Friday, March 07, 2008

Prayer Needs

Please Pray For:

THE WOMEN’S RETREAT. Nancy and over forty other women will spend the weekend at Mahoney State Park. Nancy has been leading such retreats as long as she and I have been in ministry together. Ladies come back with glowing reports of bonding and spiritual growth. Let’s pray they have a great weekend.

THIS SUNDAY’S SERVICES: We have what should be a very interesting morning planned, working with Upward Basketball & Cheerleading themes. With many of our women choristers away for the retreat, a men’s ensemble will present JUST A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS. The Youth Praise Band will be with us at 9:15 & 10:45. I have put the finishing touches on a sermon titled, FOUL! We anticipate a good number of visitors, particularly at 10:45, in conjunction with the Upward end-of-season event over the noon hour. We’ll appreciate your prayers for an outstanding morning.

THE NEW WORSHIP LAUNCH: I’m feeling very good about where we are in our plans for launch weekend, March 29 & 30, when we shift to a worship schedule of 5:00 on Saturdays, 8:30 & 10:00 on Sundays. We’re pretty close to being as ready as we can be. Will you please hold this before the throne of grace, asking God’s blessings on our endeavor? Maybe pray, also, that the Lord will lay on your heart the names of people who you might invite to be part of the experience.

We’ve received a couple of new personal prayer requests in the past twenty-four hours. CARRIE T. asks us to pray for her friend, JOANNE, who is in critical condition with pneumonia. SUE S. asks prayer for her aunt, ARDYTH B., hospitalized in Kearny from injuries sustained in an automobile accident.

Finally, I'll appreciate prayers for myself and others who get confused by the Time Change.