Monday, April 28, 2008

General Conference


Linde and Chad W. – Chad is a firefighter and Linde is teacher at Elkhorn Public Schools. They have a daughter, Riley, who is 11 months old.

Don M. – Don sells crop insurance with Pro Ag Insurance.

Susan B. – Susan has a son Kalvin who is almost 3.



Sabbath Night Live, 2008:

Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd

    • Doors open 6:00
    • Buffet Dinner 6:15
    • Show 7:00

Some tickets are still available. Please contact Judy H. at the St. Andrew's Church Office, 431-8560.

For those who have reserved tickets and still need to pay, you can bring your money to the night of the performance

Volunteers needed for both nights. Please contact Adrian.

The Worship Schedule

Saturday, May 3, 5:00

Sunday, May 4, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: WEDDING AT CANA

aka: Why Nancy Does Most Of The Weddings At St. Andrew’s

Sunday afternoon, 3:00




May 10 & 11

Nancy preaching: MOTHER-IN-LAW


Regarding the sermon preached over this past weekend, I was asked, this morning, why I thought it was necessary to mention the United Methodist position on homosexuality. That’s easy. The General Conference of the United Methodist Church is currently meeting in Fort Worth. We can pass resolutions about poverty, violence, ecology and a host of other matters, and the only thing that will be covered in the press is what we do or don’t do regarding the homosexuality issue. Better you hear it from your pastors, I figure. WHY JOHN WESLEY WAS KICKED OUT OF THE METHODIST CHURCH is posted on the web page: Click the SERMON link. For that matter, if you want to follow the Conference yourself, try this website: If you see anything there that Nancy or I can help clarify, let us know.


Our congregation was well represented at the Casting Crowns concert last night. Craig B. tells me fliers were distributed among the crowd, publicizing the concert to be held at St. Andrew’s on Thursday evening, May 22. The headliner is CALEB ROWDEN, with an opening act called BENJAMIN. This is a free concert, starting at 7:00.



Y-COSA (Young (20’s and 30’s) Couples of St. Andrew’s) BUNCO NIGHT! Bunco is a fun dice game (you do not need to know how to play) we will be playing at the church on May 9th from 6:30-8:30. Please bring a potluck dish to share! Childcare will be available. RSVP to Mandy at 431-8560 ext. 23


NETTA P. tells us: VBS Registrations are going great! Doing this on the Web is going to be so much more efficient. NOW, volunteers need to also sign up on the Web. We are not processing hard copy. You can do this right now….just go to Hit the children’s button, click on the morning, evening or camp site and volunteer registration is right there! We will need right around 130 volunteers to run these three VBS options. Please prayerfully consider helping and sign up today. You’ll be glad you did. Our volunteers past will tell you it is so much fun, and rewarding!!


1 John 4:7-8

Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.
