Monday, July 09, 2007

Sioux Falls

Dear Saints of Andrew:
Who’s there?
Sioux Falls who?
Okay, that’s lame, but I’ve never been good at jokes, and that’s the best I can muster under these circumstances. I am currently in a Northwest jet parked on a cargo runway in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I am SUPPOSED to be in Minneapolis, Minnesota, awaiting my connecting flight to Omaha, but there are thunderstorms in Minneapolis, so we’ve been diverted here.
I started this day in Lakewood, Washington, south of Tacoma. Yesterday afternoon, I was blessed to officiate at the wedding of Rodney Leon A. and Loris Dean G. The ceremony was held in the village of Steilacoom, on the south end of Puget Sound. We gathered at a little pavilion adjacent to the water; the setting could not have been more picturesque. If I have my details correct, Steilacoom was the first Anglo settlement in what we know as Washington State; a monument in the center of town marks the place where the Methodists built the first church building north of the Columbia River. Leon grew up in Steilacoom and much of his family still lives there. His parents, Jerome and Marie, and the rest of his family and friends were very kind to the stranger from Omaha.
The pilot just told the flight attendants to "disarm the slides." Huh?
Of course, the big Luis Palau Festival is this coming weekend. At St. Andrew’s, we’re going with the theme, as I’m preaching a sermon titled, "REVIVAL. " The Palau promotion is heavy on X-Games-type entertainment and rock bands. On Sunday morning at St. Andrew’s, THE ST. ANDREW’S OLD TIME GOSPEL QUARTET will be offering old time gospel thumpers, including songs like "Revive Us Again," "Shall We Gather At The River," "What A Friend We Have In Jesus," "There’s Within My Heart A Melody," & "Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling," among others. After this flight experience, I may want to add "Nearer My God To Thee."
I suspect, at Sioux Falls, I’m about as close to Omaha as I am to Minneapolis.
In other news and notices:
ST. ANDREW’S ANNUAL HARVEST BOUTIQUE will be Saturday, October 6th. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to support St. Andrew’s with your time and service. There is something for everyone. Volunteers will be needed on Friday for bake sale set-up and kitchen preparation. Saturday we will need workers in the Harvest Café, bake sale, cookie corner, crafter assistants and shoppers. If you are unable to help on Friday or Saturday, consider providing baked items for the bake sale and cookie corner. Proceeds are allocated to world missions, local missions and St. Andrew’s. Las year we allocated over $8,000 to support San Andres Nicaragua, Heifer project, Dietz UMC brown bag lunch program, Wesley House, and Together Inc. Here at St. Andrew’s we purchased new tables, paper cutter and hearing assistance devices. We also donated funds to the Health Ministry to purchase an AED. Organization plans are in progress. If you are interested in helping or have any questions, contact Marsha E. We also have several crafter spaces still available. For crafter information contact Diane M.
The 2nd annual BLT progressive picnic will be Saturday, July 28th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. For more information and directions to the homes of our hosts, please check the BLT display/sign up board in the rotunda or contact Nancy B. or Julie M.
5:00 Monday Morning, Dateline Minneapolis: There’s a lesson to be learned here. On the flight from Seattle, the captain was great about sharing information, particularly during the unscheduled stop in Sioux Falls. In contrast, once we got into Minneapolis, three hours late, it looked like all systems were go in the direction of Omaha. But then all systems WEREN’T go. No one at the gate seemed to know what was going on—and in the absence of information, things got confused fast. At St. Andrew’s, we try to communicate/communicate/communicate. Any time something ISN’T clear, please let us know and we’ll try to clarify. Anyway, I wound up in the category of Displaced Passenger, getting a few hours sleep, and am back in the terminal, hopeful of getting out of here around six.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Carrie O., in her recent passing (sister of Chris W.). Prayers for Delores L., preparing for surgery on July 11th (mother of Diana F.). Prayers for Jeff H., preparing for foot surgery on July 26th. Prayers for Penny, recently diagnosed with inoperable cancer and has been given 6 months to 2 years to live; pray, also, for her son (friend of Lisa C.). Prayers for healing for Ben, who was recently in a serious auto accident (nephew of Sheila C., cousin of Erin & T.J.) Prayers for Erin C., accompanying youth & adults from Lutheran Church of the Master, on a mission trip to Mexico, July 8th through July 15th; pray for safe travels and guidance as they share the gospel with those they encounter. Prayers for Maxine A., hospitalized with pneumonia (sister of Pastor Charlotte; aunt of Terry M.).
The flight finally left at 7:00 and I am indeed back, safe and sound. There will be much to report from yesterday morning, including new members and baptisms, but I’ll include those in a middle-of-the-week mailing. For now, I need to get something to eat and then take a nap.