Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ministry Fair Sunday

Dear Saints of Andrew:

Our newest members are:
KEVIN & JENNIE A.–Kevin is a banker with Access Bank and Jennie is the Accounting Manager for Commerce Bank. They have two children, Ayden 6 and Ella 3.
PHILLIP & JACKLYN A.–Phillip is a cabinet maker with Designer Woods and Jaclyn is the Dining Room Manager at Omaha Country Club. They are expecting their first child in February.
February 3 is shaping up as a BIG, BIG Sunday.

• We’ll be holding a MINISTRY FAIR in the Rotunda to kick-off WORSHIP + 1. We’re encouraging people to engage themselves with St. Andrew’s through a commitment to worship PLUS one of our small group/faith formation/service ministries. The MINISTRY FAIR is designed to offer opportunities to plug in.

• During the 9:15 & 10:45 services, we’ll be installing our 2008 Church Officers. We won’t be covering every officer in every organization—that would be impossible. This is an installation of officers elected at the Church Conference in November.

• I’m preaching in all three services: JOHN THE BAPTIST. ,

ASH WEDNESDAY is February 6. The evening begins with a Soup Supper at 6:00. The worship service starts at 7:00 and will include the Drama Team and the St. Andrew’s Singers. I’ll bring a short meditation. We will share Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes.
FROM PAM F.: Instead of giving something up for Lent why not give your time and talents to St. Andrew's? We will be having a Lenten choir that will sing on Sundays through Easter. Your Lenten commitment would include rehearsals with the choir on Wednesdays (starting on Feb. 13th) from 7-8:15 p.m. and then Sundays at either the 9:15 or 10:45 service (or both). Look for information on the Lenten choir at the Heartwarming Worship table this Sunday or contact Pam .
From BOB D.: Attention Confirmation students! There are no Confirmation classes this Tuesday Jan. 29.
JOYCE C. writes:
Here are two great ways you can get started with Worship +1. You could even make it Worship +2:

The first Sunday of every month, the Missions Team collects Hi-C drink boxes for Camp Fire USA. These drink boxes are included in backpacks which contain nutritious meals provided to approximately 400-500 Omaha children for the weekends. Bring your drink boxes to the Hi-C/Missions table on February 3rd!

The BLT’s (social group consisting of those of “boomer” age group ±) are going bowling on February 23rd! For details and to sign up, see the BLT board in the Narthex.
Our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is February 17, 5:00-6:30.
PWP is a very informal event for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew’s.
Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or via return e-mail.
We have learned that Gil H.’s mother, Gwen, has passed away. We express our heartfelt sympathy to Gil and his family. Pastor Charlotte asks prayers for the family and friends of Dianne T., who died in the Von Maur tragedy (sister of Sandi C.).
This is Pastor Charlotte’s last week in the office. I know many of you have already signed up for the Pastor Charlotte Appreciation Luncheon on Sunday, February 10. Reservation cards will be in the bulletin again this Sunday, or you can call the office and we’ll save a place for you.
Mark 1:1-3
The good news of Jesus Christ—the Message!—begins here, following to the letter the scroll of the prophet Isaiah:
Watch closely; I’m sending my preacher ahead of you.
He’ll make the road smooth for you.
Thunder in the desert!
Prepare for God’s arrival!
Make the road smooth and straight!