Wednesday, November 29, 2006



The First Sunday in Advent

Bruce preaching:

There are two dominant theories in American Protestantism as to how to approach this time of the year. One model, which is the more liturgically correct, defers any overtly Christmas imagery, including Christmas hymns, to Christmas Eve. I’ve actually tried that model several times over the years. I appreciate the theory, but the practice leaves me cold. At this point in our lives, Nancy and I subscribe to the second model, so you’ll find the chancel decorated for the season this Sunday, with the congregation singing, “Angels We Have Heard On High” and “Christmas Isn’t Christmas ‘Till It Happens In Your Heart.” It makes us happy and I hope it has the same effect on you.
We’ve been getting calls this morning asking if we’ll be canceling events at the church tonight because of the weather forecast. Having heard all these stories, before moving north last year, about how hearty Nebraskans are in the wintertime, I’ve been a bit surprised at how skittish the natives seem to be about a little winter weather. Let me be clear: I would never want anyone to try to get here if they didn’t feel it was safe. Are we clear on that? That said, this has been my rule of thumb over the years, particularly relating to Sunday morning: If the weather is such that the Green Bay Packers would play football in it and fans would come out en mass to see the game, I’m inclined to go ahead with what we’ve got scheduled at the church.

CHRISTMAS EVE SCHEDULE. When Christmas Eve comes on a Sunday, it provides a special challenge for scheduling of worship services. We are having four services on December 24 and hope that one or more of them will fit into your family’s holiday schedule. We will have only one morning service – at 10:00 A.M. Children’s and Youth Sunday School will not meet that morning. This 10:00 service will feature Christmas carols, special music presentations and will preach a special Christmas sermon. That evening we will have three traditional Christmas Eve services – at 3:00, 5:00, and 7:00 P.M. All three services will feature a special presentation by our Drama Team in lieu of a sermon. All three services will feature special music, including children’s choirs at 5:00 and the St. Andrew’s Singers at 7:00. All three services will feature the celebration of Holy Communion and candlelight singing of “Silent Night”. So be sure to include worship on Christmas Eve in your holiday plans. Celebrate the birth of Christ with friends and family at St. Andrew’s.
From Diana F.:

Living The Questions will give you an opportunity to discuss this question and many more mysteries of faith and life. Living The Questions is a 13-week study beginning on Wednesday, January 18th at 6 p.m. Pastor Nancy will facilitate this study. It is for those who have completed Disciple I or have a good Bible understanding. Childcare will be provided upon request. Contact Diana if you want to register.

Divorce and separation are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. DivorceCare is offered at St. Andrew’s on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Contact Diana for more information.

Common Sense Parenting – Improve Your Relationship With Your Child – classes for Older Children (6 and older), Young Children (5 and under) and ADHD Children will begin in January and run from 6 – 7 weeks, depending upon which class you take. Look for complete information regarding place, date and time, on the bulletin board near the coat room. Call for pricing and registration. These classes are sponsored by Girls and Boys Town.
Charlotte also asks: Prayers for Kathy R., preparing for surgery this coming week.
Philippians 2:11-15: Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Do all things without murmuring and arguing, so that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine like stars in the world.


Monday, November 27, 2006



December 3, 2006

The First Sunday In Advent

Bruce Davis: “INNOCENCE”

Philippians 2:1-15
We were blessed to participate in the baptism of GRANT JAMES M., son of Nathan and Lori.
Adding Sunday morning and Wednesday evening (121) together, we figure a worship count of 1,005. Factor 181 young ones, we arrive at a happy number of 1,186.
There’s a whole lot of shaking going on around here today. Netta and her team are getting ready for the first round of UPWARD BASKETBALL & CHEERLEADING evaluations. Christmas trees are up, waiting to be decorated. It’s great to see all the gifts under the TOGETHER INC. CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE.
This Kramer fellow from “Seinfeld” has been in the news. I saw the footage of his 2 ½ minute racial diatribe on one of the cable news stations. I also noticed that at least some in the audience seemed to think it was funny. One could scarcely blame people of color in this country for wondering if Michael Richards was simply saying what many if not most white people actually think. I have a heavy doctrine of original sin. Included in my doctrine of sin is the suspicion that most everybody—red and yellow, black and white—has an inclination to racism. Racism was a big issue in the gospel era. In that time and place, it was Jew and Gentile. Authentic Christianity strives to rise above our labels and live as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Love not only does not say what Michael Richards said, it doesn’t laugh when others say it.
We were thrilled to hear Auction/Dinner/Dance Coordinators GREG & PAM T. and KEVIN & STACEY F. report that a conservative counting has the 7th Annual Gala clearing in the vicinity of $90,000. Wow!
PAM F. writes:
All adult and youth who are involved with the Dec. 10th intergenerational music program, will have rehearsal this Wednesday (Nov. 29th) and next Wednesday (Dec. 6th) from 6:15-7:30. This week we will meet in the music rehearsal room. It's not too late to join us!

