Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pizza with the Pastors

JOIN US THIS SUNDAY, March 16, 2008

As we wave palm branches and shout Hosanna! in celebration of:

Nancy is preaching: FAMOUS LAST WORDS


We’re coming off what a huge weekend. Nancy brought back nothing but great reports from the Women’s Retreat. And I’ve rarely had more profound fun in worship than I experienced yesterday. I could get used to entering to tunnel music and the smoke machine! J We were incredibly blessed by the presence of the Youth Praise Band and Upward Cheerleaders. I figured FOUL! would either go over like a lead-balloon or be very well-received. When you didn’t start throwing things at me at the decoder ring material, I knew I was going to be okay. It’s such a joy to preach to people who like to laugh. As the scripture says: “a cheerful heart has continual feast!” (Proverbs 15:15).


NETTA P. tells us more about UPWARD BASKETBALL & CHEERLEADING SUNDAY: Wow, what a turnout! We began with worship at 10:45 recognizing all the volunteers and children, then served 1,500 (?) hot-dog sack lunches. (Can never smell another hot dog again!), then had our Celebration with the Amazing Arthur followed by awards for each child. We were busting at the seams! We not only packed the 950 seats in the sanctuary, but also filled 250 folding chairs along the sides. Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to make this a successful day. I’ve received many e-mails complementing on how well everything flowed….even lunch! We could not have done it without all your help!! What a great ministry! Praise God for Children!!


Our March PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is scheduled for this Sunday, March 16, 5:00-6:30. This is an event designed for people interested in membership at St. Andrew’s. Register via return e-mail or sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda on Sunday morning, so we’ll know how much pizza to order.


From Craig B.: ATTENTION!: If you have a joy for Christian music and have the evening of April, 27th open…THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU! The number one selling Christian music group will be at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs! They are called “Casting Crowns”. They have had 7 straight top 10 songs (a record) on the Christian music charts. Their 2nd album went “platinum” faster than any other album in Christian music history. I have received an additional 50 tickets for this concert at a discount and will be selling them the next two Sunday’s in the rotunda. They are normally $28 a piece, but I will be selling them for $23. Another COOL thing about this opportunity is that we have 40+ St. Andrews folks already going and sitting together. These additional 50 tickets are seated along with the other St. Andrews 40+! That means that we could have 90+ people all from St. Andrews sitting together and enjoying Christian music together! If you have thought about making a Christian concert this year (outside of the St. Andrews concerts of course), this would be the one to make! Please stop by the table in the rotunda and pick up your tickets or contact me at cbence@owenind.com (cell: 740-4063)!



Tuesday, March 18 is our DAY OF PRAYER FOR SAN ANDRES

(When some of us were in Nicaragua last month, the people of namesake community, San Andres, wanted us to know they had set aside the Tuesday of Holy Week as a day of prayer for St. Andrew’s in Omaha. It seems right and good that we should return the favor.)

MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 20, 7:00,

The Reckless Abandon Players present:

GOOD FRIDAY OBSERVANCE, Noon, featuring readings from the Gospel of Matthew.


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Bruce & Nancy: JESUS ROSE

March 29 & 30


5:00 Saturday

8:30 & 10:00 Sunday

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT: Why Jesus Jumped Into The Volcano


People in our Prayers today include TARA S., at the passing of her grandmother. ORV & DARLENE S.’S great-granddaughter, MADYSON, is undergoing tests today. GREG W. has undergone what sounds like a complicated dental surgery.
