Friday, December 07, 2007

Child of Peace

From NETTA P.: “Child of Peace”.

That’s the name of our Christmas Cantata. When Miss Pam and I research the many possibilities for the Christmas theme each year, it’s always hard to decide which one fits best with the children youth and the adults. Little did we know this year how much this Cantata will bring hope and peace through the Christmas story and how it draws relevant parallels to our world today. I would like to share the words to the finale that you will hear our children, youth and adults sing as they Share the Gospel” this Sunday:

Like a cool stream, like a slow breeze, like a whisper too quiet to hear,
Like a blossom opens in the spring-time the peaceable kingdom will appear.
All the danger, all the hatred, all the hunger and every fear,
All the sorrow will flee forever. The peaceable kingdom will appear.
And the wolf will lie down with the sheep and her lamb and the lion will lie by the deer.
Every outcast and stranger will share in a feast when the peaceable kingdom appears.
A little Child leads and he’s calling to us;
“Live in peace ‘till My kingdom appears.
Become as a child in your heart once again for My peaceable kingdom is near.
(Children will sing next piece while doing beautiful sign language)
Child of Peace
Child of Love
Child of hope from above
Child of joy
Child of light
Child of peace
Child of love, come tonight.

Please join us this Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45 for the production of “Child of Peace”. You will truly be touched and filled wit hope, peace and love. We are still in need of a few more people to help portray the live nativity. Please call Margie and be here for practice at 9:30 on Saturday
Also from NETTA: There is an excellent article at entitled “Talking to Children about Violence” that may be a good resource for parents who wish to discuss the Westroads Tragedy with their children. It is directed to safety at school, but could be a very useful tool.
Steve Smith will be making his preaching debut in the 8:00 service on Sunday.
In the wake of Wednesday’s disaster, The Missouri River District of the United Methodist Church will hold a prayer vigil at St. Luke’s UMC, 11810 Burke Street, 7:00 tonight (Friday). Nancy and I have a prior commitment and won’t be there, but we wanted you to know of this opportunity.
The number of St. Andrew’s people were on the scene Wednesday and were in actual harm’s way has me giving thanks that we were spared death in the congregation. We are, of course, learning of various personal connections. Ron W., for instance, wrote to share the following: “I'm in Chicago this week and just learned that Gary Scharf, a former manager of mine for 2 years, a good friend through some very difficult times over the years, a solid Christian and very loving father was among those killed. Just spoke with his in-laws on the phone and needless to say they need our prayers as do his son and family at this time to help them through their pain.” My daughter Mary, who lives in Bordeaux, France, wrote to say the story was being covered over there. Some way to make the news, huh.
BOB D. writes: I just wanted to remind the middle school parents that they are to drop off and pick up their youth at Thunder Ally on Sunday 1pm- 3pm (might run over)……The senior high Christmas party will be at the Jessick’s home on Saturday 6pm- 9pm.
The world’s best rock and roll band is coming to Omaha. If any of you have an inside track on Springsteen tickets, let me know. I’ve caught every Springsteen rock and roll tour since The Darkness On The Edge Of Town tour in the late ‘70s and have no intention of missing this one.
The Women of Faith Conference comes to Omaha on March 28 and 29. We can order tickets before Jan. 18 and get in on the early bird price. If we have 10 or more, that cost is $45. Please let me know if you are interested, and I will order tickets so we can sit together.
JULIE H. asks that we pray “for Camryn D., 6 year old daughter of our friends Mark and Karyn D. - she is at Children's Hospital having just been diagnosed with a mass on her brain....prayers for Cam, her family, and all of the folks at Children's who are working on the diagnosis and treatment plan.”
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks Prayers for Robin, undergoing cancer surgery; her brother who is awaiting heart and kidney test results; and her mother preparing for knee replacement surgery (cousins of Denise Johnson).
There’s a song in the air
There’s a star in the sky
There’s a mother’s deep prayer
and a baby’s low cry
And the star rains it fire
while the beautiful sing
For the manger in Bethlehem
cradles a king
--Josiah G. Holland (1819-1881)
There’s A Song In The Air.