Also, the Christmas Eve Choir is for only the 7:00 p.m. service. We would love to invite more people to join us. We are rehearsing on Sunday mornings from 10:15-10:40 in the music rehearsal room. If you have questions on either of these choirs, please contact Pam F.
PAT M. writes: Would you please remind the Seasoned Perennials (those 55 and better) to join us for our Christmas Dinner on December 10th at 5:30 at the church. We will have a chicken dinner - catered by HyVee - and then play some games. Please sign up in the rotunda. The cost is $6.00 each. We will also have a gift exchange - bring a $5 - $10 gift. Thanks, Pat M.
BOB D. tells us: December 5th at 6:30pm Nancy and I (Bob) will be having an activities planning meeting for St. Andrew’s youth group 5th grade through 12th grade. All parents and their youth are welcome to attend. We will be planning the next three months (January –March) of activities for the youth group. We will be meeting in the youth room. I am looking forward to a successful meeting!
SCOTT K. asks: "Please say a special prayer for the victims and victim's families of the devastating fire that swept through a group home for the mentally ill in southwest early Monday morning."
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for 5 year old Corey, who is legally blind, awaiting test results which will indicate whether or not he may totally lose his sight (great-nephew of Sheila C.). Prayers of sympathy for Lou Ri. and his family, in the recent passing of his sister, Betty.
Philippians 2:1-11
If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death—even death on a cross. Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The 12 Days of Christmas

Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving. Nancy and I ate turkey and dressing at the Village Inn, then saw “The Queen” at the Douglas 20. I’ll be very surprised if Helen Mirren doesn’t receive an Oscar for her performance, and the fellow playing Tony Blair was outstanding, as well.
Let me HIGHLY recommend “The Queen.”
We had a nice, laid back worship experience, Wednesday evening. Nancy put together a wonderful homily and we had fun singing songs of Thanksgiving. There was a nice turnout, too. This Sunday, Nancy’s bringing us “THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS.” As always, your presence will be appreciated.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for John Wesley M., serving in Iraq; pray, also, for his family and that God watch over him and keep him safe (Cousin of Eleanor D.). Prayers for Larry S., recovering from chemotherapy (co-worker of Kathy R.).

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Wednesday, November 22
Nancy preaching
November 26
Nancy preaching: “The Twelve Days Of Christmas”
The 201 in the A-Mail message line represents the number of PASTOR CHARLOTTE CAMPAIGN commitments received so far. That’s a fine start. If you are not among the 201, we invite you to put your pledge card in the mail or bring it to worship this Sunday.

GREG, PAM & KATIE A. Greg is a Customer Service Rep with Ameripride. Pam is a daycare provider.

MATT & MEGAN G. Matt is a Social Studies teacher at Lewis & Clark Middle School. Megan is a Spanish Teacher at Blair Public Schools

DAWN H. Dawn is a psychologist with Quality Living, Inc.

JEFFREY L. & MELISSA A. They will be getting married at St. Andrew’s sometime in the near future. Jeff is an architect with HDR, Inc. Melissa is a teacher with the Millard Public Schools

BRITTANY N. Brittany is a sophomore at Burke High School

MATT & KAYLA T. Matt is a teacher with Omaha Public Schools.
Kayla is a stay-at-home mom. She is already a member of St. Andrew’s – Kayla E. They have daughters Abigail who is 6 and Kiley (baptized yesterday) 7 months.

