Wednesday, December 12, 2007


THIS SUNDAY December 16
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45:
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
We’re into full-tilt Christmas Carol mode now.
We’ll be singing Angels We Have Heard On High, What Child Is This
and It Came Upon The Midnight Clear.
The Praise Band will offer Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 at 9:15 & 10:45
Leon Adams will be playing Go Tell It On The Mountain at 8:00
At 9:15 & 10:45, The St. Andrew’s Singers will grace us with Breathe.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho, The Herald Angels Singers and other wonderful music in all three services. Soloists in the various services will include Jeff Hatcher, Nate Underwood, Greg Witte and Adam Witte. The Children’s Choirs will be singing at 5:00. The Bells will be with us at 3:00. Bruce preaching: NUTS! Special Guest: Sgt. Tracy Cogdill.
December 30, 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
If you want to see and even order prints from Sunday’s Intergenerational Christmas Cantata, use this link to Craig Strong’s web site:
Craig does phenomenal work.
KRISTIN D. sent the following on Monday and I am reprinting it with her permission:

As I was taking my son to school this morning I had the radio on listening to Christmas carols. They broke in to comment on the rainbow that was over Westroads mall. I looked to the East and overhead was the most profound Rainbow. A calming, along with tears came over me. Is this God comforting those who are laying their loved ones to rest today, reassuring us? It was incredible.
Before this, as I was listening to the morning news, hearing of the most recent shootings, I was just wondering if indeed the world was coming to an end. I needed to see that rainbow, to reassure me, that indeed, God is still with us, and NO!!, the world is not coming to an end, and that now more then ever, we need God!
I'm sorry that I am rambling, but I have just been so deeply touched by this whole incredible scene. I myself needed His sign today!!
Switching rainbows, I’m thinking of making a quick trip to Nicaragua after the first of the year. The itinerary would include a visit to our sister community of San Andres and other projects of the Rainbow Network. St. Andrew’s will soon be entering the second year of a three-year commitment in which we contribute $20,000 annually for health care, feeding programs, education and mirco-economic loans through Rainbow to the people of San Andres. If I go, it will be a quick trip. Anybody out in St.A-land want to go with me? A ballpark figure of a thousand dollars should cover most all expenses. If you’re interested, let me know.
There’s talk in the United Methodist Church of publishing a new hymnal, perhaps by 2013. Of course, I’ve become a complete convert to putting lyrics on the screen. We had some suggestions in the worship survey that we go back to using hymnals, but here’s the big plus in having the words on the screen: Singing from a hymnal, worshipers are looking down at the words, with the effect that their voices go in that direction. Singing from the screens, worshipers are looking up, so their voices naturally carry upward. It makes a huge difference in the singing.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of healing for Ann G., recovering from surgery. Prayers for George W., preparing for surgery December 18th. Prayers of sympathy for the family of Dr. Henry B. in his recent passing; pray, especially, for his immediate family and brother Michael B. and sister, Mary B. (Dr. B. is the brother-in-law of Chris W.). Prayers for Maggie E., preparing for surgery December 13. Prayers for Gerald R., preparing for surgery on December 19th.
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
All seated on the ground
The angel of the Lord came down
And glory shone around
And glory shone around

“Fear not!” said he, for mighty dread
had seized their troubled mind
“Glad tidings of great joy I bring
to all of human kind
to all of human kind”
--Nahum Tate 1700
“While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks”
God bless, BRD