Tuesday, July 31, 2007


We added two more terrific families to the congregation on Sunday:
CURT & LINDA S. and their sons CLAYTON, WILL & TIMMY. Curt is Software Engineer at UNMC. Linda is stay-at-home mom.
RICK & SHELLY M. and their daughter MELIA. Rick is stay-at-home dad. Shelly is compliance manager at First National Bank of Omaha.
THIS SUNDAY, August 5, 2007
Bruce preaching: “THE MISSION”
This is a Communion Sunday. The sermon will be placed earlier in the service than usual. .
From MARGIE W.: It’s that time of year again. School will be starting before we know it and fall will be here. It is the time of year for STEPPIN’ UP SUNDAY and the beginning of another exciting Sunday School year! We are in need of Sunday School teachers for the 9:15 and the 10:45 hours in many grades. Please prayerfully consider returning if you have taught in the past or volunteering to teach a class for the first time. Our curriculum is called HANDS ON for the Preschool through 3rd graders and GRAPPLE for the 4th and 5th graders. GRAPPLE is a totally new concept for St. Andrew’s and is specially designed for the pre-teen ages. We create a closed church community online for our teens to keep in touch with their teacher and classmates during the week. This allows them to vote on activities, support and challenge one another in their faith and even play games!

The original Methodists were big on the daily practice of spiritual disciplines, including prayer and study of the scripture. John Wesley counseled the people called Methodists “Pray without ceasing.” From the survey results at St. Andrew’s, plenty of us seem to be ceasing, or at least taking long pauses.

A few months ago, I was feeling kind of listless. Nancy badgered me into taking a one-a-day vitamin, and I’ve been able to tell a genuine difference. I invite you to image the spiritual disciplines as a vitamin, chock full of spiritual nutrients, most effectively taken on a daily basis.
Some prescriptions: If you’ll sign up for one of our Bible Studies this fall—certainly Disciple 1--you will spend time every day in the scripture.

Then consider this: In the Rotunda today, you’ll find a stand upon which sits an open notebook inviting you to commit yourself to a new ministry at St. Andrew’s: MOPED: Minute Of Prayer Every Day. We’re going to ask you to commit to one minute—a grand total of sixty seconds—in intentional, daily prayer for St. Andrew’s Church. That doesn’t sound like much, perhaps, but from the looks of this survey, it’s sixty second more than a lot of us are currently praying. Will you give us those sixty seconds? If you don’t know what to pray for, take your agenda from St.A-Mail: perhaps the people Pastor Charlotte’s asking us to pray for, or some of the ministries we’re trying to launch.

For that matter, I’d be delighted if you simply said this prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, bless St. Andrew’s Church.” Maybe make it into a breath prayer, breathing in “Lord Jesus Christ,” “bless St. Andrew’s Church” on the out breath. Repeat that twelve times, once for every apostle, you’re right at a minute.

If three hundred of us put in a minute of prayer every day for St. Andrew’s, it would be the equivalent of five hours before the throne of grace—and I believe prayer matters. More important, Jesus believed prayer matters: “Ask, and it will be given you,” he taught. “Search and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” And when you’ve put in your minute of prayer for St. Andrew’s, perhaps then pray as Jesus taught, “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…” and the next thing you know, you’re not a two or three on the survey, anymore, but a four, or even (gasp!)—a FIVE! More important, you’ll have established a daily spiritual connection with the fount of every blessing, moving eventually from a MOPED to a HARLEY: Heavenly Activated Righteousness, Love, Empathy (as in compassion), and and…Yea! (I’m open to a new Y-word)

(You can sign up for MOPED this Sunday. Look for the register in the Rotunda. “SURVEY SAYS” is posted at WWW.STANDREWSOMAHA.NET. At the home page, click SERMONS and scroll to the bottom of the list. The results of the May Membership Engagement Survey will be found at the end of the text.)
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of joy for Jeffrey Larka and Melissa A., who were recently united in marriage. Prayers for John R., experiencing significant back pain (son of Lois and Gerald R.). Prayers for Zach G., that his body will heal itself; counts are low again (son of Brian & Heidi G.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Sandra R.’s Aunt Rebecca, who has unexpectedly passed just recently. Prayers for Sandra R.’s mother, who is battling cancer and is hospitalized with a collapsed lung.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday 7/26/07