Parents: Michaela & Matthew T.

Parents: Mark & Brooke T.

Parents: Kendall & Sara K.
Sunday’s worship count was 835, with 157 children in Sunday School, for a total strength of 992.
It was great to see such a good turnout at 10:45, probably the best 10:45-to-9:15 ratio we’ve had in months. I regret the technical malfunction, but bless your hearts for staying with us.
I want to thank the musicians who participated in all three of the services on Sunday, including The Four Marys: Joy R., Diane W., Sue S. and Jean B.; The Horns Of Jericho: David F., Gena F. and Josh F.; and, of course, The Sanctifications: Leon A., Bill and Gene W., Tyler S., Steve G. & Heather D. (I hope I’m not missing anybody.)
Many congratulations to all who were part of the very successful Seventh Annual DINNER/DANCE/AUCTION, including, first and foremost, our coordinators: Greg & Pam T. and Kevin & Stacey F. You’ll be hearing more as we process what was an amazing event.
The Nebraska Annual Conference has established a fund to assist Nebraska Wesleyan University (NWU) with needs related to the installation of adequate sprinkler systems in all campus residences. If your congregation wishes to be a part of this ministry, you may send contributions to the conference office labeled Fund 798, NWU Fire Relief, and your gifts will be passed along. Thank you for your support of this important ministry!
TRUDY M. writes, regarding the Blood Drive: Want to thank all that donated!! We went over our goal!! Our next drive is Jan. 21 (7:30-12:00), hope to see more people at this one. Thanks again for helping to save lives!!!!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Alex B., who is experiencing health issues. Prayers of sympathy for the family of Darrell D., in his recent passing (father of Kathy D.; Kathy is sister-in-law of Brian and Nicole D.). Prayers for Doug H., who has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer (son-in-law of Mickey V.). Prayers for Shane Q. in ICU burn unit, due to TENS (3 year old son of Brian and Lori Q.; close friend of Todd & Laura G.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Carol P., in her recent passing (Aunt of Denise J.; Great Aunt of Nikki, Lindsay and Cody H. and Stacy W.).
Psalm 92:1-4, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night, to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre. For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work: at the works of your hands I sing for joy.”

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thanksgiving Sunday

November 19, 2006


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

The Sermon:


Featuring Bruce Davis, Nancy Davis, The Sanctifications, The Horns Of Jericho and The Four Marys

The St. Andrew's Singers and Youth Choir will also be part of our morning.

Other musical selections will include:
"Come Ye Thankful People Come"

"We Gather Together"

"Bringing In The Sheaves"

"Jacob's Ladder."


The Christmas Eve Choir will begin practice this Sunday, 10:15-10:45 in the Lower Level Music Practice Room.


THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP SERVICE, Wednesday, November 22, Nancy preaching.


Do us a favor, please. Via return e-mail, tell us IF you received this mailing and WHAT TIME it reached you.

Lord willing, we'll see you Sunday!

