Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Mission

August 5, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching: “THE MISSION”
We’re going to talk about where St. Andrew’s is going and the roads that are going to take us there. We’ll share the sacrament of communion. Adam W. will bring us an offertory piece. There’s a sing-a-long component to this sermon (“Heart Of Worship,” “Lord I Want To Be A Christian,” “He Has Made Me Glad,” “If I Had A Hammer,” “Come On In” included) and we need you to make it work!
FROM JIM M.: “This Sunday’s Ministry Moment and the Communion Offering will be devoted to: Habitat For Humanity. The Mathew Ministry and the local Habitat Ecumenical Labor Force (ELF) Coalition, would like to thank St. Andrews for their continued support. Like Mathew, St. Andrew’s is dedicated to helping others through: sharing their time, skills, and generosity to touch the lives of people in our church and within the Omaha community. Thank you again for your support of Habitat for Humanity.”
NANCY DAVIS is going to jail on August 14 to help raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. She will need to raise her bail money before that date so that she doesn’t have to spend the day in lock-up. Please help her (and MDA, of course) by making a contribution to Muscular Dystrophy on her personal page. You can access Nancy’s page by entering The instructions will tell you to then click on the link “above” – actually the link to click on is “below” so please scroll down and look for it there. Any contribution you can make will be appreciated. IF you would like to view one of your co-pastors in jail, you can come to the event itself on August 14 from 10-11 A.M. at the Upstream restaurant on Center Street. (P.S. – Please don’t tell the Bishop about this!)
Our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is Sunday evening, August 12, 5:00-6:30. If you’ve been thinking about joining St. Andrew’s or would just like to meet the staff and learn more about the ministries offered, this is the event for you. Sign up in the Rotunda or via return e-mail.

Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study, the first of the studies in the Disciple Bible Study series will be offered on Monday afternoons starting at 12 noon and ending at 2:30 p.m. This is a great time for you stay-at-home moms to take this study. In this 34-week study you will read 80% of the Bible – Genesis through Revelation. It includes daily study and weekly group gatherings for discussion. Renee C. is facilitating this study. Please contact Diana, or stop by the Disciple Table in the Rotunda for more information.

Kathi M. wants to have a get together for church members new to the Omaha area. If you are interested, contact Kathi.

HOW CAN I BE SURE OF MY FAITH? WHY & HOW SHOULD I READ THE BIBLE? Join Alpha to learn the answers to these questions and more. Watch for registration information on Sunday, August 12.
BOB D. writes: Saturday August 4 United Methodist Ministries –Mo Valley District Night at the Royals. The game starts at 6:05pm. There is a live concert by the “Echoing Angels” a (Christian band) after the game. This would be a great family outing! Saturday August 11 St Andrew’s youth are participating in the annual Omaha Paint-a-Thon. Our youth group will be painting a home on 120th and Maple Street from 8am to 4pm. We need youth and parents to sign up for this great service activity. Just e-mail me if you are interested. Lastly, I am looking for adults who are interested in helping our youth by signing up for one of the following: Sunday school teacher 9:15am to 10:15am on a rotational basis, Wednesday night Bible study 7pm-8pm (only requirement is someone who is willing openly discuss matters of faith), Sunday afternoon youth group (time TBA), and Confirmation mentors.
Hello church family. We are on the home stretch. This is the last week of our drive. On Saturday August 11th, all of our wonderful donations will be delivered to our less fortunate children in the Omaha area. I can't thank you all enough for your generous donations. Let's end our drive with a real bang. Please bring your donations to the big red box in the rotunda on this our last Sunday, August 5th. Communion Sunday, what a wonderful way to celebrate communion together. Although we are still in need of any and all items on our list, we could especially use back packs. Fortunately they are on sale at all Walgreens stores, buy one for $9.99 and get another one for $1.00. For all of our needed items this is an excellent time to take advantage of all those wonderful back to school sales out there now at all your favorite stores. We'll look for you in church this Sunday, God Bless.
Sponsored by the circles of St. Andrews; Charity, Faith, Harmony, Patience and Hope.
JOYCE M. tells us: There is a phrase among Handbell ringers of a "Frazzled Lady with two bells in her hands saying: You Want Me To Do What With These? As the handbell director at St. Andrews I would like to show curious and interested members how to ring bells and not be a frazzled ringer. We are offering an OPEN RING for three weeks in August on Wednesday nights from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The OPEN RING is for current ringers, past ringers, "I would like to try ringers" and youth from middle school through high school. There is no commitment to join the current choir; just the opportunity to come ring and see what handbell ringing is really all about. If you are wondering if you need to be a great musician, the answer is: if helps but not necessary. It is my job to teach you how to ring and read music and we have great ringer mentors. Come join us!!! The dates are August 15th, 22nd and 29th from 5:30 to 6:30. The current adult choir will be rehearsing this fall on Wednesday nights rather than Monday as we have in the past. Questions????? Contact me either by phone or email.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Ardith H., in her recent passing (sister of Donna P.). Prayers for John C., recovering from a second surgery to repair a detached retina (boss of Kathy R.). Prayers for Delores L., recovering from a hospital stay (mother of Diana F.). Prayers for Mary M. who is battling cancer and is hospitalized with a collapsed lung (mother of Sandra R.). Prayers for Shirley R., preparing for surgery on August 22nd (Mike R.’s mother). Prayers for David F., recovering from surgery (Denise J.'s brother). Prayers for Wayne “SAM” S., recovering from surgery.
Acts 14:8-12, “In Lystra there was a man sitting who could not use his feet and had never walked, for he had been crippled from birth. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. And Paul, looking at him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said in a loud voice, ‘Stand upright on your feet.’ And the man sprang up and began to walk. When the crowds saw what Paul had one, they shouted in the Lycaonian language, ‘The gods have come down to us in human form!’ Branabas they called Zeus, and Paul they called Hermes, because he was the chief speaker.”

That’s one of the texts we’ll be referencing on Sunday. Hope to see you then.
God bless, BRD