Thursday, April 10, 2008

Von Maur

THIS WEEKEND, April 5 & 6

Saturday, 5:00 (We’re back in the sanctuary)

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching:


Including the witness of five who were there


I’ve been mulling over the issues we’ll be discussing this Sunday for months. It was important to me that I do justice to PANDEMONIUM: THE VON MAUR SERMON and I’m grateful for what the Lord’s given me. The Lord’s grace has extended to our music for this weekend; my heart was touched by what I heard at last night’s rehearsals. If you know of someone who was involved in any way, shape or form in the events of last December, I encourage you to invite them to our services.


From DIANE M.: This Sunday is Pancake Sunday at St. Andrews..we invite all of you to join us for a " late breakfast or an early lunch" of Pancakes, sausages and fresh fruit on Sunday morning! Hope Circle will be flipping for you! All of you Sat. night attenders are welcome to join us too!


This Sunday, April 6, 5:00-6:30

Designed for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew’s

Nancy & Bruce will be there, along with other members of the staff.

Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or via return e-mail

We will NOT be having a PWP in May, our next one is scheduled for June.



This year, St. Andrew’s VBS is Power Lab! Registration is all online @ Look under the “Children” tab. The information for registration is at the bottom of the page. Sign up today-invite your friends. If you have any questions, contact Netta, Kris or Kathi. Also, don’t miss our first “The Big Ticket” movie night on Friday, April 18th from 6:30-8:30. Come find out how even the smallest “ant” is part of God’s Big Plan. Make sure to register soon. The forms are located on the Children’s Ministry’s table located in the Rotundra.

Parents, we are still in need of helpers in the Sunday school classrooms for the Saturday 5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. class times. This is a rotational schedule. We are also in need of a new group of teachers for the month of May. Volunteers are a very important asset to our Children’s Ministry here at St. Andrew’s. We truly believe that our Sunday school program really helps our children to experience Jesus on a level that is exciting and fun for them. Please help us continue this program and prayerfully consider volunteering your time and love for the children.

It’s time to give our fabulous teachers that have been teaching all year a break. Children’s Ministry is in need of a new group of teachers for our Summer Saturday and Sunday school classes which run June, July and August. This is a rotational schedule, please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and love for the children.


Gallup Membership Survey Report: Part 3 of 23

#3: In my church, I regularly have the opportunity to do what I do best.

Diana F., reporting

On a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree), St. Andrew’s had an average score of 3.88, compared to the Gallup Mean Score of 3.66.

There are many opportunities to do what you do best at St. Andrew’s. These are all listed in the Ministry and Spiritual Growth Opportunities booklet available at the Connection Point in the Rotunda. Maybe you have a new idea for a ministry. Let Diana know and she can help you make it happen. Not sure what you do best. Take the StrengthsFinder Seminar offered several times a year at St. Andrew’s and find out. Watch for details about the next Seminar.



  • Madison D., age 5 (great-grand daughter of Orv & Darlene S.): having tests.
  • Lyle H.(cousin of Diane B.): cancer surgery.
  • Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.): battling cancer.
  • Dick P. (father of Diane W.): tests.
  • Tommy M.: born with CMV virus.
  • Gene W.: treatment for cancer.
  • Gale H.: surgery April 15th.

Romans 14:8, We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of the dead and the living.