God bless, BR

Standing In Line

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-Mail. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.
We've been having many adventures in internet land. We recently changed our network provider. The web site is under reconstruction, though you can still access meeting dates there. A-Mails will now have to wait in an e-line at Cox to be sent out sometime during the night, theoretically arriving on your PC the next morning. As we understand it, many of you haven't been receiving A-Mail the past couple of weeks. What follows is a veritable compendium of material from recent mailings.
November 19, 2006
Bruce Davis, The Sanctifications, The Horns of
and The Four Marys will offer a sermon titled, "O MARY DON'T YOU WEEP."
Sunday's count was 907 in worship. Add 167 children, we had 1,074 present at our weekly Sabbath morning gathering. Your presence is deeply appreciated.
Christmas Eve is a particularly wonderful time to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with visitors. So many people will show up, who have no church home. We want to put our best foot forward. Last year, many of our choir regulars were out of town on the big night, leaving us rather thin. As a corrective this year, we‚re putting together a CHRISTMAS EVE CHOIR. Beginning this Sunday, November 19, The Christmas Eve Choir will practice on Sunday mornings, in the 10:15-10:45 time slot, between the second and third services. If you can carry a tune, or even just move your lips while others sing, we hope you‚ll consider helping us on Christmas Eve.
REMINDER: Blood drive this Sunday (Nov 19) from 7:30 am to 12:00 pm. Come one come all!! Thanks!!
The first Nebraska football game Nancy and I attended at Memorial Stadium was last year's contest against . The team was coming off a losing streak; there was speculation that Coach Callahan might be fired. But in our presence, the Huskers put together a win against the Wildcats, then swept past Colorado and to finish the season triumphantly. This year, Nancy and I were given tickets for the game. The Huskers won, of course, and followed that up with Saturday‚s big road victory against Texas A&M. Coincidence? Or the carry over of good Methodist vibes, emanating from St. Andrew's? You decide.
I understand we had as many as forty people partake of communion offered in the Prayer Chapel on Sunday morning. I believe I was first in line! It may be instructive as to how this came about. The idea had been floated before, but there are a lot of ideas floated around here, and this one had not been followed up on. But after the October Pizza With The Pastors, one of our prospects shared that she came out a congregation that shared communion each week and she would miss that. The conversation triggered memories of prior conversations on that very subject. That Tuesday, we discussed the Prayer Chapel communion option in staff. said she‚d follow up. Steve Smith and Dave White were brought on board. And we were up and running on Sunday. Which is to say, if you come up with a good idea that is within our overall vision and capabilities, we're going to try it.
BOB D. writes: On November 19th the Parent Advisory Board is meeting in the Youth Room at 1:30pm to discuss up coming changes for the Youth Ministry Program 2007. All interested parents are welcome to attend the meeting. Pastor Nancy will also be attending the meeting.
We are still taking registrations at the price of $55.00. After Nov. 20, price goes up to $65.00. Sign up now! We will have a better idea of practice schedules after registrations are in. All parents will be contacted as soon as we can get these dates. Games will be on Saturday mornings.
All kids and one parent are required to attend one of these evaluations. Kids will also get sized for uniforms (Cheerleading too) at these dates:
Monday, November 27 between 6:00-8:00
Tuesday, November 28 between 6:00-8:00
Saturday, Dec. 2 between 9:00-11:00 AM
When an emergency strikes people in our community, who will answer the cry for help? Emergencies and personal disasters happen everyday, whether it's losing a job, medical illnesses, divorce, abuse or other unexpected situations. When this happens, Together, Inc. is always ready to help and we as members of St. Andrews can give back to the community by assisting Together in providing valuable services to those in need.

Together, Inc. located at
1616 Cass Street
is a non-profit, multi-faith emergency relief service which was founded in 1975 by religious leaders in after the tornado disaster left hundreds of victims homeless, hungry and in great need. Since that time cooperative efforts have continued in the metropolitan area to provide and distribute basic supplies and services such as food, clothing, furniture, rent/utilities assistance, household items, infant supplies, prescriptions, eyeglasses and holiday items. Together's staff screens, documents and serves over 2,000 families a month and helps to put these families/individuals back in the mainstream as productive members of society.

With the holiday season fast approaching, now is the perfect time to give a little of ourselves to those less fortunate. You are currently able to select a gift tag and/or food tag from our Giving Tree located in the narthex to help supply Together's Christmas Store. During the week of Dec. 11th through the 16th, Together will let parents/guardians experience the joy of playing Santa by choosing gifts for their own children through age 18. Children will also be given the opportunity to choose small gifts for their parents/guardians. Your generous contributions to this cause will help brighten the holidays of many less fortunate individuals. Also, if you would like to volunteer your time either working at the store on Friday, December 15th or helping to set up the store the week of December 4th, please contact the church.

In addition to the holiday store other Together, Inc. volunteer opportunities throughout the year include: contributing to the Easter food sack drive, volunteering your time at Together, Inc. sorting clothes and sacking food, providing monetary help and donating specified items such as school, personal or household items as the needs arise.