THIS SUNDAY, July 29, 2007
In May, members and friends of St. Andrew’s were part of a Gallup Organization Membership Engagement Survey. The findings have fascinated us and are the launching point for this Sunday’s message, preached by Bruce Davis: "SURVEY SAYS. "We’ll hear Steve Groves singing "People Get Ready," backed by the St. Andrew’s Band. Other music will include, "Standing On The Promises," "Draw Me Close," and "The Church’s One Foundation." The Ministry Minute will be a brief mid-year update from the Gracious Generosity Team. It may be vacation time everywhere else, but at St. Andrew’s, we’re hard at work and look forward to Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ with you this Sunday.
I’m girding my loins for DISCIPLE 1 BIBLE STUDY: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study. This is the first time in several years that I’ve led Disciple 1. It’s a major commitment, but my soul could use a year of Back-to-the-Bible and I look forward to sharing the experience with others. The standard thinking in Disciple 1 is that you limit the group to about a dozen participants. I, myself, prefer larger groups, so we’re going to go with any and all who sign up. We’ can spend a lot of time in breakout groups, so I really don’t see numbers as a factor. Disciple 1 is a 32-week survey of the scripture, starting with Genesis, going through Revelation. I go in assuming no one knows anything about the Bible. We’ll meet on Sunday evenings, starting at 6:00, dismissing around 7:45. First session in August 19 and we’ll end before school gets out. Like I said, it’s been several years since I last led a Disciple 1; it may be several years before I lead another one, so if you think you’d like to walk through the Bible with me, this can be the year. Of course, there are other Disciple classes starting this fall, including a Monday afternoon group led by Renee Claborn, who I know will be a terrific facilitator. I HIGHLY recommend Disciple Bible study.
YOUTH LEADER BOB D. writes from Arkansas: We are having a GREAT time here in Boonville, AR. The kids could not be happier! Half of the group has been working hard scraping and painting houses. The other half has been working with kids and seniors. We spend an hour each night in "Church Time" you should see how the Holy Spirit is at work during that time. I am assured each day I am here that I am right where God wants me. The adult leaders have been a blessing (Jay, Stacey, Cathi, and Julie).
SEASONED PERNNIALS PICNIC: The Seasoned Perennials are planning a picnic at the lake. The picnic will begin at 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 12, at Steve & Georgia C.'s, in Waterloo. Bring a side dish to share. Meat and beverages will be provided. Sign up in the Rotunda. For questions or directions, call.
JOYCE M. writes: There is a phrase among Handbell ringers of a "Frazzled Lady with two bells in her hands saying: You Want Me To Do What With These? As the handbell director at St. Andrews I would like to show curious and interested members how to ring bells and not be a frazzled ringer. We are offering an OPEN RING for three weeks in August on Wednesday nights from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The OPEN RING is for current ringers, past ringers, "I would like to try ringers" and youth from middle school through high school. There is no commitment to join the current choir; just the opportunity to come ring and see what handbell ringing is really all about. The dates are August 15th, 22nd and 29th from 5:30 to 6:30. The current adult choir will be rehearsing this fall on Wednesday nights rather than Monday as we have in the past. Questions????? Contact me either by phone or email. Joyce M.
We are looking for people to serve as facilitators for the DivorceCare program at St. Andrew’s. If you are interested, please contact Diana in the church office for more information.
Find out the answer to these questions, and more in ALPHA. Watch for more details coming in August.
The selection that will be discussed on August 13th will be A Gift of Peace by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin. If you need a copy of this book, contact Diana in the church office. The selection that will be discussed on September 10th will be Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee. Please sign up for the Book Club at the Welcome Table or contact Diana in the church office.
Well church family, we are on a really good roll. Thank you so very much. We are half way to our goal of being able to help out our back to school families in need at Pearl United Methodist Church and at Casa De Pueblo. Please don't stop now. If you need an idea of items to bring please pick up a list located by the big red box in the rotunda. Some items that we are critically low on are; under-ware and socks for boy/girls of all sizes this is really a critical need. Also personal toiletries like tooth paste and brushes, shampoo, body soap, deodorant, hair brushes and combs. This is an excellent time to take advantage of all those wonderful back to school sales out there now at all your favorite stores. We'll look for you in church this Sunday, please help us fill our box again this week. Sponsored by the circles of St. Andrews; Charity, Faith, Harmony, Patience and Hope.
Matthew 13:45, "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had an bought it."

