Friday, January 25, 2008

Pastor Charlotte Appreciation

Dear Saints of Andrew:

Nancy and I are in the airport at Orlando, awaiting our return to the frigid climes of Nebraska. It hasn’t been picture postcard weather here, with clouds and rain, but let’s face it: clouds and precipitation at 70 degrees beats clouds and precipitation at 15 degrees.
I’m sure many of you have the PASTOR CHARLOTTE APPRECIATION event on your calendar. We’ll be honoring Charlotte with a lunch after church on Feb. 10. As I understand it, there will be reservation cards in this Sunday’s bulletin.
This Sunday, January 27, the Praise Band, Horns of Jericho and I will be offering: JOSHUA FIT! The service will include a rousing rendition of When The Saints God Marching In. I’ve received effusive e-mails from our music people about their most recent rehearsal, including this Sunday’s material and the first run through of BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY, which will be offered in the 9:15 & 10:45 services on February 17. (Mike Roder is preaching at 8:00 that morning.)
From BOB D.: St. Andrew's Youth Group has a new name! We are now called "The Gathering", which refers to Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.". Really cool t-shirts have been ordered and should be arriving by Sunday Feb. 17. Please order your shirt by e-mailing Bob. Shirts cost $13.95 (make your check out to St. Andrew's).
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Steve S.’s mother, who is gravely ill; pray, also, for her family.
We’re about to find out if the Orlando airport wireless system will allow me to send bulk e-mail. If you receive this, you’ll know the answer….