Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Joined to the congregation on Memorial Sunday were CHRIS & JANELL B. and their children ALEX & ETHAN. We were blessed to participate in the baptism of Janell, Alex & Ethan. Chris is a Solutions Engineer with Knowledge Tranzfer. Janell is a Household Engineer – AKA stay-at-home mom
This Sunday, June 3
Nancy Davis preaching:
We will share the sacrament of Holy Communion in the sanctuary.
June 10, Bruce: "UNDERWATER JESUS: The Pirates Sermon"
June 17, Bruce: "GRADUATION DAY: The Father’s Day Sermon"
We had a great day of worship on Sunday. Nancy’s message clearly touched hearts and the music was terrific. We’re into summertime, now. I’ve never quite understood why attendance goes down in the summer. Yes, I know, there are vacations, but, on the other hand, you’d think with the kiddies out of school it would actually make it easier for families to get to church. Please be aware that St. Andrew’s UMC doesn’t take the summer off. In the next paragraph, you’ll see a note from Netta about Summer Sunday School. We have ramped up what is offered in the Children’s Sunday School this summer, as opposed to a year ago, though we’re only running classes in the 9:15 hour. Please know that Nancy and I will be bringing material into the pulpit that is important to us, and that we’re excited to share. This is encouraging: Diana Faust tells me we have excellent signups for our summer classes. And this is very important: You’ll have new people moving into your neighborhood and your workplace. Some of these will be new to Omaha. Please tell them about St. Andrew’s. If you’ll provide contact information, I’ll be happy to call or e-mail them myself. And as you see people you don’t recognize on Sunday morning, please be quick to extend a smile and handshake, as we communicate RADICAL HOSPITALITY. One more thing: Your very presence here in the summertime communicates a certain energy that will make the church more inviting to any and all who are looking for a new church home, and to others who maybe haven’t been around St. Andrew’s for a while, but have heard that good things are happening and are coming to give us another look.
ATTENTION PARENTS! The following is from NETTA P.:
Reminder, Summer Sunday School begins this Sunday. Preschool – Kindergarten are in LL2 and 1st-4th grades are in LL4.
If you purchased food for VBS, please have them delivered to the church in the next two weeks. Thanks!
The Men’s Teams resume play this Sunday, June 3, in games starting at 6:00.
The Co-Ed Team takes a one game winning streak into a 6:30 game on Monday, June 4. All games are played at the Kelly Fields. The Co-Ed Team is on Field 5; the Men’s Teams play on Fields #3 & 4.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of joy for Katie W. and Walker Z., who were united in marriage recently. Prayers for Susan H., preparing for surgery on June 7th. Prayers for Nancy M., hospitalized due to an auto accident (sister of Susan H.). Prayers for Bob M., preparing for open heart surgery on May 31st (brother-in-law of Susan H.). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Erin K., in her recent passing (friend of David W.). Prayers for Patti M., who is on hospice care; pray, also, for her husband, her 3 young daughters and other family members, that God may grant strength, understanding and comfort (sister-in-law of Lynn C.). Prayers for G.G. T., hospitalized (mother of Ginny H.).
And I would add a word of personal loss at the passing of FLORENCE S. We were blessed to receive Florence and her husband J. Greg S. into the congregation last year. J. Greg and the family will be up here for a memorial service in the chapel today at 5:00. These are wonderful people.
Psalm 119:57-60, "The Lord is my portion; I promise to keep your words. I implore your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise. When I think of your ways, I turn my feet to your decrees; I hurry and do not delay to keep your commandments."