Tuesday July 24, 2007

July 29, 2007
8:00, 9:15, 10:45
Bruce Davis preaching: "SURVEY SAYS"
23 (short) Meditations On Our Life Together
Musical offerings will include Steve Groves singing "People Get Ready."
The Ministry Minute will be a brief mid-year financial update. We think you’ll be encouraged by what you hear.
This past Sunday we were blessed to baptize SAMUEL RYAN LIKES, son of Rob & Jennifer.
BOOK STUDIES. We have two book studies scheduled for the month of August. On August 13, Jeff H. will lead a discussion on the book "Sit, Walk, Stand" by Watchman Nee, a wonderful book about the spiritual journey. On August 20 Nancy Davis will lead a discussion on the book "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini. This is the book that was discussed in the sermon this past week and is about two women living in present-day Afghanistan. Everyone is welcome to attend these studies. If you need child care, please let the church office know.
Those who are interested in signing up for the World Religions study that Nancy will be teaching at two separate times each week should look for registration to begin during the month of August.
If you make my word your home, you will indeed be my disciples."
~John 8:31 The New Jerusalem Bible
The only prerequisite in the Disciple Bible Study series is that "Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study" (Disciple 1) must be taken first. The others in the series may be taken in any order. There are actually no numbers assigned to the studies. If anyone has taken the first Disciple study and finds the "Into the Word, Into the World" offerings do not fit into their schedule, they should seriously consider participating in "Under the Tree of Life." This study concentrates on the writings in the Old Testament – Ruth, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, and Daniel. New Testament Scriptures include the Gospel of John; 1, 2, and 3 John; James; Jude; and Revelation. Emphasis on the Psalms as Israel’s hymnbook and prayer book leads naturally to an emphasis on worship in the study. Present through the entire study is the sense of living toward completion, toward the climax of the message and the promise, extravagantly pictured in the Revelation. What does the Bible really say about the end times? This Bible study will allow participants to discuss it and come to their own conclusion. "Under the Tree of Life" Disciple Bible Study will meet Sundays at either 12:00 Noon or 12:30 p.m., depending on the preference of the participants. Please stop by the table in the Rotunda or contact Diana in the church office for more information.
BETH W. writes: The 8th annual St. Andrew's Dinner and Auction is coming November 16. It will be at Champions Run and will feature the music of the Confidentials. We are looking for volunteers to help on committees doing everything: reservations, solicitation of auction items, event set-up, you name it. It's a great way to get to know some people in the church and make a difference for St. Andrew's at the same time. Please contact Beth if you're interested in getting involved.
NEBRASKA METHODIST COLLEGE is taking applications for Fall enrollment in 2 programs: Medical Assistant and Nurse Assistant. These certificate programs provide quality preparation for entry-level positions in health care. Job opportunities are forecasted to remain strong.
PENNY F. writes: We have a 15 yr old Whirlpool washer and dryer that work well to give away. If you would like it, or know of someone or an organization that takes appliances, please give me a call. It would need to be picked up this Thursday or Friday.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks Prayers of joy for Mike & Kim L., in the recent birth of a son, Brady. Prayers for Sharon R., receiving chemotherapy treatments (friend of Deb N.). Prayers for Angie M., recovering from triple bypass heart surgery; pray for health and healing (grandmother of Kelly R.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Durward P., in his recent passing (grandfather of Patrick P.). Prayers of sympathy for Holly and Jason R., extended family and friends, in the recent passing of their infant daughter, Grace Angeline.
Matthew 13:44, "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17, 2007

