Friday, September 28, 2007

Auction Update

September 30, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching:
Inspired by Gallup Organization ME17: “As a member of my church, my opinion seems to count.”
CALLING ALL RUNNERS AND WALKERS– we know you’re out there!
We’ve had a tremendous response to our announcement about the Journey to Bethlehem challenge. Incase you missed our previous information: the Health Ministry leadership team is organizing a group that will attempt to cumulatively run, walk, bike, swim, and/or otherwise move their bodies a total of 6400+ miles (the distance between Omaha and Bethlehem) between October 1 and December 24. Participating in this challenge does not require anything other than registering, signing a waiver form, and sending a weekly email to report your mileage for the week – no meetings to attend! Several other Omaha – area churches will also be participating. As great as the response has been, we would love to have even more people participate. There are lots of dedicated runners and walkers at St. Andrew’s … and we know who you are! ... please consider joining the team and helping us accomplish our worthy goal! Please email Jeff. Health Ministries will have a table in the Rotunda on Sunday to answer questions, register people and collect waiver forms.
From MARGIE W.: Children’s Ministries is in need of 2-3 volunteers to be at the Registration Desks at the 10:45 services. Our volunteers rotate every other month; one upstairs and one downstairs. The individual mans the registration desk, answers questions and greets people, picks up attendance and offering from the Sunday School teachers, assists teachers withw any last minute needs and keeps an eye on traffic through the Sunday School areas for the safety of the children.
If you could help out every other month for an hour each Sunday, please contact Margie at ext. 14.
Designed For People Moving Toward Membership At St. Andrew’s.
Sunday Evening, October 14
THE ANNUAL ST. ANDREW’S DINNER/DANCE AUCTION IS SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16, AT THE CHAMPIONS CLUB. TICKETS ARE ON SALE IN THE ROTUNDA. Last year, your editor donated a CD compilation: THE ONE HUNDRED GREATEST SONGS OF ALL TIME (If You Count 1960 As The Beginning Of Time). This year, I’m scouring Used Book Stores for vintage editions of a small library: TEN MUST-READ BOOKS to be offered at auction. Part of the fun of this event is the creativity people bring to their auction donations.
This is the place where we usually have Pastor Charlotte asking prayer for others, but Charlotte herself took a fall at the church on Wednesday evening. As I understand it, she fractured a bone in her upper left arm. We did get an e-message from Judy F. who is in Germany with her husband Wayne visiting family. Judy was telling us that Wayne’s mother has passed away in Seattle.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, “Hear O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Thursday, September 27, 2007



St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
October 2007

In the Gallup Organization Membership Engagement Survey, Item #17 reads, “As a member of my church, my opinions seem to count.” We are soliciting your opinion to help us make important decisions about the worship life of our congregation.

The current St. Andrew’s worship schedule evolved around the limitations of worshiping in the Family Life Center. We presently offer three Sunday Morning worship services. The 8:00 service is marketed as “traditional,” including material from the United Methodist Hymnal. 9:15 & 10:45 are “contemporary,” featuring praise songs with a full band. On a given Sunday, St. Andrew’s will average about 800 people in worship: approximately 75 persons at 8:00, 475 at 9:15, and 250 at 10:45. The same sermon is preached at each of the three services. All three services are held in our 900 seat sanctuary.

The Mission of St. Andrew’s is Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Among our strategies is “Heart-Warming Worship.” We have been asking ourselves: How can we share the heart-warming gospel of Christ most effectively with the most people? We have been intrigued by the possibility of offering an early-Saturday Evening service. The explosion of youth sports into Sunday Morning makes Saturday Evening a potentially attractive option. The strong Roman Catholic influence in Omaha is another factor favoring a worship service on Saturday, as many residents of the area are already familiar with the Saturday worship option.

There is a strong consensus among our worship leadership that if we commit to a Saturday Evening service, we will offer two Sunday Morning services instead of three. The quality of our worship experience is at least as important as the quantity of services offered.

