the show of the year and get your tickets early. We will have an Italian Buffet dinner!! • We have once again written 100% of the skits and they include: Scooby Doo ; St. Peter Skits and his many visitors to Heaven; Charlie's Angels; Pizza with the Pastors (featuring Pastors Bruce and Nancy Davis); The Culps performing with the Sabbath Night Live Band!! The Youth Abandon Players are also performing Charlie Brown - You're in High School Now. • Adult Tickets $17; Child (11 and under) with Adult meal $12 Child (11 and under) Ticket with Kids Meal $10. Doors open at 6:00 PM; Dinner Buffet is at 6:15 PM; Show at 7:00 PM. Child Care is available I was up here last night, practicing the ADDAMS FAMILY AT PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS skit. It’s going to be a hoot. The Drama Team is in need of a high-back, rounded wicker chair, "Addams family style" for the dinner theater. If anyone has one that they wouldn't mind loaning us or knows of someone who does, please contact Karen B. GREETERS NEEDED FOR SNLVolunteers are needed to greet and take tickets on both evenings of May 4th and 5th for Sabbath Night Live. Four greeters are needed from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. and Ticket Hosts from 5:30 – 7:30. Please contact Diana if you are able to volunteer.
SINGLES TO JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTARReservations are being taken for the singles to attend Jesus Christ Superstar at the Orpheum Theater in June. Stop by the Singles table in the Rotunda on Sunday for more information.
CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers or Kathy S., in critical condition following an auto accident (friend and neighbor of Georgia and Steve C.). Prayers for Ted L., hospitalized with pneumonia.
Matthew 5:13, “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled underfoot.”