Our newest members are:
MICHAEL & LAURIE S., who have been supporting St. Andrew’s with prayers, presence, gifts and service for several years now, and we’re delighted to officially join them to the congregation.
ROSE MARIE H. is the mother of Denise H. and Karen L..
DENISE H. is a Sr. Process Analyst with Qwest Communications
Francis is a Manager of Information Service at Mutual of Omaha
Karen is a Mary Kay Cosmetics consultant
Amber and Brett are students
Brett play saxophone on Sunday mornings.
And we were blessed to baptize ZACHARY THOMAS B., son of Doug and Kristine.
Many thanks to the ST. ANDREW’S OLD TIME GOSPEL QUARTET for their great work on Sunday: Jeff H., Nate U., Greg W. and Adam W., accompanied by Pam F. with a special assist from Steve G..
Nancy Davis & The Reckless Abandon Players:
There's still time to plug into our cast of dozens. We rehearse again tomorrow evening, Wednesday, 7:00-8:00.
Here's a series of announcements from Diana F.:
August 13th at 7 p.m. Read The Gift of Peace by Joseph Cardinal Bernadin and join this group for discussion. This well-loved Cardinal records the personal struggles of his final three years, during which he faced charges of sexual abuse (later dropped). Bernardin made peace with his accuser, helping him to reconcile with his faith before he died of AIDS. A very moving last testament, written with simplicity and wisdom. He writes of our own struggles with daily life, our dealing with our walk with Christ amidst contemporary issues and daily challenges of life. Jeff Hatcher will facilitate the discussion. If you need a book, check with Diana in the office.
August 20th at 6:30 p.m.
Nancy will be leading a study on the book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini on August 20. This is a book about the lives of two women living in Afghanistan from 1960 to the present day. It is a fascinating and terrifying look at everyday life under the Taliban. The theme of the book, however, is love and friendship. It is a book that will resonate with men and women alike. All you need to do before the study is to read this book. No need to sigh up – just show up.
Sign up now. Fall classes will start the week of August 19th.
Disciple Bible Study includes daily Bible Study and weekly meetings for discussion and video commentary.
Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (Must be taken before the others)
Read 80% of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
Sundays at 6:00 facilitated by Bruce
Mondays at 12:00 facilitated by Renee Claborn
Into the Word, Into The World
Study Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts
Sundays at 6:00 facilitated by Nancy
Tuesdays at 6:00 facilitated by Cindy Heidelberg
Under The Tree of Life
Study Writings of the Old Testament, Gospel of John and Revelation
Sundays at 12:00 facilitated by Mike Roder
For more information attend an Informational Meeting on Sunday, July 22 between services in Lower Level 1. Contact Diana to register.
Last Sunday, July 15th we began our 4 week mission to collect back to school items for our needy children at Pearl United Methodist Church and Casa De Pueblo. Thank you so much church family for what we collected in our first week. We are off to a good start. This is an important opportunity to minister to our needy children in our community as they return to school for the upcoming school year. If you haven't had a chance to make a donation yet, stop by the table with the big red back to school box and pick up a list of items we are looking to collect. Many of the stores out there now are having their back to school sales. So when you stop and pick up a few things for your children or grandchildren wont you please pick up a few things to donate too? St. Andrews Gives Back is sponsored by the Circles of St. Andrews: Charity, Faith, Harmony, Patience and Hope.
From BOB D.: We are not having youth group for the 6th -12th grade next Sunday July 22 as I will be on Mission Trip.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Rachael H., recovering from surgery (daughter of Gil & Laurie H.). Prayers for Megan C., recovering from surgery. Prayers for Lois T., cancer has returned (friend of Diane W.).
Matthew 5:1-6: "When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples came to him. Then he began to speak, and taught them, saying, ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

Saturday, July 14, 2007

This Sunday

8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
We’re in theme with the Palau weekend.
Bruce Davis & The St. Andrew’s Old Time Gospel Quartet present:
Featuring Gospel Classics including:
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
The Church In The Wildwood
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Revive Us Again
There’s Within My Heart A Melody
Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
Just As I Am
Rescue The Perishing
Shall We Gather At The River?
Jesus Saves
Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
& much more, including NANCY ON A MOTORCYLE