Please contact Starla M. for any further information.
>From DIANA F.:

Foster Parents Panel Discussion
Come hear from three of St. Andrew's foster families Greg & Deanna A., Joe & Jody M., and Kevin & Teresa W. as they share their experiences. Learn how you, too, can be a foster parent. There will be a time for questions and sharing of ideas. Sign up to join a support group of foster parents. The gathering will be Wednesday, Nov. 15th at 6 p.m. in Lower Level 4.

The Miracle of Christmas
What was the real miracle of Christmas?? It was what happened in a manger in long ago. There, God came in the birth of Jesus to visit and redeem his people. There, God entered into history to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves˜to save us! There, through the little baby born in a lowly stable, God‚s will, God's idea, God's intention, God's Word, God‚' purpose, and God's love became flesh and blood, and lived among us, full of grace and truth. Join Ginny H. as she leads the discussion of this Advent Study beginning Wednesday, Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. in Lower Level 4. Please let Diana know if you plan to attend so books can be ordered. The cost of the study is $5.
SHEILA B. writes: There is an organization in town called Senior Health Foundation that sponsors movies for seniors (ages 50 and over) at the 20 Grand on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month (September thru May) at 1:30 in the afternoon at the discounted rate of $4.00 per person. You can call their number 827-6001 the week of the showings to find out which movies are being offered. Next week's movies are: Movies for Thursday, 11-16- 06: Showtime is 1:30 p.m .Santa Clause 3 Rated PG; STRANGER THAN FICTION Rated PG-13; A GOOD YEAR Rated PG-13; Movie Information Line: 827-6001
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of William E., in his recent passing (father of Marcia K.; grandfather of Greg and Jason K.). Prayers for Teri Q., preparing for surgery on November 16th. Prayers for Nancy B., preparing for surgery on November 22nd. Prayers for Eloise H., hospitalized with internal bleeding in (cousin of Jerry E.). Prayers for Rita H., as she faces decisions concerning her cancer diagnosis; pray, also, for Brad, Megan and family (Brad H.'s‚ mother). Prayers for Richard N., recovering from a liver transplant and has developed an infection. (Dee H.'s brother).Prayers for the following family members of Chris L.: her mother, hospitalized due to a stroke; her niece, Blair, hospitalized with low blood counts and dehydration; her nephew, hospitalized from a bad seizure; and her sister's father-in-law, hospitalized with a heart attack. Prayers for Nancy B., preparing for ear surgery on November 22nd. Prayers for Wanda M., hospitalized due to a stroke; has lost vision in one eye (mother of Teresa W.).
A reading from Romans 8: "If God is for us, who can be against us? Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No, in all these things are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.
November 19, 2006

Bruce Davis, The Sanctifications, The Horns of Jericho and The Four Marys will offer a sermon titled, “O MARY DON’T YOU WEEP.”
Sunday’s count was 907 in worship. Add 167 children, we had 1,074 present at our weekly Sabbath morning gathering. Your presence is deeply appreciated.
We had another really good Pizza With The Pastors Sunday evening. I think we’ll take December off and plan a gala New Year’s PWP for Sunday evening, January 14.
As has been noted, we are in e-transition. The web site: is under reconstruction. That said, you can access meeting dates on the site. Many thanks to Carrie T. and Steve S. who are leading the reconstruction effort.


Nancy and I made our Memorial Stadium debut at last year’s contest against Kansas State. The Huskers were coming off a losing streak; there was speculation that Coach Callahan might be fired. But in our presence, the Huskers put together a win against the Wildcats, then swept past Colorado and Michigan to finish the season triumphantly. This year, Nancy and I were given tickets for the Missouri game. The Huskers won, of course, and followed that up with Saturday’s big road victory against Texas A&M. Coincidence? Or the carry over of good Methodist vibes, emanating from St. Andrew’s? You decide.
I understand we had as many as forty people partake of communion offered in the Prayer Chapel on Sunday morning. I believe I was first in line! It may be instructive as to how this came about. The idea had been floated previously, but there are a lot of ideas floated around here, and this one had not been followed up on. But after the October Pizza With The Pastors, one of our prospects shared that she came out a congregation that shared communion each week and that she would miss the weekly experience. The conversation triggered memories of prior conversations on that very subject. That Tuesday, we discussed the Prayer Chapel communion option in staff. Pastor Charlotte said she’d follow up. Steve Smith and Dave White were brought on board. And we were up and running on Sunday. Which is to say, if you come up with a good idea that is within our overall vision and capabilities, we’re going to try it. If we don't try it, that doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea; more likely it didn't fit in either our overall vision or capabilities!
BOB D. writes: On November 19th the Parent Advisory Board is meeting in the Youth Room at 1:30pm to discuss upcoming changes for the Youth Ministry Program in 2007. All interested parents are welcome to attend the meeting. Pastor Nancy will also be attending the meeting.
We are still taking registrations at the price of $55.00. After Nov. 20, price goes up to $65.00. Sign up now! We will have a better idea of practice schedules after registrations are in. All parents will be contacted as soon as we can get these dates. Games will be on Saturday mornings. All kids and one parent are required to attend one of these evaluations. Kids will also get sized for uniforms (Cheerleading too) at these dates:

