Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Culps

THIS SUNDAY is CONFIRMATION SUNDAY Nancy Davis preaching: “HERE I STAND.”We’ve have over forty young people involved in Confirmation this year. The way I understand it, something like 2/3rds (maybe 3/4ths) have chosen to be confirmed in the 9:15 service, the others at 10:45. I know you’ll want to be with us to be supportive of these young people as they celebrate an important milestone in their Christian journey.
I was in the sanctuary Wednesday night, enjoying The Culps, which some of you will remember from Saturday Night Live. The Culps have been a regular presence in St. Andrew’s Sabbath Night Live Dinner Theatre. This year, the Culps are being backed up by a full band (thanks to Leon and the team), and Bobbi Culp is bringing in what I guess are some sisters to help with the vocals. Anyway, it’s a hoot. The Sabbath Night Live Dinner Theatre is next Friday and Saturday evening, here at St. Andrew’s. Tickets are available in the Rotunda.
Charlotte M.t asks: Prayers for Robert M.r, starting chemotherapy for lung cancer (father of Carol M.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Arthur R., in his recent passing (friend of Orv and Darlene S.). Prayers for Chad S., serving in Iraq (grandson of Orv and Darlene S.). Prayers for Orv S., that the pain will continue to improve. Prayers for Ryan P., recovering from emergency surgery (Kathy P.’s son).