Friday, June 15, 2007

Names in a Book

June 17, 2007
Bruce preaches a Father’s Day Sermon:
"GRADUATION DAY: Things I Have In Common With The Guys Of Genesis"
Each service will include a CONSECRATION OF VBS VOLUNTEERS.
At Annual Conference, each congregation is asked to bring the names of people who have joined the church in the past twelve months. These names are put into a book and the conference gives thanks for all. St. Andrew’s put 190 names in this year’s book. Speaking of which…
INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER OF ST. ANDREW’S AND HAVING YOUR NAME IN THE BOOK AT THE 2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE? Learn more at our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS, Sunday evening June 24, 5:00-6:30. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Room in the Rotunda.
UMW NEWS: United Methodist Women sent a Special Mission donation in recognition of the work Penny F. has done for missions in Omaha. She has been a tremendous asset to St. Andrews and will be greatly missed.
FROM PEARL FOOD PANTRY: A special thank you to St. Andrews for all you have done for us. The last donation of food, paper products, laundry detergent and especially all the diapers came at a time when we were running very short of all these items. You have been a blessing to us. God Bless You!
September 9, 2007
Group Rehearsals Begin Wednesday evening, June 27, 7:00
If you’re planning to participate, e-mail
We need a cast of dozens to make this work.
KEVAN W. writes: Pastor Bruce could you share this with your A mail readers. I would like to thank you for the everything you all did for my mom in the 15 years she lived in the Thomas Fitzgerald Veterans Home at 156th and Maple and attended your church. My name is Kevan W. and my mom is Shirley W. I now live in Wayne, Ne and it is comforting to know whe has had nice place to worship the Lord. I am so grateful there has been people who volunteered to help pick her up and take her to and from the church. There have been so many people who helped but especially Pastor Bruce, Nancy, and Charlotte and the Nelson family. I am sad that she is moving to Bellevue to the new home there, but she has already found a church. Thank you so much for helping her praying for her and your friendship to her. I was happy to attend your church when I lived in Omaha and really enjoyed it. Mom just loved attending at St Andrews, thanks again. Kevan W.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for Scott, Judy and Matt F., in the recent passing of Scott’s mother, Lucille (friends of Norm and Jan C.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Dorothee H., in her recent passing (grandma to Cindi R., great-grandma to Austin, Chandler, Carly and Ava).
And we received an e-mail last night from new members BILL & TERESA K., sharing the joy of the birth of their son, JACKSON.
Mark 3:1-6, Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there who had a withered hand. They watched him to see whether he would cure him on the Sabbath, so they might accuse him. And he said to the man who had the withered hand, "Come forward." Then he said to them, "Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath, to save life or to kill?" But they were silent. He looked around at them with anger; he was grieved at their hardness of heart and said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it our, and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out an immediately conspired with the Herodians against him, how to destroy him.
Note: It is fascinating to think that the self-styled "righteous" people of Jesus’ day would want to "destroy" him for doing a good thing. That said, I’ve known of Christian people who got it in their hearts to try to destroy others for matters that surely seemed important at the time but were ultimately trivial. I don’t know what gets into us. Let’s be good to each other, in Jesus’ name. Amen!