If we were to indeed reorganize our worship schedule, the logical launch date would be the first weekend of Lent, 2008.

A final note before you take pencil to the paper: This is a survey; it is not a vote. The surveys will be tabulated. The pastors, staff and Administrative Council will review the results and make decisions based upon an interpretation of those results. The decisions will then be clearly communicated to the congregation. If there is not a strong case to be made for changing what we’re doing now, we’ll stick with what we’re doing now. Your response to this survey will help us make informed decisions. Please return this to the church office by October 15.


1) Service You Regularly Attend:
8:00AM 9:15AM 10:45AM It Varies

2) Your age:
13-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-older

3) How long have you been attending St. Andrew’s?
<6>10 Years

4) Do you have children currently attending Sunday School? If YES, circle all groups that apply:
Infant Pre-School Elementary Youth

5) How frequently do you attend worship at St. Andrew’s:
a) I am here most Sundays of the year.
b) I am here more than half the Sundays of the year
c) I am here fewer than half the Sundays of the year
d) I rarely attend.
6) If a 5:00 Saturday Evening Worship Service was offered, modeled after our current 9:15 & 10:45 services, including a band, how often would you participate?

a) Regular attender at the Saturday service.
b) Regular attender at the Saturday service w/ exception of football
c) Attend when I can’t be here on Sunday Morning.
d) Never Attend.

7) Would you consider being a pioneer for the 5:00 Saturday service, with a six month commitment of regular attendance?
Yes No

8) In his influential book, “The Emerging Church,” Dan Kimball writes that a new generation of believers is being drawn to “vintage”/traditional expressions of the faith. Kimball posits that what was “contemporary” a decade ago is quickly becoming dated. St. Andrew’s has been moving in the direction of more “blended” services, fusing the praise sounds we do so well at 9:15 and 10:45 with more traditional hymnody (Holy, Holy, Holy/Standing On The Promises) set to gospel beats. What’s your position on “blending?”
Opposed Enthusiastic
1 2 3 4 5

9) Which of the following best represents your personal preference in church music?

a) Praise songs of the variety currently featured at 9:15 & 10:45
b) Traditional hymns from the United Methodist Hymnal
c) A blend of praise, traditional, gospel, classical and other expressions as may fit the theme of a given morning

10) Rate the following worship service options:

a) Have a Saturday Evening service with two services on Sunday Morning.
Opposed Enthusiastic
1 2 3 4 5
b) We don’t need a Saturday Evening service, but it makes sense to go to two
services on Sunday Morning.
Opposed Enthusiastic
1 2 3 4 5
c) Make no changes to the worship schedule. Retain the current Sunday Morning
schedule. We don’t need a Saturday Evening service.
Opposed Enthusiastic
1 2 3 4 5

11) Rate the following Saturday/Sunday Worship Service options (assume a solid child care/Church School program would be available for each service.)

A) 5:00 Saturday Evening (with praise band)
8:30 Sunday Morning (w/piano & organ)
10:00 Sunday Morning (with praise band)
Opposed Enthusiastic
1 2 3 4 5

B) 5:00 Saturday Evening (with praise band)
9:00 Sunday Morning (w/band)
10:30 Sunday Morning (w/band)
Opposed Enthusiastic
1 2 3 4 5

We invite your comments on any of the above, to help us understand your thinking:

Your name (optional, but helpful, particularly if you answered YES to #7)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 25

September 30, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching:
Inspired by the Gallup Organization Membership Engagement Survey, specifically #17:
“As a member of my church, my opinion seems to count.”
We received two great new families into membership on Sunday:

MARK & GINGER G.–Mark is the Business Manager at Harley Davidson, Ginger is a nurse at Methodist in the Cardiac Unit- they have two boys, Eli and Myles.

