Wednesday, March 14, 2007


March 18, 2007
It’s Not A Time Change Sunday. It’s Not a Spring Break Sunday. It’s Not Likely To Be A Snow Sunday. It’s Not A Three Day Weekend. It IS the Fourth Sunday In Lent and we hope you’ll be with us as Nancy preaches: "THE PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SON."
A collection of poems and paintings presented by The Reckless Abandon Players.
Thursday April 5th 7pm. This collection of poems will be presented in the form of monologues about people who were with Jesus the week before his crucifixion. It will be accompanied by an art show in the Rotunda featuring local artist Paula Wallace, whose work is used in the drama. We will, of course, share the sacrament of Holy Communion in remembrance of The Last Supper.
We’re behind on reporting worship counts. On March 4, we had 749 people in the various services, with another 122 kiddies in church school. Time Change Sunday, the 11th, the report is 717 & 190. Speaking of kiddies, I understand Sunday’s puppet troupe from Ogallala was a big hit.
I’m feeling better today. The doctor gave an antibiotic that surely helped. This leads to yet another reflection about the Rainbow Network and San Andres. Before Rainbow came along, a lot of these communities never saw a doctor or prescription medicines. There’s no Walgreen’s in San Andres. San Andres is a circuit traveled by a physician. He brings with him a couple of large tubs of medicines. I just stuck a pharmacy picture on the web site: www. Hit the San Andres link and look under the picture of the Rainbow doctor. Our big celebration is planned for Sunday evening, March 25, 7:00.
TRIVIA NIGHT RESCHEDULED. Let’s try again! The weather really messed up our originally schedule date so we’ll try another one. Trivia Night is now scheduled for April 21 at 7:00 P.M. If you were registered for the cancelled one, just let us know if you want to keep that registration or if you are canceling. IF you did not register for the cancelled one and would like to register for this one, we hope you will do that. As before, if you register prior to the 21st the cost is $5.00 per person. IF you just walk in that evening the cost is $10.00 per person.
Wayne F. will be presenting a college planning and scholarship searching presentation for our youth 9th – 12th grade and their parents this Wednesday March 14th from 7pm to 8pm in the youth room. Wayne has a wealth of knowledge with helping youth prepare for the college experience.

Attention High School Seniors! SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY! In addition to the Bea Shannon Memorial Scholarship awarded to a graduating senior in the amount of $500 there is also a $1500 Alan J Bruner Memorial Scholarship available. Applications are available at the youth table located in the Rotunda. Any questions please contact Bob D. Applications are due by March 20, 2007.
CONTINUING EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP Alan J. Bruner was a charter member of St. Andrew’s UMC. In honor of Alan’s educational experience and achievements, one scholarship of $1500 will be awarded to an adult continuing his or her education. Application forms are available in the ministry kiosk or at the St. Andrew’s web site & due back by April 15th. Any questions, please contact Diana F.
Bruce –

We’re Almost There – PLUG INTO GOD’S POWER, A Workshop on Prayer
Saturday, March 24th from 9:30 a.m. to Noon, led by Pastors Nancy Davis and Charlotte Mallott.

Sign up in the Rotunda now – last chance will be Sunday morning – let us know you’re coming. See you there!!!

PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Doris N., recovering from surgery. Prayers for Nancy B., critically ill (grandmother of Jessica R.). Prayers for Cindy, recovering from surgery; pray that the mass was not cancerous (Heidi G.’s step-father’s sister). Prayers for Blair, who is critically ill and not expected to live; pray, also for her mother and family (Chris L.’s niece and sister). Prayers for Zach G., that his body will heal itself; counts are low again (son of Brian & Heidi G.).
Proverbs 19:1-2, “Better the poor walking in integrity than one perverse of speech who is a fool. Desire without knowledge is not good, and one who moves too hurriedly misses the way.