Friday, July 13, 2007


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
We celebrate the Luis Palau weekend with a service in our sanctuary featuring Bruce Davis & The St. Andrew’s Old Time Gospel Quartet: “REVIVAL.” We’ll be singing old gospel favorites including “The Church In The Wildwood,” “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” “Revive Us Again,” “Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling,” “Stand Up For Jesus,” “The Church In The Wildwood,” “There’s Within My Heart A Melody,” and “Just As I Am,” and “Shall We Gather At The River.”
Welcome new readers to A-MAIL! The purpose is connect and inform, not to annoy, and if you ever want off the list, just let us know.
OUR NEWEST MEMBERS, joined to the congregation on July 8:
MICKEY V. Mickey’s been attending here a long time and we’re delighted she has decided to join the church.
RON & DARLENE S. Ron is a Toner Cartridge Repairman with Cartridge World. Darlene is a teacher with Omaha Public Schools

And we baptized ELIZABETH ANNE, daughter of John & Nikki R.
In just over a month, we begin a new season of DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY. I’m particularly excited to be leading a session of Disciple 1. I don’t this every year, so if you think you MIGHT want to go through the Bible with me, in a 32-week course, this is the time to do it. For more information, check out the DISCIPLE display in the Rotunda. Here’s the fall Disciple Bible Study Lineup:

Disciple I – Becoming a Disciple Through Bible Study
Sundays at 6:00 p.m. – Bruce facilitating
Mondays at 12:00 noon – Renee Claborn facilitating

Disciple II – Into the Word, Into the World
Sundays at 6:00 p.m. – Nancy facilitating
Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. – Cindy Heidelberg facilitating

Disciple IV – Under the Tree of Life
Sundays at 12:00 noon – Mike Roder facilitating
Beginning Sunday July 15th through Sunday August 12th, St. Andrews is collecting "back to school" items for both Pearl United Methodist Church and Casa De Pueblo. This is a chance to help our needy children as they return to school for the upcoming school year. Here are a few things you can bring to donate; children’s underwear and socks boys/girls all sizes, shampoo, deoderant, number 2 pencils, pens, paper. The list is endless and a more complete list will be available by the drop off box located in the rotunda. Please pick up a list and prayerfully decide what you can donate to this worthy cause. We only have 4 quick weeks to gather our donations before school starts. St. Andrews Gives Back is sponsored by the Circles of St. Andrews; Charity, Faith, Harmony, Patience and Hope.
Children’s Director NETTA P. writes: Bruce asked me to wait at least two days after VBS 2007, before planning VBS 2008……I can’t hold back any more! “POWER LAB: DISCOVERING JESUS’ MIRACULOUS POWER.” Start planning!!
From KATHY R.: Vance Vanhoozer Benefit - Vance was diagnosed in April of 2007, at age 58, with Multiple Myleoma, a type of bone cancer. Multiple Myleoma is a cancer of the plasma cell, an important part of the immune system that produces immunoglobulins (antibodies) to help fight infection. He has had many complications. Unfortunately, Vance has lost his job. His wife, Chris, does her best to support them. However, the medical bills are overwhelming. There will be a 4-Person Golf Scramble at the Knolls Golf Course, 11630 Sahler Street, Saturday, July 21, 2007, at 8:00 a.m. The cost is: $60.00/person - $240/team. Your registration includes 18 holes of golf, cart, pin prizes at every hole and food and fun at Boondocker's following the tournament. Any questions about the tournament contact: Abbie Reed 712-310-5656. If your are unable to participate in the tournament, donations can be made at any Pinnacle bank. Simply place your donation in an envelope and write donation to Vance R Vanhoozer on it.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Haleigh P., 6 weeks old, hospitalized with leukemia; pray, also, for her parents, Matt & Megan P. Prayers for Dorothy G., in the last stages of cancer, a short time left (mother of Milton G.).
Prayers of sympathy for the family of Lloyd W., in his recent passing (Diane B.’s father).
Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light ao all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Monday, July 09, 2007