LIAM & AMANDA T.- Liam is a pediatrician with the Air Force and Amanda is a Mary Kay Sales Director They have two boys, Michael and Logan.
Our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS, an event designed for people exploring membership at St. Andrew’s, is scheduled for Sunday evening, October 14, 5:00-6:30. The pastors and members of the program staff will be there. If you’d been with us in September, you would have met great people like the Giffords and Toths as well. We’ll hope to have a great group again in October. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda.
I have always admired Ken Burns’ work, most notably, “The Civil War.” His new documentary “The War”—as in WWII—is an amazing achievement. Last night’s narrative of the 1943 bombing missions over Germany was downright breathtaking. It’s hard to fathom the courage of men who would climb into a ball turret.
Youth Director BOB D. writes:
Come join me this Saturday September 39 and try to conquer the 10 acre Corn Maze at Camp Fontanelle. We will be leaving the church at 1pm. Camp Fontanelle is approximately 45mins from the church. Please e-mail me by this Wednesday to sign up. Each youth is required to fill out the Youth Medical Release Form found on the St. Andrews website (click on the forms button). To learn more about the Corn Maze visit [ ] . The cost is $6 per person.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Floyd W., who is facing difficult family decisions (father of Marcey R.). Prayers for Tim H., preparing for surgery on September 28th. Prayers of joy for Melissa K. and Kyle A., in their recent marriage. Prayers for Ryan B., who has sustained a skull fracture, due to a fall (son of Karen B. and Terry B.). Prayers for Jamal, who is in a coma, due to a severe beating (son of Brett M.). Prayers for Kevin K., preparing for Achilles Tendon surgery (son of Sharon and Leroy K.).
Ephesians 4:1-6, “I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

Friday, September 21, 2007

1.3 Miles Toward Bethlehem

September 23, 2007
Nancy Davis preaching: ANYWAY: Does No Good Deed Go Unpunished? Inspired by a Martina McBride song.

Coming September 30, Bruce preaching: “HIGH NOON”
GRIEF SHARE, a seminar and support group for those who are grieving the loss of someone close to them, will begin on October 29, 2007, and continue for 13 weeks, from 7 – 8:30 p.m. Cost is $15. Child care will be provided upon request. Please consider joining us for a time of healing and restoration – and share this opportunity with others you may know of who are going through this experience. This can be your journey from mourning to joy. Please register by contacting Pastor Charlotte at 431-8560, ext. 18 or email her.
LET’S GET MOVING, ST. ANDREW’S! The Health Ministry team would like to challenge the congregation to JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM beginning October 1. The program is a 6487 mile journey intended to improve the health of our church family through walking and other daily activity. The journey begins in Omaha and culminates on Christmas Eve as participants together accumulate enough miles to reach our destination in Bethlehem. This is a fun program open to people of all ages; several other metro-area churches will also be participating. (But we’re not “racing” against them…right, Bruce? ? ) Miles can be accumulated through walking, running, biking, dancing, playing outside with your children, cleaning your house or any form of physical activity that is enjoyable for you. We have a “mileage equivalency” chart that converts nearly any form of exercise from minutes to miles! We will provide the congregation with periodic updates on how far Team St. Andrew’s has traveled as we go along. If you are interested in joining our journey, please email Jeff H. for more details. Please email by September 28 to join the team. (Registration requires signing a waiver as well.)

PAM F. writes: Youth Choir will be meeting on Wednesday evenings at 6:15. All youth in grades 6th-12th are invited to come and make a joyful noise!



The Date: Friday, November 16

The Price: $80 (Yes, we know that’s pricey by United Methodist standards, but we invite you to think of it as a big night out, complete with a terrific meal in a wonderful setting with music by the Confidentials. This is one of our key fund raisers. All proceeds go toward paying interest and principle on our mortgage. The money we raise in this event means we can allocate fewer of your annual donation dollars to the mortgage and more of those dollars on the Mission of Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ.)

