Tuesday, July 03, 2007


July 8, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Nancy preaching:
Nancy explains: When I was nine years old, a woman attempted to abduct me from my back yard. She was going to put me into a car at the end of the alley (thus the sermon title this week). That trauma in my life has led me to some thoughts about evil and how it can literally walk up into your yard and grab your hand. I will share some of these thoughts as they relate to Jesus’ words to “love one another” this Sunday.
Coming On Sunday July 15:
Bruce Davis & The St. Andrew’s Old Time Gospel Quartet: “REVIVAL!”
We think you’re going to like this a lot.
Our newest members and TJ V. & JENNIFER S. TJ is an Omaha Police Officer; Jennifer is with the West Corporation.
Worship attendance on July 1 was 755.
This is our second Independence Day in Nebraska and I again marvel at the sheer volume of fireworks that have already been exploded in our area. It’s a wonder the whole city doesn’t burn down.
I’ll be in Seattle this weekend, officiating at Leon A.’s wedding. The ceremony is at 3:00 on Saturday, 1:00 Omaha time. I know Leon and Loris would appreciate a thought and a prayer about that time of day.
SOFTBALL: After getting sand kicked in our face the first half of the season, our new/young guys team broke into the win column Sunday evening. This bunch has been getting better every week and I suspect next season they’ll be the ones kicking sand. Better yet is the sense of friendship I see developing. The Men’s Teams play at 7:00 next Sunday evening; the Co-Ed team has an 8:30 game on Monday.
2nd ANNUAL BLT (Boomers Laughing Together) PROGRESSIVE PICNIC: The 2nd annual BLT progressive picnic will be Saturday, July 28th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. For more information and directions to the homes of our hosts, please check the BLT display/sign up board in the rotunda or contact Nancy B. or Julie M.
We’re always looking to add persons to our ministry of serving communion, the first Sunday of the month. Many find serving communion to be a profound experience. If this sounds like something you’d like to help with, shoot us a return e-mail and we’ll pass it on to coordinator Steve Smith.
One of our great members gave me a copy of the Randy Travis CD, “GLORY TRAIN.” There are old gospel standards and countrified versions of the praise songs you regularly hear at St. Andrew’s. I’m enjoying this a lot and think you would, too.
LES MISERABLES: THE SERMON is scheduled for Sunday, September 9. We need a cast of dozens to do this right. Our next rehearsal is Wednesday, July 11, 6:30-8:30. There’s still time to plug into this and we invite your participation.
Have you been reading about the Palestinian Mickey Mouse? His television run ended when the script writers had him killed by Israelis. This sounds like something Sacha Baron Cohen might have come up with as a satire; but the very idea that Islamic fanatics could conceive of something like this in the first place as a teaching tool for their children is no laughing matter.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Haleigh P., 6 weeks old, hospitalized with leukemia; pray, also, for her parents, Matt & Megan P. Prayers for Wendy L.’s younger sister, critically ill in Texas; pray for her newborn (2 lbs.11 oz); pray, also, for the baby in Guatamala, who was to have been adopted by them. Prayers of joy for Carrie S. and Matthew S., recently united in marriage.
Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

I used to see this passage as exclusionary, but at this point in life, it seems a self-evident truth. Many will drift through their days, taking the easy way; the road to life abundant requires intentional soul work. At St. Andrew’s, we call it Vital Faith Formation and it’s a big part of our mission.

Have a happy and safe Independence Day, God bless, BRD