Monday, November 27 between 6:00-8:00

Tuesday, November 28 between 6:00-8:00

Saturday, Dec. 2 between 9:00-11:00 AM
When an emergency strikes people in our community, who will answer the cry for help? Emergencies and personal disasters happen everyday, whether it's losing a job, medical illnesses, divorce, abuse or other unexpected situations. When this happens, Together, Inc. is always ready to help and we as members of St. Andrews can give back to the community by assisting Together in providing valuable services to those in need.

Together, Inc., located at 1616 Cass Street, is a non-profit, multi-faith emergency relief service which was founded in 1975 by religious leaders in Omaha after the tornado disaster left hundreds of victims homeless, hungry and in great need. Since that time cooperative efforts have continued in the metropolitan area to provide and distribute basic supplies and services such as food, clothing, furniture, rent/utilities assistance, household items, infant supplies, prescriptions, eyeglasses and holiday items. Together's staff screens, documents and serves over 2,000 families a month and helps to put these families/individuals back in the mainstream as productive members of society.

With the holiday season fast approaching, now is the perfect time to give a little of ourselves to those less fortunate. You are currently able to select a gift tag and/or food tag from our TOGETHER INC. CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE, located in the narthex, to help supply Together's Christmas Store. During the week of Dec. 11th through the 16th, Together will let parents/guardians experience the joy of playing Santa by choosing gifts for their own children through age 18. Children will also be given the opportunity to choose small gifts for their parents/guardians. Your generous contributions to this cause will help brighten the holidays of many less fortunate individuals. Also, if you would like to volunteer your time either working at the store on Friday, December 15th or helping to set up the store the week of December 4th, please contact me.

In addition to the holiday store other Together, Inc. volunteer opportunities throughout the year include: contributing to the Easter food sack drive, volunteering your time at Together, Inc. sorting clothes and sacking food, providing monetary help and donating specified items such as school, personal or household items as the needs arise.

Please contact Starla M. for any further information.
SHEILA B. writes: There is an organization in town called Senior Health Foundation that sponsors movies for seniors (ages 50 and over) at the 20 Grand on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month (September thru May) at 1:30 in the afternoon at the discounted rate of $4.00 per person. You may attend one of three currently running movies. What a great way to go to the movies in the afternoon - especially with winter coming! You can call their number 827-6001 the week of the showings to find out which movies are being offered. Next week's movies are: Movies for Thursday, 11-16- 06: Showtime is 1:30 p.m .Santa Clause 3 Rated PG; STRANGER THAN FICTION Rated PG-13; A GOOD YEAR Rated PG-13; Movie Information Line: 827-6001
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of William E., in his recent passing (father of Marcia K.; grandfather of Greg and Jason K.). Prayers for Teri Q., preparing for surgery on November 16th. Prayers for Nancy B., preparing for surgery on November 22nd. Prayers for Eloise H., hospitalized with internal bleeding in Peoria, Illinois (cousin of Jerry E.). Prayers for Rita H., as she faces decisions concerning her cancer diagnosis; pray, also, for Brad, Megan and family (Brad H.s’ mother). Prayers for Richard N., recovering from a liver transplant and has developed an infection. (Dee H.’s brother).
“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25-26