Still Needed: ITEM DONATIONS FOR THE AUCTION: Donation forms will be available at the ticket table. VOLUNTEERS: We are still looking for volunteers to help with the auction. Please contact Beth and Kevlin.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of thanksgiving for Betty O., who is cancer free. Prayers for Wendell M., receiving chemotherapy treatments (friend of Sheridan M.).
Exodus 3:1-6: Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian; he led his flock beyond the wilderness, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. Then Moses said, “I must turn aside and look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up.” When the Lord saw that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” Then he said, “Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” He said further, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaace, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We invite you to share the presence of the Lord with us this Sunday. The bushes may not be on fire, but we trust our hearts will be burning with love and faith. You don’t need to take off your shoes, either—in fact, we’d just as soon you kept them on.

God bless, BRD

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I had a Josiah-type experience earlier this summer, reading Al Winseman’s new book, “Growing An Engaged Church.” Al was the founding pastor of St. Andrew’s. He’s been gone nine years now, and currently works with the Gallup Organization as their Global Practice Leader For Faith-Based Organizations.

I’ve received his book as nothing short of revelation. Al’s St. Andrew’s experience is all over the pages. It’s as if I’ve stumbled upon the congregation’s original ideological blueprint. For a context guy, it’s extremely exciting, looking at ideas and practices that were once part of the congregational life, but maybe got a little lost along the way. In chapter eight, Al writes:

We put together a Covenant of membership which laid out what was expected from members—and what they could expect from the church….

The covenant was printed on a single sheet of paper with two columns. On one side of the covenant were the expectations of membership, which were basically an expansion of the traditional United Methodist membership vows to support the church with our prayers, presence, gifts and service:

As a member of St. Andrew’s, I will:
* support and further the mission of St. Andrew’s: to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
* pray for my church and fellow members regularly
*be present in worship and other church events on a regular basis.
* support my church with my spiritual and financial gifts.
* find an area of ministry through which I can serve Christ and others.

We then left a space for them to sign and date this side of the covenant.

In the other column, we listed what the members could expect from us. This side of the covenant mirrored the vision statement that we created to support our mission:

As your church family, we will:
*provide opportunities for you to live out your faith in service to others.
*provide faith-based opportunities for you to grow as a Christian.
*provide opportunities for you to develop deep and lasting friendships in community with others.
*provide opportunities for lifelong learning as you deepen your understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith.
*be good stewards of your financial contributions to your church.

At the bottom of this column were two spaces for the lay leader’s and my signatures.

That’s all there was to it…. But it was interesting to see people’s reactions when we asked all our members to sign it—both existing members and new ones. We implemented the covenant four years into our existence, and so we had hundreds of members for whom a covenant was a new and puzzling thing, and they weren’t so sure they liked it….

We explained that we took church membership seriously, that people could make choices, and they could choose to join, or not join, a church. We wanted to honor that choice with a covenant, which we would renew every year on the anniversary of our church’s founding—Charter Sunday. We also explained that this would put everyone, new and current members, on the same page….

I personally found this doubly serendipitous. The possibility of putting together some kind of congregational covenant had been bouncing around in my head for months. The discovery that such an idea would not be something new, but rather a reconnection with past congregational experience had me doing a YES, YES, LORD!

And what’s this about a Charter Sunday? Come to find out, St. Andrew’s went on-line as a full-fledged congregation on September 26, 1992, meeting at Millard North High School. That was the congregation’s official birth date, and as Al tells it, in subsequent years, Charter Sunday was a day of celebration with balloons and special music and a covenant renewal service.

During the time of Covenant Renewal, we had members come forward and place their signed covenants in a basket on the Communion Table, where I then said a prayer of dedication over them. It was a symbolic and touching moment, and I think all of us knew how important that Covenant Renewal was. Each year on Charter Sunday from then on until I moved to another church, we all renewed our Covenant of Membership. And there were no more negative comments or questions—we all understood the importance of the covenant.