Sioux Falls

Dear Saints of Andrew:
Who’s there?
Sioux Falls who?
Okay, that’s lame, but I’ve never been good at jokes, and that’s the best I can muster under these circumstances. I am currently in a Northwest jet parked on a cargo runway in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I am SUPPOSED to be in Minneapolis, Minnesota, awaiting my connecting flight to Omaha, but there are thunderstorms in Minneapolis, so we’ve been diverted here.
I started this day in Lakewood, Washington, south of Tacoma. Yesterday afternoon, I was blessed to officiate at the wedding of Rodney Leon A. and Loris Dean G. The ceremony was held in the village of Steilacoom, on the south end of Puget Sound. We gathered at a little pavilion adjacent to the water; the setting could not have been more picturesque. If I have my details correct, Steilacoom was the first Anglo settlement in what we know as Washington State; a monument in the center of town marks the place where the Methodists built the first church building north of the Columbia River. Leon grew up in Steilacoom and much of his family still lives there. His parents, Jerome and Marie, and the rest of his family and friends were very kind to the stranger from Omaha.
The pilot just told the flight attendants to "disarm the slides." Huh?
Of course, the big Luis Palau Festival is this coming weekend. At St. Andrew’s, we’re going with the theme, as I’m preaching a sermon titled, "REVIVAL. " The Palau promotion is heavy on X-Games-type entertainment and rock bands. On Sunday morning at St. Andrew’s, THE ST. ANDREW’S OLD TIME GOSPEL QUARTET will be offering old time gospel thumpers, including songs like "Revive Us Again," "Shall We Gather At The River," "What A Friend We Have In Jesus," "There’s Within My Heart A Melody," & "Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling," among others. After this flight experience, I may want to add "Nearer My God To Thee."
I suspect, at Sioux Falls, I’m about as close to Omaha as I am to Minneapolis.
In other news and notices:
ST. ANDREW’S ANNUAL HARVEST BOUTIQUE will be Saturday, October 6th. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to support St. Andrew’s with your time and service. There is something for everyone. Volunteers will be needed on Friday for bake sale set-up and kitchen preparation. Saturday we will need workers in the Harvest Café, bake sale, cookie corner, crafter assistants and shoppers. If you are unable to help on Friday or Saturday, consider providing baked items for the bake sale and cookie corner. Proceeds are allocated to world missions, local missions and St. Andrew’s. Las year we allocated over $8,000 to support San Andres Nicaragua, Heifer project, Dietz UMC brown bag lunch program, Wesley House, and Together Inc. Here at St. Andrew’s we purchased new tables, paper cutter and hearing assistance devices. We also donated funds to the Health Ministry to purchase an AED. Organization plans are in progress. If you are interested in helping or have any questions, contact Marsha E. We also have several crafter spaces still available. For crafter information contact Diane M.
The 2nd annual BLT progressive picnic will be Saturday, July 28th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. For more information and directions to the homes of our hosts, please check the BLT display/sign up board in the rotunda or contact Nancy B. or Julie M.
5:00 Monday Morning, Dateline Minneapolis: There’s a lesson to be learned here. On the flight from Seattle, the captain was great about sharing information, particularly during the unscheduled stop in Sioux Falls. In contrast, once we got into Minneapolis, three hours late, it looked like all systems were go in the direction of Omaha. But then all systems WEREN’T go. No one at the gate seemed to know what was going on—and in the absence of information, things got confused fast. At St. Andrew’s, we try to communicate/communicate/communicate. Any time something ISN’T clear, please let us know and we’ll try to clarify. Anyway, I wound up in the category of Displaced Passenger, getting a few hours sleep, and am back in the terminal, hopeful of getting out of here around six.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Carrie O., in her recent passing (sister of Chris W.). Prayers for Delores L., preparing for surgery on July 11th (mother of Diana F.). Prayers for Jeff H., preparing for foot surgery on July 26th. Prayers for Penny, recently diagnosed with inoperable cancer and has been given 6 months to 2 years to live; pray, also, for her son (friend of Lisa C.). Prayers for healing for Ben, who was recently in a serious auto accident (nephew of Sheila C., cousin of Erin & T.J.) Prayers for Erin C., accompanying youth & adults from Lutheran Church of the Master, on a mission trip to Mexico, July 8th through July 15th; pray for safe travels and guidance as they share the gospel with those they encounter. Prayers for Maxine A., hospitalized with pneumonia (sister of Pastor Charlotte; aunt of Terry M.).
The flight finally left at 7:00 and I am indeed back, safe and sound. There will be much to report from yesterday morning, including new members and baptisms, but I’ll include those in a middle-of-the-week mailing. For now, I need to get something to eat and then take a nap.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Singles Addendum