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Veteran's Day

Dear Saints of Andrew,
I sometimes have trouble remembering what year it is, let alone the day, but at Panera's this morning, I was in line next to a fellow in a VFW hat and assumed it must be Veteran's Day. I asked him about his service. He told me he was in Vietnam, and then spent another thirty years in the military. As I thanked him for his service, so do I thank our readers who have served your country in the military, from WWII to Iraq.
God bless, BRD

The Master's Hand

Dear Saints Of Andrew:
THIS SUNDAY November 12, 2006 New Member Appreciation Sunday Bruce Davis preaching:”THE 144,000”
If you’ve been considering membership at St. Andrew’s, we hope you’ll join us for the November edition of PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS, this Sunday evening, 5:00-6:30. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk in the center of the Rotunda on Sunday.
Richard Harrison’s painting, “The Master’s Hand” has been mounted in the stairwell going down to the lower level. Richard has given this as a gift that is much appreciated.
We’ve discontinued service with our e-network provider, which was based on the west coast, and have switched to Cox. This is creating some short term pain, as we knew it would. The church web page is undergoing reconstruction. We appreciate your patience.
We ran into an issue last Christmas Eve that we’re trying to correct this year. A bunch of our choir regulars were out of town for the holidays, leaving us very thin on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is a particularly wonderful time to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with visitors. So many people show up, who have no church home. We want to put our best foot forward. In the absence of many of our choral regulars, we’re going to put together a CHRISTMAS EVE CHOIR. Beginning November 19, The Christmas Eve Choir will practice on Sunday mornings, in the 10:15-10:45 time slot, between the second and third services. If you can carry a tune, or even just move your lips while others sing, I hope you’ll consider helping us on Christmas Eve.
KAREN F. writes: The Parent Support Network is a group to assist parents, caregivers and/or anyone who deals with the daily challenges of raising a child with special needs. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to come and share with others. The meeting will be on November 14 at 7p.m. The location will be St. John Lutheran Church lower level. There will be child care available with a free will offering. We will have a guest speaker from PTI of Nebraska which is an organization to assist parents and loved ones with the issues of raising and providing for a child with special needs. There will also be time to discuss and network with other families from the area. Should you have any questions please contact Karen .
Received from DIANE M.: If you do another a-mail this week, would you be able to include a reminder that the UMW will be "flipping pancakes" on Sunday the 12th and the UMW will also be selling cookie dough for your holiday baking.....thanks....
Many thanks to all who attended last night’s CHARGE CONFERENCE. We elected officers in a total absence of negative campaigning.
>From DIANA .:Foster Parents Panel DiscussionCome hear from three of St. Andrew’s foster families – Greg & Deanna A., Joe & Jody M.d, and Kevin & Teresa W. as they share their experiences. Learn how you, too, can be a foster parent. There will be a time for questions and sharing of ideas. Sign up to join a support group of foster parents. The gathering will be Wednesday, Nov. 15th at 6 p.m. in Lower Level 4.The Miracle of ChristmasWhat was the real miracle of Christmas?? It was what happened in a manger in Bethlehem long ago. There, God came in the birth of Jesus to visit and redeem his people. There, God entered into history to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves—to save us! There, through the little baby born in a lowly stable, God’s will, God’s idea, God’s intention, God’s Word, God’s purpose, and God’s love became flesh and blood, and lived among us, full of grace and truth. Join Ginny H. as she leads the discussion of this Advent Study beginning Wednesday, Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. in Lower Level 4. Please let Diana know if you plan to attend so books can be ordered. The cost of the study is $5.
CHARLOTTE M. asks: Prayers for Mary Ellen G., preparing for surgery on November 13th. Prayers for Nathan C., in rehab, recovering from a stroke; pray, also, for his wife, Karen and their 3 boys (friend of Diane W.). Prayers for all of the children, in our country and around the world, awaiting adoption with a forever family. Prayers for Robert P., recovering from cancer surgery (nephew of Orv & Darlene S.). Prayers for Terry S., experiencing back problems (son of Orv & Darlene S.). Prayers for Bea J., preparing for surgery on November 17th (Sharon and Leroy K.’s sister-in-law). Prayers for Francis T., in Missouri, waiting to hear what stage of Lymphoma he is in (father of Ginny H.). Prayers for Teagan H., who has a broken growth plate (20 month old grandson of Harlan & Diana F.).
Note from Bruce: I’m pleased to report the two children who’ve been in the hospital this week, Colby D. & Malori D., have both been dismissed.
Matthew 18:21, “Then Peter came and said to Jesus, ‘Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘Not seven times, but I tell you seventy-seven times.”

