Thursday, January 04, 2007

Heart-Warming Worship

January 7, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
We start a new year of worship with Bruce preaching:
What Life Crossings Will You Be Making In 2007?
Working on sermons is such a joy to me. I've had so much fun working with the "Washington's Crossing" material; with that ready to go, I've immersed myself with Daniel and his friends, preparatory to "The Morality Of Vegetables", which gets preached on the 14th.

STRESSED OUT FROM THE HOLIDAYS? Then join us at the STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP on January 18, 2007, from 7 -8 p.m., in LL 7.Community Counselor, Kim M., will lead the session. Please contact Brandon Q., Health Ministry Leadership Team Co-Chairperson or Pastor Charlotte. Please sign up for this event by January 10th.
Our second installment in a five part "Signs Of Discipleship" series brings us to:
HEART-WARMING WORSHIP: The Christmas season was an indicator of what I see as a great emerging strength at St. Andrew's: the versatility of our music ministry. On December 10, hearts were surely warmed by the intergenerational Christmas musical, which is fast becoming a cherished "new" tradition at St. Andrew's. On the 17th, the Trans-Siberian orchestra itself would have admired what our Praise Band did with "Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 121/24)"; it's a joy for me to work with such gifted musicians in blending preaching and music into one package. Christmas Eve featured children, horns, bells, drama, and, to my particular delight, the Christmas Eve Choir. With many of our choir regulars out of town last year, we were pretty thin on Christmas Eve, 2005˜but not this year! In 2007, you can look for us to continue a subtle shift in the direction of "blended" worship. Praise songs are a signature strength of our 9:15 & 10:45 worship experience; we'll keep these in place, while making an occasional foray into the great hymns of Christian tradition. Over the past fifteen months, we've put some traditional elements--the Lord's Prayer, a doxology and a benediction--into the St. Andrew's worship mix. Having the communion elements available each Sunday in the Prayer Chapel has warmed my heart. In 2007, we'll be more intentional about including the youth in worship, with the Youth Choir scheduled the first Sunday of each month, starting in February. The Reverends Davis and Davis will do the bulk of the preaching, of course. The first part of year, we'll be operating on a Bruce, Bruce, Nancy, Bruce, Bruce Nancy schedule, because Nancy will be giving leadership to Confirmation. I would add this: If you want to "warm hearts" in worship, try actually singing yourself. Join the St. Andrew's Singers or just sing out where you are! And your presence on Sunday morning warms my heart more than you know.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Gary A., in his recent passing (business associate of Ron W.). Prayers for Dan B., who has experienced a heart attack (father-in-law of Sheila C.; grandfather of Erin and TJ). Prayers for Kathy R., preparing for chemotherapy treatments.
Psalm 106, 1-3, "Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever. Who can utter the mighty doings of the Lord, or declare all his praise? Happy are those who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times. "