Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Devil Struck Me Out

May 20, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching: “#42: THE FAITH OF JACKIE ROBINSON”
Featuring a personal remembrance by WILLIE PASCHALL
And the world debut of the original song: “The Devil Struck Me Out, But Jesus said, You’re Safe!”
The Youth will be sponsoring a PIE SOCIAL in the Family Life Center, with proceeds going to the Senior High Mission Trip.
We welcomed two new families on Sunday, baptizing two precious children.
They are: ROBERT & AMBER D. We baptized their daughter, Eva.
STEVE & EMILY M. We baptized their daughter Madelyn Grace.
Can you help me with something? With a granddaughter due to be born in France this summer, I’m looking at another transatlantic trip. The airfares are ferocious. I’m wondering about trying this Priceline option, something I’ve never used before. How does that work? If I put in a bid for an airfare that’s accepted, but they give me a weird route and time frame, am I just stuck?
We had 773 people in church on Sunday, with another 168 kiddies in the church school.
BOB D. writes: Attention all pie makers! We need your pies for the pie social on May 20th. The pie social will take place after all three services in the Family Life Center. Please contact Bob if you would like to donate a pie and thank you to those who have already responded! All proceeds will go to the Senior High Mission Trip.
PAM F. tells us: The Ladies Ensemble would like to invite all ladies of St. Andrew's to join us. We are moving our rehearsals to Wednesday evenings from 5:15-6 p.m., in the sanctuary. We will start learning new music this Wednesday, May 16th, so it would be a perfect time to join us.
MARGIE W. says: We are in need of 1-2 adult nursery volunteers for the 10:45 hour. We have an immediate need for volunteers beginning Sunday, May 20th. For June 3rd, we need an additional adult volunteer for the 9:00 and 10:45 hour as our regular teachers will be out of
town. For June 3, 10 and 17, we need another youth volunteer as well since our regular youth volunteer will be unavailable. Please contact Margie W.
We received the following from TERI Q.:
I have a friend who is hosting a table at the Women's Luncheon with Luis Palau on Tuesday, July 10th, 2007. She invited me, and asked me to invite any other women who might be interested in attending. It will be held at the Mid-America Center in the main ballroom, and it goes from 12:00-1:30 PM. It's an outreach luncheon/fundraiser for the Luis Palau ministry, and the donation is $25.00 per person. Carol Schrader is the Emcee, the Welcome will be given by the First Lady of Nebraska, Sally Ganam, wife of Governor Dave Heineman, Special Guest is Karen Kangas Dwyer, PhD, and the Keynote speaker will be Luis Palau. Would you please put something in your next A-Mail to invite any women who are interested in attending this luncheon? This is another fun and interesting way we at St. Andrews can support the Luis Palau ministry. Thanks so much!
FROM PASTOR CHARLOTTE: CONGRATULATIONS to those who have completed CPR & AED training: Ryan B., Allie B., Jay B., Sheila C., Bob D., Heather D., Julie H., Deb N., Kevin N., Joeni P., Jane P., Mike P., Netta P., Clark S., and Margie W.. Thank you for giving of your time to help make St. Andrew’s a safer place. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!
We extend our sympathy to MICHAEL & LAURIE S. at the death of Mike’s father, FRED S.. A memorial service will be held here on Thursday at 11:00.
Psalm 138:1-3, I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise; I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness; for you have exalted your name and your word above everything. On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul.