Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Walking on Sunshine


THIS SUNDAY, August 26, 2007
Nancy preaching in all three services: JONAH WAS A MUGGLE

Meet your new teachers!
Parade with the Stepping Saints Marching Band!
Have a snack in Sunday School!
Share a meal with friends catered by HyVee! (Purchase tickets from office prior to Wed., Aug. 22)
Play games and ride inflatables:

• Kiddie Pillar!

• Face Painting!

• Rate Race!

• 3 Lane Bunge Run!

• 50 foot Obstacle Course!

• Candy Factory Moon Walk!

• Throw a wet sponge at Bob (Sponge Bob)!

• Dalmation Moon Walk!

• and more!!!

Remember to bring a blanket or lawn chairs to sit on to eat your lunch. Wednesday is the last day to purchase lunch tickets. Stop by the office to do so between the hours of 9:00 and 5:00. On Sunday, preschool children go directly to your class rooms, pre-Kind-5th go the Gym to find your class. See your news letter or check out the web site for the colored of balloons you will be looking for.

MARILYN C.. Marilyn is a dispatcher for Waste Management

ERIC & REBECCA PITSCHMANN. Eric works in the IT Dept. at Securities American. They have a daughter, Josie Reed.

PAUL M. & SHEA H. Paul is a Teacher at Ronald Reagan Elementary in the Millard Public Schools. Shea is a student at UNO. They are planning a wedding for summer 2008.

KAREN M. Karen is a teacher’s assistant at Brownell-Talbot and is Cindy S.’s mother.

CINDY S. Cindy has a son Brandon. She is an accountant for Data Transmission Network

DARRELL R. Darrell is a Union Ironworker

PAUL, DEB & LAUREN T. They also have a younger daughter named Oliveah. Deb is a dental hygienist. Paul is District Manager for Verizon Wireless

TERRY & SHERRY T. Terry is System Administrator for Alegent Health
Sherry is an accountant for Mutual of Omaha

BRIAN & MEGAN W. Brian is in sales at Valspar. Megan is a Human Resources Professional at Mutual of Omaha.
We were blessed to baptize MICHAEL HUDSON R., son of Greg & Jennifer.
If you missed MR. TANNER, I hope you can pick up a CD. What Craig Bence, Jeff Hatcher and our music team did with the title song was nothing short of sublime.
Of course, I’m just walking on sunshine, going on 48-hours after the birth of Madeline Teissier Du Cros. When I was in France in January, Mary had just learned she was pregnant. I had flown into Paris, taken the train to Bordeaux, and then returned to Paris for the flight back to Omaha. One of my last stops was the ancient Madeline Church, just off the Champs Elysee, where I lit a candle for Mary and the baby. I shared that with Mary in an e-mail. Mary told me months ago that she and Remi had a name picked out; they weren’t going to tell anyone until the baby was born, but she was sure I would like it. I get choked up, remembering that small candle in the vast, dark cathedral, the simple prayer offered for my little girl and the seed of life within her that would become Madeline. She’s only two days old and Madeline has become one of the great loves of my life. I told you in Sunday’s mailing that Madeline was born about the time the congregation was singing, “This little light of mine,” in the third service. Nancy has altered the verse to, “This little Madeline, God’s going to let her shine.”
THE ST. ANDREW’S CHOIR is practicing on Wednesday nights. For the next several weeks, the group will be meeting from 6:30-7:00. Starting September 12, we move to our regular time of 7:00-8:00.
From DIANA F.:
Following are some of the classes that will be offered this fall at St. Andrew’s. Contact Diana to learn more about these classes or to register. Or you can pick up a brochure of the full listing of classes at the Welcome Table or check out the webpage: www.standrewsomaha.net.

Beginning Sept. 18 from 11:30 – 1:00
This study examines the lives of Abraham, Moses, and others who believed God. Through their example, you will be encouraged to deepen your own trust in God and receive a fresh word from Him. It will lead you to a more active faith – one that begins with believing God. The study book is $15.00. Julie Taylor will facilitate. Bring your lunch if you want.

Beginning September 12 @ 6 p.m.
In the very first chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus issues two invitations: “Come and see,” and “Follow me.” They echo the invitation of this study: to come and see this Jesus—to hear him speak, to see his signs—and to consider anew what it means to be his followers. Corey Rector will facilitate this class. The workbook costs $10.

Beginning September 12 @ 7 p.m.
Can you imagine placing your feet in the sand beside Jesus, walking where He left footprints, hearing Him actually speak? Come along with Beth Moore on a life-changing journey which will lead you through the hills of Galilee with the Teacher, across the lake with the Master, and, finally, on the road with the Savior—His face set toward the cross. This 12-week study includes personal, daily assignments and weekly group sessions. The workbook is $15, and Deb Richey will be facilitating this study.
Sunday School Teachers/Helpers
We’re almost there! Still have some opportunities for you to get engaged! Remember, time commitment is on a rotational basis of every other month!
Pre-school A: 1 teacher and 1 helper needed
2nd Grade: 1 teacher and 1 helper needed
3rd Grade: 2 teachers and 1 helper needed

PreK/Kind: 1 teacher and 1 helper needed
3rd Grade: 2 helpers needed
4th Grade: 2 helpers needed

Thanks to all who have committed to Children’s Ministries by teaching and helping. It will be another great year! Contact Netta or Margie where you would like to help.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of joy for Pastors Bruce and Nancy Davis, in the recent birth of their first grandchild, Madeline Gayle Teissier DuCros, in Bordeaux, France. Prayers of joy for Lindsay M. and Bob B., in their recent marriage. Prayers of sympathy for the family of Galen T., in his recent passing (friends of Charlotte and Sheridan M.). Prayers for Mindy G., hospitalized with viral meningitis; pray, also, for her husband and 4 children (friend of Christine B.). Prayers for Mary P., recovering from knee surgery (mother of Diane W.).
Psalm 46:1-3
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.