Thursday, February 14, 2008


This Sunday, February 17:

8:00, Mike Roder preaching: BORN IN THE SPIRIT. Mike is a Certified Lay Speaker in the United Methodist Church and serves as chairperson of the St. Andrew’s Board of Trustees. We know you’ll be blessed by his message.

9:15 & 10:45, Bruce Davis, The Praise Band, the Horns Of Jericho and The St. Andrew’s Singers offer BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY, inspired by Gallup Organization Survey #5: Because Of My Faith I Have Meaning And Purpose In My Life.

I’m really pumped this morning, having walked through BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY with the band last night. As I’ll be telling you Sunday, this sermon really started with them.
I began this project with little idea where it would come out, but have since become very invested in this message—and make no mistake about it: there is a message here. I’ve been delighted to hear Saints of Andrew saying they’ll be bringing guests with them on Sunday. One of the reasons for projects such as this is to lure people into our services who are not themselves church-goers. I believe there is much to be gained by occasionally putting something on the agenda that causes others to say, “I’ve never heard of a church doing anything like that, but it sounds intriguing and I think I’d like to see what this is about.” Over the years, I’ve had plenty of people plug into the congregation who first experienced us through worship experiences that pushed the proverbial envelope. If you want something more traditional, of course, we have Mike preaching at 8:00. Some of you may want to make it a double-header, supporting Mike at 8:00 and checking out BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY in one of the later services. It should be memorable. I count myself as the most fortunate pastor in Methodism to have a band that can pull this kind of thing off and a congregation that is spiritually wired to be supportive.
Sunday evening, February 17, 5:00-6:30.
This is a low-to-no-pressure event designed for people interested in membership at St. Andrew’s. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda.
Alpha is designed to give basic instruction in the faith for seekers, new Christians, and established Christians who want to brush up on the basics. Each session consists of a meal, short time of worship, video presentation, and small group discussion. The cost is $5 for materials plus donation for the meals. The next course will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 26th AT 6 p.m. Contact Diana F. to register.
St. Andrews March 2nd, PANCAKE SUNDAY
Sponsored by the Women of St. Andrews
March 2nd is Pancake Breakfast Sunday. It is being sponsored by the women of St. Andrews. This is a great way to pair up with your female friends at St. Andrews and serve a few pancakes for fun and fellowship. We have only 16 volunteer positions left open that we need to fill to be able to successfully pull off the pancake breakfast. Please prayerfully consider where you can assist and see the sign up sheet in the rotunda. Time slots are listed on the sheet. Thank you so much for your help.
MOPED PARTNERS: Have you been giving St. Andrew’s your promised Minute Of Prayer Every Day? We always need the prayer. If you have not committed yourself to a Minute Of Prayer Ever Day for St. Andrew’s, we’d love to have you join the MOPED team. Just sign your name to the register outside the sanctuary and then start praying! You just may find yourself moving from a MOPED to a HARLEY (Heavenly-Activated Righteousness, Love, Empathy and Yes, Yes, Lord!
Daffodil Days falls on March 16, Palm Sunday this year. We are happy to sponsor Daffodil Days again at St. Andrews. Celebrating Daffodil Days is about much more than sharing beautiful flowers: it's about dedicated people like you sharing hope for a world free of cancer. Thanks to your generous support of the American Cancer Society Daffodil Days program, the Society is helping people face cancer every day in every community. Dollars raised through Daffodil Days enable the Society to offer free programs and services that help people fight cancer with courage and optimism. Please fill out the yellow form you received in your bulletin or obtain one from the information desk. Please write clearly to whom your daffodil day purchase is in honor of or in memory of. Also, make sure your check is made payable to The American Cancer Society. This Sunday, February 17th is the last day to order your daffodils. You will be able to pick up your daffodils on Sunday March 16th after your church service in the rotunda at the daffodil table. These flowers bring a beautiful breath of fresh air, of spring and of hope to your home. Please join us in supporting The American Cancer Society.
Back when I was in a pup preacher in St. Joseph, Missouri, I played a lot of basketball with a great guy named David Mejia. Dave went on to offer himself as a local pastor in the United Methodist Church. I was delighted, upon moving to St. Andrew’s, to learn that David had a brother-in-law in the congregation. I’ve enjoyed swapping St. Joseph stories with Dave and Connie Swift, keeping up with Mejia and his wife, Gwen, through them. Gwen Mejia is a lovely, gracious woman in her own right. Anyway, Gwen was diagnosed some time ago with brain cancer and I got an e-mail from the Swifts saying it’s reached an end stage. I called Dave Mejia last night and we had a good talk. His faith is clearly a very present help. Please keep this great family in your prayers as they walk together through the valley of the shadow.