Sunday, January 27, 2008

Joshua Fit

Dear Saints of Andrew:

Be it ever so frigid, there’s no place like home. Actually, people in Florida were griping about how cold it was down there. I understand you had some REALLY cold weather while we were gone. I can’t say I’m sorry to have missed it.

A quick look at the worship schedule for the next several weeks:

* Tomorrow, the Praise Band, Horns of Jericho and I will be offering JOSHUA FIT. We’ll be taking the Gallup Engagement Survey again—the third time in the past year. The idea is to chart trends in the congregation and we hope you will participate.

* The first Sunday in February is MINISTRY FAIR SUNDAY. I’ll be preaching a sermon titled: EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT JOHN THE BAPTIST. He is such an interesting, pivotal figure in the Biblical story. The morning will include installation of officers. We will NOT be celebrating Holy Communion as we will be serving the Holy Meal on…

* ASH WEDNESDAY, February 6. The evening starts with a Soup Supper served by the Faith Circle of the United Methodist Women at 6:00. We worship at 7:00. I had announced a sermon about James A. Garfield, but the assassinated president will have to wait as I’ve decided to give a Mary and Martha meditation in conjunction with a Mary and Martha drams from our Drama Team.

* February 10 is Love Sunday. Nancy is preaching a sermon called LOVE STORY. A reaffirmation of wedding vows will be offered following the 10:45 service and all interested couples are invited to participate. It’s also PASTOR CHARLOTTE APPRECIATION SUNDAY. Samantha M. of the Staff-Parish Committee shares the following:

Charlotte's recognition luncheon will be held on February 10th at noon in the Family Life Center. Lunch will be buffet style and include chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, chips, a vegetable tray, and dinner rolls, as well as a cake. Please RSVP for the luncheon by using the purple response cards in the bulletin the next 2 Sundays, so that we have an accurate count. Please feel free to bring Charlotte a card and Love Offering if you feel moved to do so. As a side note, this luncheon is a "Thank You" to Charlotte for her service to the church and is not a good bye as she will still be worshiping with us and we will all be able to see her each Sunday.

* February 17 starts with Mike R. preaching at 8:00. At 9:15 & 10:45, the Praise Band, Choir and I will offer a musical sermon titled BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY. I sat through a class this week about Making Church Music Different and could not help but snicker when the leader spoke excitedly about using organ and guitar together. Whee! I might add this: In terms of "best practices," St. Andrew’s stacks up very favorably across-the-board with other large, growing congregations within the United Methodist connection.

We’ll hope to see you tomorrow morning.