Wake Forest

September 23, 2007
Nancy Davis preaching: “ANYWAY: Does No Good Deed Go Unpunished?” Inspired by a Martina McBride song.
I’m excited to announce the newest members of our church family!
*RONNIE B. is the mother of Jessica R. She is a realtor with CBS Homes.
*DAWN G. is a lead analyst with Mutual of Omaha.
*POLLY H. is a personal banker with Mutual of Omaha.
*KYLE & ANDREA K. are the parents of Ty and Blake. Andrea is a pharmacist at the Nebraska Medical Center. Kyle is a business manager with Kiewet.
*JOSH & KALYN K. brought a great group to Trivia Night. Kalyn teaches at Lews and Clark Middle School. Josh is a construction manager at Kiewit.
*WAYNE & MARY S. are snowbirds, spending half the year in Arizona. Wayne once coached at Kearney State.
*JASON & MICHELLE S. are the parents of two sons, Brady and Collin. Jason is an analyst with PayPal; Michelle is a homemaker. We were blessed to baptize Michelle and the two boys.
*JOHNNY & CHARLENE S. are the parents of two sons, Grant and Drew. Johnny is an account manager for Security Lock Distributors. Charlene is a homemaker.
*MIKE & SHANNON Z. are the parents of Kaitlyn & Nathan. Shannon is a respiratory therapist with Children’s Hospital. Mike is with Southmost Drywall.
TRIVIA NITE CORRECTION: Okay, it appears I owe an apology to those who answered the question about the location of Wake Forest as Winston-Salem North Carolina. We should have given you the point. There is in fact a town of Wake Forest, North Carolina. Upon further review, Wake Forest University was originally located in the town of Wake Forest, but then relocated to Winston-Salem. What was once the Wake Forest campus in Wake Forest is now a Baptist seminary.
Beginning Sept. 25 from 11:30 – 1:00
This study examines the lives of Abraham, Moses, and others who believed God. Through their example, you will be encouraged to deepen your own trust in God and receive a fresh word from Him. It will lead you to a more active faith – one that begins with believing God. The study book is $15.00. Julie Taylor will facilitate. Bring your lunch if you want.

There is still time to join us on the Alpha course. A Welcome Dinner will be held on Thursday, Sep. 20th. Please come and see what Alpha is all about. We do need to know if you are coming, so contact Diana to let her know you intent. Alpha is for anyone who wants to brush up on the basics of Christianity, for new Christians, for those who want to be assured this is a safe, caring place to invite your unchurched friends. I hope that you will join us on this course.

Discover your top five themes by using Gallup’s StrengthsFinder Profile. You will have an opportunity to discuss how these themes are used in your daily life. Please purchase your own copy of the book StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. Read Part 1 – through page 30, before the first class. You will take the Profile after the first class and discussion will follow during the second class. This seminar will be held on Sunday mornings, Sep. 23 and 30th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Please let us know if you need childcare after Sunday School lets out.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Dorothy G., in her recent passing (mother of Milton G.). Prayers for Jim A., who is ill and undergoing tests (friend of Chris L.). Prayers of joy for Ben and Shannon, in their recent marriage (son of Netta and Mike P.).
Psalm 34:1-3, “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.”

Friday, September 14, 2007


If you find yourself at loose ends this evening (Friday), consider joining us for TRIVIA NIGHT, which starts at 7:00. You’ve missed the early registration at $5, but it’s only $10 at the door; with door prizes, refreshments and other goodies, not to mention the fellowship, it’s still a pretty great deal.
September 16, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching: “LET’S GET ENGAGED.”
Music will include “How Great Is Our God,” “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Awesome Power,” “All Things Are Possible”
We’ll be invited to participate in Covenant Renewal:

As a member of St. Andrew’s, I will:
* support and further the mission of St. Andrew’s: to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
* pray for my church and fellow members regularly
*be present in worship and other church events on a regular basis.
* support my church with my spiritual and financial gifts.
* find an area of ministry through which I can serve Christ and others.