Mark S. writes: Could you send an addendum and mention the Fireworks Party tomorrow night, at Benz Place Apartments Clubhouse (138th and Maple) to watch the fireworks at Champions/Singles are invited anytime after 7:30. Bring a snack to share and your own beverage (no glass containers, please). There is a pool too, so bring a suit and towel.


July 8, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Nancy preaching:
Nancy explains: When I was nine years old, a woman attempted to abduct me from my back yard. She was going to put me into a car at the end of the alley (thus the sermon title this week). That trauma in my life has led me to some thoughts about evil and how it can literally walk up into your yard and grab your hand. I will share some of these thoughts as they relate to Jesus’ words to “love one another” this Sunday.
Coming On Sunday July 15:
Bruce Davis & The St. Andrew’s Old Time Gospel Quartet: “REVIVAL!”
We think you’re going to like this a lot.
Our newest members and TJ V. & JENNIFER S. TJ is an Omaha Police Officer; Jennifer is with the West Corporation.
Worship attendance on July 1 was 755.
This is our second Independence Day in Nebraska and I again marvel at the sheer volume of fireworks that have already been exploded in our area. It’s a wonder the whole city doesn’t burn down.
I’ll be in Seattle this weekend, officiating at Leon A.’s wedding. The ceremony is at 3:00 on Saturday, 1:00 Omaha time. I know Leon and Loris would appreciate a thought and a prayer about that time of day.
SOFTBALL: After getting sand kicked in our face the first half of the season, our new/young guys team broke into the win column Sunday evening. This bunch has been getting better every week and I suspect next season they’ll be the ones kicking sand. Better yet is the sense of friendship I see developing. The Men’s Teams play at 7:00 next Sunday evening; the Co-Ed team has an 8:30 game on Monday.
2nd ANNUAL BLT (Boomers Laughing Together) PROGRESSIVE PICNIC: The 2nd annual BLT progressive picnic will be Saturday, July 28th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. For more information and directions to the homes of our hosts, please check the BLT display/sign up board in the rotunda or contact Nancy B. or Julie M.
We’re always looking to add persons to our ministry of serving communion, the first Sunday of the month. Many find serving communion to be a profound experience. If this sounds like something you’d like to help with, shoot us a return e-mail and we’ll pass it on to coordinator Steve Smith.
One of our great members gave me a copy of the Randy Travis CD, “GLORY TRAIN.” There are old gospel standards and countrified versions of the praise songs you regularly hear at St. Andrew’s. I’m enjoying this a lot and think you would, too.
LES MISERABLES: THE SERMON is scheduled for Sunday, September 9. We need a cast of dozens to do this right. Our next rehearsal is Wednesday, July 11, 6:30-8:30. There’s still time to plug into this and we invite your participation.
Have you been reading about the Palestinian Mickey Mouse? His television run ended when the script writers had him killed by Israelis. This sounds like something Sacha Baron Cohen might have come up with as a satire; but the very idea that Islamic fanatics could conceive of something like this in the first place as a teaching tool for their children is no laughing matter.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Haleigh P., 6 weeks old, hospitalized with leukemia; pray, also, for her parents, Matt & Megan P. Prayers for Wendy L.’s younger sister, critically ill in Texas; pray for her newborn (2 lbs.11 oz); pray, also, for the baby in Guatamala, who was to have been adopted by them. Prayers of joy for Carrie S. and Matthew S., recently united in marriage.
Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

I used to see this passage as exclusionary, but at this point in life, it seems a self-evident truth. Many will drift through their days, taking the easy way; the road to life abundant requires intentional soul work. At St. Andrew’s, we call it Vital Faith Formation and it’s a big part of our mission.

Have a happy and safe Independence Day, God bless, BRD