Thursday, April 05, 2007


Here we go! Tonight, the Drama Team leads our MAUNDY THURSDAY remembrance of the Last Supper, starting at 7:00. Tomorrow at noon, we will gather to read the GOOD FRIDAY/Passion scriptures, with appropriate liturgy and hymns. And, of course, this Sunday is EASTER. We’re about as ready as we can get, and are looking forward to sharing the experience with you and any you will bring.
I should mention how the services will be ordered on Sunday. We’ll sing arguably the greatest of the Easter hymns, “Christ The Lord Is Risen Today,” in all three services. Per usual, the 9:15 & 10:45 hours will have more “contemporary” elements than 8:00, but the blend will include an “Ode To Joy” medley and other timeless expressions of resurrection faith. (At 8:00, "Ode To Joy" is out, "He Lives" is in.) Nancy and I have a message we hope will speak to veteran believers, the newest of seekers, and people at various places in between. Maybe it’s been a long time since you’re been in the House of God. Please know we would love to have you with us on Resurrection Sunday!
Nancy and I will be out of town for a week, starting next Tuesday. This will be the first Sunday we’ve been out of Omaha together since June of last year. In spinning options around for the 22nd, we came up with a winner. REV. CHARLOTTE MALLOTT will preach in the 8:00 service. We’re calling the 9:15 & 10:45 services, “LEON’S TURN”—as in Leon Adams, our music director. Leon has put together a service featuring members of the music department, with the man himself bringing a message.
Having lived in the Ozarks for seven years, it was hard for me to imagine Dana Altman at Arkansas. I have rarely seen anyone look more uncomfortable at a press conference than Altman while Frank Broyles was leading the PIG SOOEY yell. It’s a different world down there. *
We’ve posted some photos from the WORSHIP CELEBRATION OF ST. ANDREW’S NICARAGUA on the web site: Having reached the home page, hit the San Andres Link.
Our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is Sunday evening, April 22, 5:00-6:30. This event is designed for people moving toward membership at St. Andrew’s. Sign up on Sunday morning in the Rotunda or e-mail Diana F., so we’ll know how much pizza to order.
I suppose there’s still time to plug into the once-postponed TRIVIA NIGHT, rescheduled for Saturday evening, April 21. You could call the office or e-mail Judy H. and get the full skinny.
I understand SABBATH NIGHT LIVE ticket sales are off to a great start. Our annual Dinner Theatre is scheduled for the first weekend in May, Friday and Saturday evenings. Check out the SNL table in the Rotunda for complete information.
CHARLOTTE MALLOTT asks: Prayers for Leyon, experiencing health issues; pray, also, for his wife, Bea (Sharon K.’s brother and sister-in-law). Prayers for Durward P., experiencing health issues (Patrick P.’s grandfather).
John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whosover believeth in him might not perish but have eternal life.”