Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thursday October 26, 2006

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

October 29, 2006
The Time Change Sunday Special:
Bruce Davis & The Julliards:
Mark 10:13-16
Featuring members of the St. Andrew’s Drama and Music Ministries and The St. Andrew’s Singers. Scheduled lead performers include Deanna A., Karen B., Deb H., Lynne J., Tara S. and Adam W.
We were up here last night working on “At The Ballet.” As always, I am just awed by the talent and commitment in this congregation. Wow.
A Seminar In Gracious Generosity
Starts this Sunday, October 29.
Baccalaureate is Thanksgiving Sunday, November 19.
SUNDAY SCHOOL AUCTION DONATIONS: This is the last week to turn in your donations for the sunday school baskets. Please try to bring in an item if you have not already done so. If you've already donated, a big thanks to you. No time to shop, you can always make a cash donation and we will do the shopping for you. Just leave your donations in the black boxes located around the church on Sunday morning. Thanks again parents! We're hoping the baskets turn out great!
NOVEMBER 5, 6:00
All are invited to a TOWN HALL MEETING.
We’ll be discussing our Matthew Ministries ministry of outreach and service.
You’re presence and input would be deeply appreciated!
Stem cells are much in the news. I’m no scientist. I don’t have anything to add to the scientific debate. I don’t pretend to know God’s will on the subject. It’s been said, accurately, I suppose, that your perspective on stem cells probably has a lot to do with your own personal experience. My personal experience includes ministry with a number of parishioners over the years who were afflicted with the disease. I am particularly mindful of a particularly dear young woman, mother of four small children, who was struck by the same early-onset Parkinson’s that has afflicted Michael J. Fox. It was personally hurtful to me to see film clips of Rush Limbaugh mimicking Mr. Fox, implying he was faking his disease. In the controversial ad, Mr. Fox in fact exhibited the same symptoms I have seen in parishioners with the same disease. If you want to take issue with the science, that’s certainly fair. If you want to take issue with the timing and content of the political ad, that’s fair. Mr. Fox has no monopoly on the issue; nor neither does the Roman Catholic Church and athletes such as Kurt Warner and Jeff Suppan, or, for that matter, preachers like Bruce Davis. Neither political party has a monopoly on the issue. This is America. We all weigh in and then make our choices. But in any human endeavor, including political discourse, there has to be an out-bounds-line somewhere, and mocking people with Parkinson’s strikes me as beyond the pale. If you want to know more about Parkinson’s Disease, I’d be happy to put in orders with Sandi Gordon for copies of her book, “Smiles From The Heart.” The origin of the title is interesting. The disease made it physically impossible for Sandi to form her facial muscles into a smile. One of her children, as I remember, said, “But Mommy, you smile from your heart.”
DIANA F. tells us of new groups:

Join the Women’s Study Group on Wednesday mornings as they watch and discuss the movie Love’s Enduring Promise based on the book by Janette Oke. It tells the story of a pioneer couple caught in a marriage of convenience that over time turned into deep mutual respect and love. The group meets at 9:30 in Room Lower Level 1. All are welcome to join.

Join this group as they learn new techniques, share stories, have a few laughs, and make new friends while preserving the past for future generations. They will be meeting on Thursday, Nov. 2 at 6:30 p.m. in Room Lower Level 5. Bring your own scrapbooking supplies. If you have any questions contact Ricci.
Interested in singing in the choir? Looking for a short term holiday opportunity? Come join the St. Andrew’s Singers for food and fellowship in the FLC November 1st from 5:30-7pm. We will follow the social with choir practice (the first for the holiday season) in the Sanctuary from 7-8pm. Get to know each other and enjoy finger food made by choir members. If you have ever thought about singing please join us—and invite a friend! Childcare is available.
Beginning Sunday, November 12, 2006, you are invited to stop by the Prayer Chapel and receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, at a time of your choosing, between 8 a.m. and 12 noon. This will be available every Sunday, thereafter, EXCEPT the first Sunday of each month, when Communion will be served at each of the 3 worship services. The bread and cup will have been consecrated prior to your arrival – this will be a time for you to commune with God, undisturbed, at your leisure. WHERE’S THE PRAYER CHAPEL, YOU ASK?! It is located across the hall from the back entrance to the main office. All are welcome.

Charlotte also asks: Prayers for our church, as we enter The Pastor Charlotte Campaign (so-named by Bruce D.); pray that we will hear God’s call to Gracious Generosity; that we will open our hearts and minds to receive God’s invitation to give of ourselves and our treasure – and in so doing be blessed. Prayers for Betty S., who is trying to avoid rejecting a kidney transplant and has experienced a mild heart attack (friend of Kevin & Deb N.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Maria del Lourdes Alvarez A., in her recent passing; may she be welcomed into the Kingdom of God and rejoice (paternal aunt of Adrian A.). Prayers for Isabel B., who is at the hospital in St. Paul, MN, for a neurological check-up (daughter of Marc and Chris B.). Prayers for Andrea S., recovering from cancer surgery (friend of Margie W.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Jeanette L., in her recent passing (aunt of Joanne C.). Prayers for Travis, who is struggling with life changes.
Ecclesiates 8:1: “Who is like the wise man? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? Wisdom makes one’s face shine, and the hardness of one’s countenance is changed.”