Friday, September 29, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:

I‚m looking forward to sharing "COLD CASE" with you this Sunday. The Choir will be singing at 9:15 & 10:45, the Bells will be with us in all three services. We'll share the sacrament of Holy Communion, which is open to all believers. Would you consider please picking up the phone or getting on your e-mail and inviting someone to our service this Sunday? We'd like that a lot.
Our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is October 8, 5:00-6:30. This event is designed for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew's. Child care is provided. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk on Sunday.
My grandfather raised my father to be a St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan and my father in turn raised me to be a St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan. These past 9 days may have been the most frustrating in the history of our tribe. I realize Omaha's Bob Gibson is probably seventy years old by now, but if we could put him back in a Cardinals uniform to pitch tonight, he'd stand a better chance than the stiff who started last night.
MOMS Ministry of Mothers Sharing, Beginning Soon!
This class is scheduled to begin soon, but we need 4 more women to make the class successful. MOMS is an eight week journey that creates in women awareness of the inner sacred self while at the same time teaching them new ways to inspire, encourage, and affirm each other. Through the process of personal and spiritual growth, women have the opportunity to clarify their values, claim their own giftedness, and bring these strengths to their family relationships and to the Christian community. This class helps women of all ages connect with others and God. Please contact Diana F. for more details and if you are interested in joining this group. The registration deadline is Monday, October 2, 2006.
Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter came and said to him, "Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy times seven."