Tuesday, May 29, 2007


May 27, 2007
Nancy Davis preaching: “HEROES”
From Children’s Director NETTA P.: “Pirates of the Galilean” Vacation Bible School is filling up quickly in the morning. If you are still planning to register your child for the morning session, please do so within the week. For safety reasons, we may have to put a cap on our capacity; however there is always the evening sessions available.
This years SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS were announced at the worship services of May 20. They are:
Amanda S.- Bea Shannon Memorial Scholarship
Heather R.-F.- Alan J. Bruner Memorial Scholarship
John E.- Alan J. Bruner Continuing Education Memorial Scholarship
Congrats to all recipients!
Habitat for Humanity Breakfast & Volunteer Needs
Please join us for a Pancake Breakfast Sunday June 10th after worship.
St. Andrew's Habitat effort, is looking for assistance with: volunteer labor, financial contributions, and assistance with the upcoming pancake breakfast. Please contact Jim M. St. Andrew’s coordinator.
I’ve received a lot of affirmation about “#42: The Faith Of Jackie Robinson.” The manuscript is posted on our web site: www.standrewsomaha.net Once you’re at the home page, click on Sermons. What you won’t get, alas, is the great story we heard from WILLIE PASCHALL of his family’s relationship with Jackie Robinson.
Nancy keeps up with two television shows: “24” & “Lost.” “24” requires a certain suspension of disbelief, of course, but this season’s plot holes were so deep you could fly a black helicopter into them. And does anyone out there have any idea what the ending of “Lost” was about?
PASTOR CHARLOTTE M. asks: Prayers for Don G., preparing for surgery on May 29th. Prayers of sympathy for all who have lost loved ones while serving in the military. Prayers for all who are serving in harm’s way; pray for sustaining strength, grace and their safety.
II Samuel 1:23-25, words of David: “Saul and Jonathan, beloved and lovely! In life and in death they were not divided; they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions. O daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you with crimson in luxury, who put ornaments of gold on your apparel. How the might have fallen in the midst of battle!”