As your church family, we will:
*provide opportunities for you to live out your faith in service to others.
*provide faith-based opportunities for you to grow as a Christian.
*provide opportunities for you to develop deep and lasting friendships in community with others.
*provide opportunities for lifelong learning as you deepen your understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith.
*be good stewards of your financial contributions to your church.
Today’s the second anniversary of a day I still have trouble characterizing. Two years ago, Nancy and I moved to Omaha from Springfield, Missouri. The night before, we’d been with my parents, who also lived in Springfield, to say our goodbyes. My dad had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. We knew his time was sort, and sometime in the night, he passed away. If I can ever get my head around the events of September 14, 2005, I’ll share it with you in a sermon, but I’m not there yet.
Dan Trombla tells me the Huskers have a genuine chance to win tomorrow night—and that’s good enough for me. My prediction: Huskers 31, USC 24.
Mark your calendars.
Tuesday October 9, will be the Fall Ladies Night out. We will be treated to a comedic DVD presentation and sub sandwiches.
Tuesday November 6, will be the Fall General Gathering. We will enjoy a variety of experiences, more information to come.
Both of these events prove to be a time of fun, excitement and learning for all who can attend.
Child care will be available.
Please look in the upcoming A-Mails and bulletins for information on these exciting up-coming fall events.
ATTENTION ALL SENIOR HIGH YOUTH! It is time to sign up for next year’s mission trip to Rosebud Reservation located in South Dakota. The trip date will be July 11-18, 2008. A sign up sheet is located in the Rotunda along with an information sheet for you to take. $100 deposit is due ASAP to secure your spot. The trip is filling up fast so sign up today! Any questions contact Bob D.
From JULIE T.: Are you looking for a new way to explore your faith in God? If so, please join us on Tuesday mornings at 11:30 for the Beth Moore study Believing God. You will experience a fresh explosion of faith that will enhance your relationship with God. If you would like to join us on this 11 week journey please contact Julie T. or Diana F. to sign up. Class starts Tuesday 25, 11:30 to 1:00. Bring your sack lunch, too!!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Stacy O., awaiting results of a biopsy (sister of Wade B.; sister-in-law of Christine B.). Prayers for Karen B.’s mother, recently diagnosed with malignant melanoma; pray that the doctors can locate the primary site and quickly contain it. Prayers for Sandy M., preparing for esophageal surgery on September 17th.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept. 11

“Empty sky, empty sky; I woke up this morning to an empty sky…”
Bruce Springsteen
We welcome new readers to St.A-Mail. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.
September 16, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching: “LET’S GET ENGAGED.”
Music will include “How Great Is Our God,” “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Awesome Power,” “All Things Are Possible”
We’ll be invited to participate in Covenant Renewal:

As a member of St. Andrew’s, I will:
* support and further the mission of St. Andrew’s: to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
* pray for my church and fellow members regularly
*be present in worship and other church events on a regular basis.
* support my church with my spiritual and financial gifts.
* find an area of ministry through which I can serve Christ and others.

