Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday 7/26/07

THIS SUNDAY, July 29, 2007
In May, members and friends of St. Andrew’s were part of a Gallup Organization Membership Engagement Survey. The findings have fascinated us and are the launching point for this Sunday’s message, preached by Bruce Davis: "SURVEY SAYS. "We’ll hear Steve Groves singing "People Get Ready," backed by the St. Andrew’s Band. Other music will include, "Standing On The Promises," "Draw Me Close," and "The Church’s One Foundation." The Ministry Minute will be a brief mid-year update from the Gracious Generosity Team. It may be vacation time everywhere else, but at St. Andrew’s, we’re hard at work and look forward to Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ with you this Sunday.
I’m girding my loins for DISCIPLE 1 BIBLE STUDY: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study. This is the first time in several years that I’ve led Disciple 1. It’s a major commitment, but my soul could use a year of Back-to-the-Bible and I look forward to sharing the experience with others. The standard thinking in Disciple 1 is that you limit the group to about a dozen participants. I, myself, prefer larger groups, so we’re going to go with any and all who sign up. We’ can spend a lot of time in breakout groups, so I really don’t see numbers as a factor. Disciple 1 is a 32-week survey of the scripture, starting with Genesis, going through Revelation. I go in assuming no one knows anything about the Bible. We’ll meet on Sunday evenings, starting at 6:00, dismissing around 7:45. First session in August 19 and we’ll end before school gets out. Like I said, it’s been several years since I last led a Disciple 1; it may be several years before I lead another one, so if you think you’d like to walk through the Bible with me, this can be the year. Of course, there are other Disciple classes starting this fall, including a Monday afternoon group led by Renee Claborn, who I know will be a terrific facilitator. I HIGHLY recommend Disciple Bible study.
YOUTH LEADER BOB D. writes from Arkansas: We are having a GREAT time here in Boonville, AR. The kids could not be happier! Half of the group has been working hard scraping and painting houses. The other half has been working with kids and seniors. We spend an hour each night in "Church Time" you should see how the Holy Spirit is at work during that time. I am assured each day I am here that I am right where God wants me. The adult leaders have been a blessing (Jay, Stacey, Cathi, and Julie).
SEASONED PERNNIALS PICNIC: The Seasoned Perennials are planning a picnic at the lake. The picnic will begin at 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 12, at Steve & Georgia C.'s, in Waterloo. Bring a side dish to share. Meat and beverages will be provided. Sign up in the Rotunda. For questions or directions, call.
JOYCE M. writes: There is a phrase among Handbell ringers of a "Frazzled Lady with two bells in her hands saying: You Want Me To Do What With These? As the handbell director at St. Andrews I would like to show curious and interested members how to ring bells and not be a frazzled ringer. We are offering an OPEN RING for three weeks in August on Wednesday nights from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The OPEN RING is for current ringers, past ringers, "I would like to try ringers" and youth from middle school through high school. There is no commitment to join the current choir; just the opportunity to come ring and see what handbell ringing is really all about. The dates are August 15th, 22nd and 29th from 5:30 to 6:30. The current adult choir will be rehearsing this fall on Wednesday nights rather than Monday as we have in the past. Questions????? Contact me either by phone or email. Joyce M.
We are looking for people to serve as facilitators for the DivorceCare program at St. Andrew’s. If you are interested, please contact Diana in the church office for more information.
Find out the answer to these questions, and more in ALPHA. Watch for more details coming in August.
The selection that will be discussed on August 13th will be A Gift of Peace by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin. If you need a copy of this book, contact Diana in the church office. The selection that will be discussed on September 10th will be Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee. Please sign up for the Book Club at the Welcome Table or contact Diana in the church office.
Well church family, we are on a really good roll. Thank you so very much. We are half way to our goal of being able to help out our back to school families in need at Pearl United Methodist Church and at Casa De Pueblo. Please don't stop now. If you need an idea of items to bring please pick up a list located by the big red box in the rotunda. Some items that we are critically low on are; under-ware and socks for boy/girls of all sizes this is really a critical need. Also personal toiletries like tooth paste and brushes, shampoo, body soap, deodorant, hair brushes and combs. This is an excellent time to take advantage of all those wonderful back to school sales out there now at all your favorite stores. We'll look for you in church this Sunday, please help us fill our box again this week. Sponsored by the circles of St. Andrews; Charity, Faith, Harmony, Patience and Hope.
Matthew 13:45, "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had an bought it."