Thursday, February 07, 2008

Love and Softball

Dear Saints of Andrew:

I want to thank everyone who came out to support the Faith Circle Soup Supper and our Ash Wednesday Service. I was surprised—and delighted!—at the number of guests I had not seen before. Special thanks to the Harrisons—Richard, Susan and Rebecca—for the Mary and Martha Drama. I appreciated what the St. Andrew’s Singers did with LORD, WHO THROUGHOUT THESE FORTY DAYS. Speaking of the St. Andrew’s Singers: Earlier in the evening, I heard them rehearsing their anthem for this coming Sunday, and it’s terrific. We’re always looking for new singers. The group practices on Wednesday evenings at 7:00.
February 10, 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Nancy preaching: LOVE STORY
This is Pastor Charlotte Appreciation Sunday
And Nancy will be offering a renewal of marriage vows for interested couples following the last service.
We’re currently taking sign ups for Men’s Softball. Bob Ramm is coordinating the ministry. The plan is to play on Sunday evenings at the Kelly Fields on Fort and 120th. This is a not a church league and we’re looking for competitive players. Look for Bob in the Rotunda on Sunday morning, or e-mail him. The league is taking teams on a first-come, first-serve basis, which adds some urgency to the issue. We currently have 17 guys signed up—too many for one team, not yet enough for two. I don’t know the status of the Co-Ed Team, but will let you know as soon as I do.
Sunday evening, February 17, 5:00-6:30.
This is a low-to-no-pressure event designed for people interested in membership at St. Andrew’s. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda.
Love is a good 4-letter word: Be at your romantic best on the 14th and give your spouse a Marriage Encounter United Methodist weekend! Escape the craziness of everyday life, put God at the center of your marriage, and rediscover the one you love. The next Omaha weekend is Feb. 29 to March 2. For more details, pick up a brochure in the rotunda, call Bevin and Rhonda W., or e-mail.
Adults involved in Continuing Education may apply for the Alan Bruner Memorial Scholarship for $1500.
High School Seniors may apply for the Bea Shannon Memorial Scholarship presented by the UMW for $500 or
the Alan Bruner Memorial Scholarship for $1500.
Applications are on the Welcome Table or the Youth Table.
Applications must be returned to Bob D. by 5 p.m. on March 15.
By the time some of you read this, much later this evening, I’ll be in Managua. I’ll appreciate your prayers for a safe journey.