Friday, March 14, 2008


THIS SUNDAY, March 16, 2008


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

We wave Palm Branches and shout Hosanna!

Nancy is preaching: FAMOUS LAST WORDS


ST. ANDREW’S EASTER EGG HUNT, Saturday March 22nd @ 10:00 am.

Come and enjoy music, crafts and an Easter Egg Hunt.

Please bring 12 filled plastic eggs to share in the hunt.


Attention graduating seniors! There are two great scholarship opportunities awarded here at St. Andrew’s.

  1. The Bea Shannon Memorial Scholarship-Presented by the United Methodist Women in the amount of $500.
  2. The Alan Bruner Memorial scholarship in the amount of $1500.

Scholarship forms are available to pick up at the youth table located in the Rotunda. Scholarship applications are due by 5:00pm on March 15 (turn in scholarship forms to Bob Davis’ office mailbox).


I traded my ’03 Chevy Cavalier this week for a Dodge Caliber. That’s not the exciting news. Hardly anyone gets less excited about automobiles than I do.

I see autos as an unavoidable way of getting from Point A to Point B. Here’s what’s exciting. After buying the Dodge, it was explained that I was getting a year of satellite radio for free. Okay. I mostly listen to CDs, with an occasional excursion to K-LOVE, but out of curiosity, I flipped through the radio dial and found E-STREET RADIO! That’s exciting!!! Tonight, at the Qwest Center, the best rock & roll act in the history of the genre comes to Omaha. I’ve caught every Springsteen/E-Street Band tour since DARKNESS AT THE EDGE OF TOWN in the late ‘70s. And here’s the thing: This is no oldies act. The new album, MAGIC, has songs that stack up with some of the best Bruce has ever recorded, including RADIO NOWHERE, which, according the set lists on the web site, will likely be the second song on tonight’s agenda. I wonder if he’ll open with NEBRASKA? Upon getting the call from Bishop Ann B. Sherer in the summer of ’05, I pulled out the old vinyl recording and decided that if Springsteen could title an album after the state, it was a place I could surely live—though the cover art of a very flat two-lane road, photographed in monochrome from the inside of an automobile, snow on the windshield wipers, did send a foreboding chill. Anyway, if you’re among the fortunate who will be at the Qwest tonight, I have this to say, quoting Springsteen’s own self: STAND UP AND LET IT SHOOT RIGHT THROUGH YOU!


Given the way the economy is going, I figured I could probably get a pretty good deal on a car, right now. I saw on the news this morning that oil is up to $110 a barrel. I am mindful of our readers who have to do a lot of driving. I suppose we’re nearing, if not already at, a place where some of us are conscious of the cost of just taking the car out of the driveway. Please know that we appreciate each of you who makes the choice to bring yourself and your family to St. Andrew’s.


SHIRLEY C. asks us to pray for her friend, Donna B. who was to have surgery yesterday. .


Tuesday, March 18 is our DAY OF PRAYER FOR SAN ANDRES

MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 20, 7:00,

The Reckless Abandon Players present:

GOOD FRIDAY OBSERVANCE, Noon, featuring readings from the Gospel of Matthew, with appropriate hymns and prayers.


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Bruce & Nancy: JESUS ROSE

March 29 & 30


5:00 Saturday

8:30 & 10:00 Sunday

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT: Why Jesus Jumped Into The Volcano


Mark 12:41-44, He sat down opposite the (temple) treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.

Note from Bruce: This is basic Christian stewardship: It’s not the size of the gift that ultimately matters, but the love represented by the gift.
