Tuesday, October 24, 2006

At the Ballet

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. Should you ever want off the list, let us know. Our intention is not to intrude, but to inform.
October 29, 2006
The Time Change Sunday Special:
Bruce Davis & The Julliards:
Mark 10:13-16
Featuring members of the St. Andrew's Drama and Music Ministries and The St. Andrew's Singers. Scheduled lead performers include Deanna A., Karen B., Deb H., Lynne J., Tara S. and Adam W.
On the 22nd, we were blessed to welcome DANA D. to membership at St. Andrew's.
Occasionally, I'll run into a book that articulates what I've been thinking, but haven't been able to put into words myself. Former Missouri Republican Senator John Danforth, one of the finest men in America's public life, has written such a book: "FAITH AND POLITICS: How The ŒMoral Values‚ Debate Divides America And How To Move Forward Together." Faith and politics is not to be confused with religion and politics. Religion and politics is often divisive. Faith, however, operates from a starting-point of humility, and this, says Danforth, is the great gift Christianity has to offer America in our time. You‚ll certainly be hearing references to this book from the St. Andrew‚s pulpit and I urge you to find a copy for yourself and savor this good man's profound insights.
SURVEY NEWS. Mark Van K. writes: "The drop box for the St Andrews Church Surveys will be on the information table in the Big Round Room all this week, including next Sunday morning (October 29th). Extra copies of the survey will also be available. If you haven't already filled out a copy of the survey, please take a moment this week to do so. We need your opinions on how St Andrews can serve you and your families better. A special thanks goes to all those who turned in their surveys this past Sunday!"
Kenny Rogers = The Gambler = Dealing From The Bottom Of The Deck. It looked to me as if he just moved the pine tar from his left thumb to the bill of his cap. Not that I'd want anyone thinking St. Louis Cardinal fans are whiners. This is the Cardinals seventh World Series in my lifetime (Yes, Cubs fans, I do count by blessings), the others being 1964, 1967, 1968, 1982, 1985, 1987 & 2004. With the exception of the Boston debacle two years ago, I believe the previous six all went seven games. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one go the limit, as well. I should add that, under other circumstances, I'm a semi-Detroit Tigers fan. I've been in both the old and new Detroit ballparks. As much as I initially resented the team for abandoning Tiger Stadium, there is much to like about Comerica. And their home uniforms, particularly the ball caps, are among the best in baseball.
Diana F. tells us of a series of PANEL DISCUSSIONS that should be of considerable interest to many in the congregation. Each session is on a Wednesday evening, 6:00, in Room Lower Level 4, with child care provided.
Nov. 1: SINGLE PARENTS. Come hear from a panel of St. Andrew's single parents as they share their experiences.
Nov. 8: BLENDED FAMILIES. A panel of St. Andrew‚s parents of blended families will share their experiences.
Nov. 15: FOSTER PARENTS. Ever thought about being a foster parent? Hear from St. Andrew's members who are. Learn about the process, and the many blessings foster parenting can bring.
For each of these sessions, you will have time to ask questions. As noted, child care is provided, but you must turn in a request to Judy in the church office.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Rita H., who has been hospitalized; pray, also, for Brad, Megan and family (Brad H.'s‚ mother).Prayers for Jeanne M., as she journeys through her final days of lung cancer (mother of Lynne J.). Prayers for Mark V., who has sustained a back injury on the job (son of Mickey V.). Prayers for Maria del Lourdes Alvarez A., who is terminally ill and has been moved to hospice; pray that she be pain free and peaceful as she journeys through her final days (paternal aunt of Adrian A.).
Mark 10:13-16
People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them: "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it." And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.