Friday, December 14, 2007

Sing We Now Noel!

THIS SUNDAY December 16
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45:
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
We’re into full-tilt Christmas Carol mode now.
We’ll be singing Angels We Have Heard On High, What Child Is This
and It Came Upon The Midnight Clear.
The Praise Band will offer Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 at 9:15 & 10:45
Leon Adams will be playing Go Tell It On The Mountain at 8:00
At 9:15 & 10:45, The St. Andrew’s Singers will grace us with Breathe.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho, The Herald Angels Singers and other wonderful music in all three services. Soloists in the various services will include Jeff Hatcher, Nate Underwood, Greg Witte and Adam Witte. The Children’s Choirs will be singing at 5:00. The Bells will be with us at 3:00. Bruce preaching: NUTS! Special Guest: Sgt. Tracy Cogdill.
December 30, 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Music Director LEON A. and I have been trying to anticipate the needs of the music ministry when we launch the new worship schedule, March 29 & 30. The weekend of worship will look like this: 5:00 Saturday evening, 8:30 & 10:00 on Sunday. Starting the first of the year, PAM F. will be moving into the slot of vocal director. This frees up the very versatile ADAM W. to operate as an accompanist. We’ve been short a musician since Adora G. left the staff this fall. FAYE J. will be filling the vacant position. Faye is an extremely accomplished musician with a long and impressive resume and we think she’s going to add a lot to our mix.
We received this letter, addressed To the Board of Directors of St. Andrew’s Child Enrichment Center and thought you’d like to see it. I did some minor editing and lacking explicit permission to reprint, decided to withhold the name.

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to St. Andrew’s Child Enrichment Center for educating and caring for my children while they attended the center. Recently, our family moved to Tennessee and taking the children out of St. Andrew’s CEC was one of the most difficult aspects of our decision to move. Our sons….went to St. Andrew’s for three years and we never had any serious issues or concerns. We always felt confident that our children were being cared for extremely well and if there were ever any issues, often they were addressed before we even had a chance to say anything to the directors or teachers. We also formed life-long relationships with several of the teachers….

In this day and age, parents, have every reason to be concerned about how their children are being treated while they are at work. I want to thank St. Andrew’s for making sure that we never had anything to worry about and for partnering with us to make sure our children were in a loving, supportive and educational environment. Thank you!
Pastor CHARLOTTE asks: Please pray for Becky J., who has had a 6 hour iron infusion yesterday – a very risky procedure for her – please pray for her that she responds well to this treatment (sister of Teresa M.) Just added: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Mary M., in the recent passing (mother of Sandra R.) Prayers for Mike R., preparing for outpatient surgery on December 21st. Prayers for Shirley C., who has been hospitalized.
Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here!
Hear our grateful praises to the babe so dear.
Sing we Noel, the King is born, Noel!
Sing we now of Christmas, sing we now Noel!
French Carol, author unknown.