Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Living Peaceably With All

March 4, 2007
The Second Sunday in Lent
Bruce Davis preaching:
Luke 16:1-13.
Nancy will be gone this Sunday, taking about fifty St. Andrew’s church women on a retreat. Therefore, I’ll particularly appreciate any and all who will be us Sunday morning to keep me company.
FYI: This being a communion Sunday, the way we’ve reordered the first Sunday of the month, the preaching starts about ten minutes into the service.
A word on cancellations. It’s going to take a genuine blizzard and/or heavy ice storm to cause a change, much less cancellation of our Sunday morning schedule. In fact, we had first time visitors here for the 8:00 service on Sunday! For cancellation information, the first place to look is the web site, in the box where we regularly post the sermon title.
March 11, 5:00-6:30
Designed for persons moving toward membership at St. Andrew’s.
Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or via return e-mail.
Once again St. Andrew’s will be collecting EASTER FOOD BASKETS for Together, Inc. Please help the less fortunate in our community by providing the food items and monetary donation for each food sack as listed below. If you have any questions, please call Starla Muller.

Together, Inc.’s Easter Food Basket
1 Large Box Scalloped Potatoes
3 Cans Vegetables
1 Graham Cracker Pie Crust
1 Large Can Fruit Pie Filling
1 Bag Easter Candy
1 Easter Egg Dye Kit
$10 Check made payable to Together, Inc. for a voucher for fresh eggs and ham. Please place the check in an envelope and staple to the outside of the food basket. Food sacks must be at St. Andrew’s by Monday, March 26th and should be placed in the narthex.
A computer glitch deleted the name of the Dennis Lehane novel I’ll be talking about on March 11: “Shutter Island.” Sorry about that.” And the Sergio Leone film, scored by Ennio Morricone, is “Once Upon A Time In America.” Actually, they also collaborated on another film, “Once Upon A Time In The West,” in which Henry Fonda played a bad, bad man.
Many of you seem to be receiving mailings from a group suggesting the United Methodist Church is in danger of following the Episcopalian model regarding homosexual issues, resulting in schism. Of course, the letter asks you to send money to the group. Let me be frank: I think the chances of any change in the United Methodist Book of Discipline regarding homosexuality is extremely remote. There was less support for such change at the 2004 General Conference than at the 2000 gathering, and I anticipate even less support for change--be it more liberal or conservative--in 2008. Most United Methodists can at least live with the present position: all persons are welcome in United Methodist congregations, and we do not ordain self-avowed practicing homosexuals into ministry. Frankly, I have little regard for the various caucus groups within the United Methodist Church, on either end of the social spectrum. In my experience, they tend to mischaracterize what others are saying, quoting out of context, and generally whipping up counterproductive emotions.
Attention High School Seniors! SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY! In addition to the Bea Shannon Memorial Scholarship awarded to a graduating senior in the amount of $500 there is also a $1500 Alan J Bruner Memorial Scholarship available. Applications are available at the youth table located in the Rotunda. Alan J Bruner was a charter member of St. Andrews UMC. He lived life to the fullest and loved his daughter, Julia, dearly. To honor this love a scholarship will be awarded to a High School senior. Any questions please contact Bob Davis. Applications are due by March 20, 2007.
SUSAN B. writes “I just wanted to thank the church for all the kindness shown our family during a very hard time in our lives. Thank you for having us on the prayer list and for having people bring us meals during my recovery and sickness. May God bless you for your love and kindness.”
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Alice M., critically ill (102 year old aunt of Pastor Charlotte). Prayers for Cody H., preparing for surgery (son of Denise J.).
Romans 12:9-18, “Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depend on you, live peaceably with all.”