As your church family, we will:
*provide opportunities for you to live out your faith in service to others.
*provide faith-based opportunities for you to grow as a Christian.
*provide opportunities for you to develop deep and lasting friendships in community with others.
*provide opportunities for lifelong learning as you deepen your understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith.
*be good stewards of your financial contributions to your church.
LES MISERABLES: THE SERMON was a remarkable experience for me, personally. We talk about using our strengths in the congregation. I find great satisfaction in using my musical/organizational strengths to edify the body of Christ. The kicker, of course, is that I myself can’t read a note of music, can’t carry a tune in a bucket, and only know three chords on piano and guitar. Therefore, I am wholly dependent on others to make my strengths count for anything. Being appointed to St. Andrew’s, having access to the kind of incredible musical talent you saw on Sunday, makes me wonder sometimes if I’ve died and gone to heaven.
Congratulations to Erik & Mary L. on the baptism of their daughter, Margaret.
I’ve been working on Trivia questions today, getting ready for Friday night. There’s still time for you to plug in, but it would be good if you let us know you are coming. Return e-mail is probably the best bet.
ST. ANDREW’S CHILDREN CHOIRS will be starting this Wednesday, Sept. 12th, from 5:30-5:55 p.m. The Music Makers (4 & 5 years old) will meet in LL5 with Sarah W. The Joyful Sounds (Kdg.-2nd grade) willl meet with Pastor Nancy in LL2. The Mighty Doves (3rd-5th grade) will meet with Pam F. in the music rehearsal room.
If you have any questions, please contact Pam F.
REMINDER: Blood drive this Sunday. 7:30 am to 12:00 pm. Sign up in the rotunda or walk-in this Sunday.
JEFF H. writes: If you are participating in the Corporate Cup, the Omaha Marathon or Half-Marathon, or Race for the Cure then can you e-mail Jeff H.? Jeff is running the Corporate Cup and the Omaha Half-Marathon and was interested if anyone else from St. Andrew’s was participating. Also, the Health Ministries Leadership Team is interested in developing a list of walkers and runners so that they can make you aware of other Health Ministries activities.
Speaking of Springsteen (see above): If you have 99 cents burning in your pocket, let me urge you to get on to I-Tunes and download his new single, “Radio Nowhere.” This is vintage rock-and-roll, garage band art at its finest.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of joy for Tracy H. and Ralph R., in their recent marriage. Prayers for Betty W., recovering from surgery (mother of David W.). Prayers for Joan M., who has been transferred to a respiratory hospital in St. Petersburg, Fl; pray that she regain her strength; pray, also, for the entire family (mother of Jim M.).
Matthew 4:18-19
“As Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Friday, September 07, 2007

Dress Rehearsal

This Sunday At St. Andrew’s
8:00, Rev. Charlotte Mallott preaching: “RUNNING ON EMPTY?”
A Bruce R. Davis production
Wednesday’s dress rehearsal for “Les Miserables: The Sermon” was downright exhilarating. I left it to the individual cast members to do their own costuming and find amazed all over again at their creativity. I am so gratified to have been able with this great group of souls the past ten weeks. Wow.
With “Les Miserables” vacating the sanctuary on Wednesday nights, the choir returns to its regular rehearsal time next week—7:00-8:00. The choir will be making its fall debut on the 16th and we’d love to plug you in.
The 2007 St. Andrew’s Dinner/Dance/Auction is scheduled for The Champions Club on November 16. Nancy and I have been pondering our own personal contribution to the auction and I think we’ve settled on something pretty neat. Tickets are on sale now. It’s a great event.
A week from tonight is TRIVIA NIGHT. Tickets are just $5. Sign up this Sunday in the Rotunda.
MARGIE W. writes; We will be having the annual Pet Blessing on Saturday, Sept. 15th – 10:00 a.m. outside the church office/gym door. Please bring your pet(s) that morning and Pastors Nancy and Charlotte will have a short ceremony and bless each pet.

Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Barney B., in his recent, unexpected passing (brother-in-law of Robert H.). Prayers for Gene S., who has inoperable liver and intestinal cancer; has been given 1-2 months to live (father of a friend of Lisa C.). Prayers for the people of Nicaragua, who were hit by hurricane Felix, and the Rainbow Network. Prayers of sympathy for Yvonne H. and family, in the recent passing of her husband, Mark (cousin of Kathy R.). Prayers for Luke, Mark & Gus, who are recovering from a serious auto accident (family members of a friend of Renee C.). Prayers for Carrie G., preparing for surgery on September 6th (friend of Pastor Nancy).
Psalm 140:1-6, A song of Les Miserables:
Deliver me, O Lord, from evildoers; protect me from those who are violent, who plan evil things in their minds and stir up wars continually. They make their tongue sharp as a snake’s, and under their lips is the venom of vipers. Guard me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent who have planned my downfall. The arrogant have hidden a trap for me, and with cords they have spread a neat, along the road they have set snares for me.”

