Monday, April 09, 2007

The Day After

Easter Sunday 2007 was a magnificent experience for the lead pastors. Wow.
THIS SUNDAY, April 15:
8:00, REV. CHARLOTTE MALLOTT preaching.
9:15 & 10:45, LEON ADAMS & FRIENDS offer a morning of inspiration,
including a message from Brother Leon, himself!
For those new to the congregation, Pastor Charlotte is a retired United Methodist pastor, serving on our staff in the role of pastoral care coordinator. Leon Adams, our music director, is one of the most prominent musicians in the Omaha area. Some of you will know him from The Confidentials. He is also a deeply Christian man, who has been leading church music since his childhood. Leon recently announced he is getting married this summer. This Sunday should be a treat.
April 22, Bruce preaching:
And it’s Volunteer Appreciation Sunday!
The Easter Worship Count: 8:00: 141; 9:15: 1,014; 10:45: 509. Total for Easter Sunday: 1,654. Margie reports another 158 kiddies in Church School. We had 175 people out for Maundy Thursday. Charlotte is guesstimating we had around 100 in attendance on Good Friday, but no one seems to have officially counted.
A-MAIL will be on hiatus for the next week as the editor is out of town.
MARY K. joined the church on Easter Sunday. Mary does medical transcription for Alegent Health
THE ST. ANDREW'S RECKLESS ABANDON PLAYERS present - SABBATH NIGHT LIVE 2007. This years Dinner/Theater performance is on Friday, May 4th and Saturday, May 5th. Tickets will be available April 1st in the Rotunda. We have sold out 4 years in a row, so don't miss out on the show of the year and get your tickets early. We have once again written 100% of the skits and they include: Scooby Doo, Charlie's Angels, Pizza with the Pastors (featuring Pastors Bruce and Nancy Davis), and The Culps, to name a few. The Youth Abandon Players are also performing Charlie Brown - You're in High School Now.
Adult Tickets $17; Child (11 and under) with Adult meal $12
Child (11 and under) Ticket with Kids Meal $10
Doors open at 6:00 PM; Dinner is at 6:30 PM; Show at 7:00 PM
Child Care is available
Did you know (I think this is right) that every time you click on our web site:, it helps move St. Andrew’s up in the GOOGLE lineup. A few months ago, we weren’t even on the first page of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Churches; this morning, we’re moved ahead of St. Andrew’s UMC’s in Texas and Alabama, so that we come up third, after congregations in Plano, Texas, and Littleton, Colorado.
DIANE M. writes: Hope Circle will be flipping pancakes for our church family on Sunday the 15th..join us for breakfast! And, in spite of 20 degree weather I'm sure Spring is in the near future!! Our UMW group is taking orders for bedding flowers, look for order blanks in the rotunda. Profits from this project fund the $500 scholarship that the women give to one of our seniors each spring.
Need a break? Want to enjoy an evening of fellowship with other women? How about listening to an exciting speaker? Then come join us on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:00PM. Our speaker will be Dr. Diana Doyle. The subject will be women’s heart health-a topic that has been getting a lot of press lately. Save the date-invite a friend and come for an evening of food and fellowship and leave with information on keeping you heart healthy.

Study Paul’s letter to the Romans. Explore several key themes, including: Paul’s emphasis on communal salvation, the centrality of God’s righteousness, and the implication of Paul’s speaking as a Jew with a message addressed to the Gentiles. This nine-week study will be offered on Wednesdays, from 6 – 7 p.m. beginning April 11. Corey Rector will facilitate this study in Lower Level 4.

Divorce and separation are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. DivorceCare is offered at St. Andrew’s on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

This is the study the Monday Morning Women’s Study Group will start on April 16 at 9 a.m. Contact Diana to register.
What: Kicks For a Cure – Women’s Soccer exhibition (high school and collegiate teams)
When: Saturday April 21st at Creighton’s Morrison Stadium – 11am – 8pm
Kicks For a Cure and is an annual women’s soccer exhibition with the goal to raise research funds and awareness for all forms of women’s cancer. The event is hosted by Creighton University at Morrison Stadium, one of the top soccer venues in the country. In its inaugural year in 2006, over $100,000 was raised to help further research at the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center and the Hereditary Cancer Center at Creighton University. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday April 21st. Tickets are relatively inexpensive at $8 for Adults and $5 for kids to see some great women’s soccer and support a great cause. Admission is good for the day with the first match at 11am - Omaha Westside vs. Millard North. Last match of the day is at 6pm – Creighton University vs. Marquette University. Check the website at for more information and game schedule.
Hope to see you there! – John & Kathy L.
John 20:24-29
But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe. A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out you hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”