Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Open Water

June 17, 2007
Bruce preaches a Father’s Day Sermon:
"GRADUATION DAY: Things The Guys Of Genesis & I Have In Common"
Each service will include a CONSECRATION OF VBS VOLUNTEERS.
Our newest members are
JEAN W.. Jean has joined the Beth Moore Bible Study group.
JIM & GINA M. They have two children, KAYLA & TYLER.
After "Underwater Jesus" on Sunday, one of our great members offered to teach me how to swim. I can actually dogpaddle a little—just enough to pass the exam required to receive a Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Missouri in 1972--that's about it. Anyway, I got home after church, had a bite to eat, turned on the television, and there was "Open Water"—about a couple left stranded in water during an ill-fated dive in the Caribbean. Ironically, I first saw "Open Water" on a cruise in the Caribbean. In my opinion, "Open Water" ought to be required viewing for anyone going to the Caribbean, as a reminder this isn’t Disney World. At any rate, the timing of "Open Water" seemed like confirmation that I’m to stay on dry land. If the Lord wanted me to swim, He’d have given me gills.
On the way back from my television gig in Springfield last night, I stopped at Royals Stadium to see the Cardinals and Royals. If the Royals were in the National League Central, they might win the division. I did have this consoling thought: Our St. Andrew’s softball teams may not be winning many games, but we don’t look any worse than the Cardinals did last night, and we’re not getting paid to play the game. The Men’s Teams are back in action this Sunday evening, at 8:00. The Co-Ed Team, which lost by a single run on Monday night, has this coming Monday off.
FROM NETTA P. & MARGIE W.: This Sunday, June 17th, Bruce would like to use the Ministry Moment to consecrate all the Vacation Bible School leaders, helpers, directors, decorators, teachers and all who contributed to VBS this year at all three services. So, which ever service you attend, please listen for the announcement and come forward to be blessed as a group as you serve the Lord by ministering to our children.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is nearly here! We are still short a few people. Please prayerfully consider being a crew leader for the following crews: Pre-Kindergarten Navy Parrots, 1 adult needed; Kindergarten Pink Levi’s, One youth needed; Kindergarten Red/Orange Simeon’s, One youth needed; 1st grade Lime Green Dan’s, 1 adult needed; 1st grade Orange Judah’s 1 adult needed.
SEASONED PERENNIALS: Come now is the time for fellowship, oh come now is the time to share some fun . . . . Sound closely like our welcoming song each Sunday morning? Seasoned Perennials wants to WELCOME you to join them at the Mahoney Melodrama on Sunday afternoon June 24th. Mahoney serves a delicious buffet and we would be eating at 1:00 pm followed by the melodrama at 3:00 pm. Tickets for the dinner and play are just $18.00 per person. Tickets for the play only are $7.00 per person. The melodrama promises to be a lot of laughs. DANGEROUS WATERS is the melodrama . . . a shady villian, Filmore Filcher, tries to get his greedy paws on the "Lovely" ranch and turn it in to a luxury resort and spa. Oh My! The "Lovelies" have everything to loose, unless Amy Lovely's boyfriend, true-blue "Hoot Galoot" can save the day. Please sign up in the rotunda on the Seasoned Perennials board no later than this Sunday, Fathers Day, so we can have a good count to turn in to Mahoney. So
come and join us, now is the time for fellowship, oh come now is the time to share some fun. Pictures will be taken.
Jake D., son of Sandi D. and Pastor Tony D., is headed to Nigeria. The Nigeria/Nebraska Partnership committee is sponsoring a Volunteer In Mission trip to Jalango, Nigeria, to support the orphanage sponsored by our conference. Jake, a Millard North graduate, will be going as a part of the youth team lead by Bishop Ann Sherer. Christ United Methodist Church in Lincoln has granted a $2500 scholarship for the trip. St. Andrews UMC is helping with prayers and with donations to defray his costs. This trip to Africa will give the youth an opportunity to see the great ministries supported by the United Methodist Church and help them experience what a difference we make in children's lives. The relatively small amount of $1400 will house and educate an orphan for one year. There are 28 children in the orphanage at this time.
Members of St. Andrews can help to support Jake on his mission trip to Nigeria with a financial donation. You can just write a check and designate it for Jake D. or place something in an envelope with the same designation. Jake will be coming to St. Andrews to present details of his trip to various groups so we will all be able to share in this wonderful
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of joy for Jill K. P. and Christopher P., who were united in marriage recently. Prayers for George J., preparing for surgery June 12th, also experiencing some heart problems (father of Teresa M.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Larry S., in his recent passing (father of Chrissy M.). Prayers for Laura J., critically ill; pray, also for her husband, Tim, and their children (Kathy R.’s sister-in-law).
JOEL 2:23-24, "O children of Zion be glad and rejoice in the Lord your God; for he has given the early rain for your vindication, he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and later rain as before. The threshing floors shall be full of grain, the vats shall overflow with wine and oil.