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Les Miserables: The Sermon

This Sunday At St. Andrew’s
8:00, Rev. Pastor Charlotte preaching: “Running On Empty?”
9:15 & 10:45:
This is a Bruce R. Davis production
With Greg Witte as Jean Valjean
C. Todd Cook as Javert
Jeff Hatcher as The Bishop
Lynne Jessick as Fantine
Karen Belair as Eponine
Adam Witte as Marius
Tara Stark as Cosette
Elizabeth Buchholz as Young Cosette
Bruce Peterson as Thenardier
Jessica Rabe as Madame Thenardier
Nate Underwood as Enjorlas
Nancy Davis, Narrator
Christie Abdul, Karen Bradshaw, Aaron Buchholz,
Jean Buchholz, Joel Buchholz, Jean Busboom Piercy, Judy Fowler,
Carol Gaebler, Deb Harding, Noel Harris, Brad Hawks,
Elizabeth Hemmingsen, Eleanor Hendrix, John Langwith,
Erin Nelson, Mike Nilson, Georgi Phillips, Katie Ramm,
Kelly Ramm, Joy Rutar, Steve Smith, Dave Stading, Layton Welsh,
Allison Zetterman, Justin Zetterman
Musical Crew:
Adam Witte, Pam Fleury, Leon Adams, Bill Wert, Gene Wert,
Rob Huebner
Tech Crew:
Steve Groves, Scott Klinger, Richard Harrison, Ron Schaap,
Mark Van Kekerix, Craig Strong

PLEASE NOTE: THE MUSIC STARTS RIGHT AT 9:15 & 10:45. We'll be closing the doors to the sanctuary for the first song, then opening them again for late arrivers--so please be in the sanctuary when the service starts.
The Newest Member of St. Andrew’s is:
ANNE-MARIE T. She is a Special Ed. Teacher at the King Science Center
We were blessed to participate in the baptism of ELIJAH DAN H., son of Kurt and Andrea.
Joyce M. writes: The Bells of St. Andrews begin full rehearsals tomorrow night, Wednesday, at 5:30 p.m. in LL1. We invite all former ringers to join us as we begin another season of handbell ringing. The Open Ring was successful as three new ringers have joined the choir. Our first Sunday to ring will be Sunday, October 7th.
Come and join the BLT (Boomers Laughing Together) group for a concert at the Prairie Crossing Winery on Saturday, September 8th. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and (if you like) picnic or snack and soft drinks. (Brats and hamburgers will be for sale.) The time is from 5:30 to 9:30 or any time in between. For directions, visit the Prairie Crossing’s website at [ ] -- Note that the information posted there for the 8th of September should show that Brich and Killion will be the band performing. For questions or more information, call Wendy M. Also, please let Wendy know if you will plan to attend.
Youth Director BOB D. writes: Just a reminder that Wednesday Night Bible Study starts this Wednesday. Grades 6th-8th meet in LL4. Senior high meets in the Youth Room. Don’t forget this Sunday’s September 9 BACK TO SCHOOL POOL PARTY 12:30pm -3:30pm at the home of Greg and Pam T. Please RSVP by e-mailing Bob. The dates for next year’s SENIOR HIGH MISSION TRIP (Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota) are July 11-18, 2008. I have reserved 35 spots (we can add to this number if there is room available). The cost of the Youth Works portion of the trip will be $258.00 per youth. I need a $100 deposit from each youth planning on attending as I have to send in our group deposit by September 10. I have a sign up sheet on the youth table located in the Rotunda or you can e-mail me to sign up. Please make checks out to St Andrews. Secure your spot today as the trip we be amazing!
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Donnie A., terminally ill with cancer (sister of Lela C.).
Psalm 69: 1-3, “Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.”

Bruce’s note: If you’re up to your neck in life’s stream of trouble, other people of faith have been there, too. The Lord didn’t let the Psalmist drown; you’ll be okay, too.