Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Les Miserables: The Sermon

This Sunday At St. Andrew’s
8:00, Rev. Pastor Charlotte preaching: “Running On Empty?”
9:15 & 10:45:
This is a Bruce R. Davis production
With Greg Witte as Jean Valjean
C. Todd Cook as Javert
Jeff Hatcher as The Bishop
Lynne Jessick as Fantine
Karen Belair as Eponine
Adam Witte as Marius
Tara Stark as Cosette
Elizabeth Buchholz as Young Cosette
Bruce Peterson as Thenardier
Jessica Rabe as Madame Thenardier
Nate Underwood as Enjorlas
Nancy Davis, Narrator
Christie Abdul, Karen Bradshaw, Aaron Buchholz,
Jean Buchholz, Joel Buchholz, Jean Busboom Piercy, Judy Fowler,
Carol Gaebler, Deb Harding, Noel Harris, Brad Hawks,
Elizabeth Hemmingsen, Eleanor Hendrix, John Langwith,
Erin Nelson, Mike Nilson, Georgi Phillips, Katie Ramm,
Kelly Ramm, Joy Rutar, Steve Smith, Dave Stading, Layton Welsh,
Allison Zetterman, Justin Zetterman
Musical Crew:
Adam Witte, Pam Fleury, Leon Adams, Bill Wert, Gene Wert,
Rob Huebner
Tech Crew:
Steve Groves, Scott Klinger, Richard Harrison, Ron Schaap,
Mark Van Kekerix, Craig Strong

PLEASE NOTE: THE MUSIC STARTS RIGHT AT 9:15 & 10:45. We'll be closing the doors to the sanctuary for the first song, then opening them again for late arrivers--so please be in the sanctuary when the service starts.
The Newest Member of St. Andrew’s is:
ANNE-MARIE T. She is a Special Ed. Teacher at the King Science Center
We were blessed to participate in the baptism of ELIJAH DAN H., son of Kurt and Andrea.
Joyce M. writes: The Bells of St. Andrews begin full rehearsals tomorrow night, Wednesday, at 5:30 p.m. in LL1. We invite all former ringers to join us as we begin another season of handbell ringing. The Open Ring was successful as three new ringers have joined the choir. Our first Sunday to ring will be Sunday, October 7th.
Come and join the BLT (Boomers Laughing Together) group for a concert at the Prairie Crossing Winery on Saturday, September 8th. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and (if you like) picnic or snack and soft drinks. (Brats and hamburgers will be for sale.) The time is from 5:30 to 9:30 or any time in between. For directions, visit the Prairie Crossing’s website at [ ] -- Note that the information posted there for the 8th of September should show that Brich and Killion will be the band performing. For questions or more information, call Wendy M. Also, please let Wendy know if you will plan to attend.
Youth Director BOB D. writes: Just a reminder that Wednesday Night Bible Study starts this Wednesday. Grades 6th-8th meet in LL4. Senior high meets in the Youth Room. Don’t forget this Sunday’s September 9 BACK TO SCHOOL POOL PARTY 12:30pm -3:30pm at the home of Greg and Pam T. Please RSVP by e-mailing Bob. The dates for next year’s SENIOR HIGH MISSION TRIP (Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota) are July 11-18, 2008. I have reserved 35 spots (we can add to this number if there is room available). The cost of the Youth Works portion of the trip will be $258.00 per youth. I need a $100 deposit from each youth planning on attending as I have to send in our group deposit by September 10. I have a sign up sheet on the youth table located in the Rotunda or you can e-mail me to sign up. Please make checks out to St Andrews. Secure your spot today as the trip we be amazing!
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Donnie A., terminally ill with cancer (sister of Lela C.).
Psalm 69: 1-3, “Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.”

Bruce’s note: If you’re up to your neck in life’s stream of trouble, other people of faith have been there, too. The Lord didn’t let the Psalmist drown; you’ll be okay, too.