Monday, November 06, 2006

Election Eve

Dear Saints Of Andrew:
We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever wish (in the language of the Book of Revelation) to be BLOTTED OUT, let me know and we’ll remove you from the list.
Our newest members are:TONY & SUE S. Tony is a distributor for Matco Tool. Sue works for WeddingPage/The Knot. NATHAN & LORI M. are the parents of three sons: David, Luke, and Grant. Nathan is an attorney for Werner Enterprises. Lori is a stay-at-home mom. They recently moved to Omaha from Kansas City, MO.
This Sunday November 12, 2006 NEW MEMBER APPRECIATION SUNDAY. Pastor Bruce preaching: "THE 144,000”
The 12th is also a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday. PWP is designed for persons interesting in moving toward membership at St. Andrew’s. The gathering is scheduled from 5:00-6:30 in the Youth Lounge on the Lower Level.
All readers are invited to attend the annual CHARGE CONFERENCE, this Thursday evening, November 9, 7:00. We will elect officers for 2007 and tend to other business as mandated by The United Methodist Book of Discipline. District Superintendent Randy S. will preside. The meeting will be held in the Music Practice Room, on the Lower Level, underneath the sanctuary.
I was very pleased with both the quantity and quality of Sunday evening’s MATTHEW’S MINISTRIES TOWN HALL MEETING. We had a fine turnout (look for a photo in next weeks’ newsletter) and a thought-provoking conversation. It’s one of those gatherings that leaves the pastor genuinely excited on the day after.
This has been my first general election cycle in Nebraska and has reinforced my impression that Nebraskans are nice people. Compared to Missouri politics, even the negative ads in Nebraska come across as relatively polite. One of the sadnesses of negative campaigning is that the citizen may conclude that none of the candidates are worth voting for. I was watching a PBS program on the candidates for the Nebraska Senate seat. It would seem that both incumbent Nelson and challenger Ricketts are men of genuine accomplishment, with much to offer. But America is a place of short attention spans these days, and the most effective way to spend your thirty seconds of advertising money is on pictures that make your rival look like an inmate at Alcatraz. This, in turn, creates an ever more cynical populous, and while a certain amount of cynicism is healthy in a democracy, it can ultimately reach toxic levels, which is what I fear is happening in our generations of America. Maybe more than anything else this election eve, I am hoping tomorrow’s election will not be marred by more computer glitches, with weeks and months of litigation to determine which party controls congress. Finally, my hat goes off to all the candidates. After all the time, money and effort, in any given race, somebody's going to lose. Whether you agree with a candidate's party or politics, surely we can admire those with the fortitude to put their hat in the ring. In this climate, a public life is not for the faint of heart.
UMW (United Methodist Women) is hosting a Girl’s Night Out on Tuesday, Nov 14 at the church and would like to invite ALL women. Sub sandwiches will be served at 6:00pm in the Hospitality Room; at 6:30pm we will move into the sanctuary to watch a Lifetime Channel original movie, “Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy”. Both Pastor Nancy and Pastor Charlotte have seen it and say it is wonderful with a very sweet ending. A sign up sheet can be found on the Cookie Dough Sale table in the Rotunda and the cost is $5.00. Please join us for an evening of fellowship and bring a friend!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Zach G., that his body will heal itself; counts are low again (son of Heidi and Brian G.). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Lt. Col. Paul F., who was killed in Iraq recently; pray especially for his wife Jackie and their 3 children (friend of Lisa R.).
Revelation 14:1-5 Then I looked, and there was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion! And with him were one hundred forty-four thousand whohad his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.And I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder; the voice I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps, and they sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the one hundred forty-four thousand who have been redeemed from the earth. It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins; they follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been redeemed from humankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found; they are blameless.