Monday, March 31, 2008


From Mandy B.: Our newest members of St. Andrews are: RICH and JOHANNA L., owners of Metro Glass, and their three children; EMILY-15, DAVID-13, and MAGGIE-10.



April 5 & 6

Saturday, 5:00 (Family Life Center)

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: SOLID FOOD


The new worship schedule is off to a rousing start! Here are some numbers from the weekend.

  • We were all taken back by the turnout for our inaugural Saturday evening service. The sanctuary count was 349—exceeding our most optimistic projection. That said, we were ready and prepared, and the evening went off wonderfully.
  • The 8:30 count was 106, somewhat less than I was hoping for. The service itself was excellent and I highly commend 8:30 as a worship option.
  • The 10:00 sanctuary count was 415, add another 43 youth in the Family Life Center.
  • The most interesting number of all, perhaps, is from the Children’s Department. Our Saturday evening Children’s count was 94. The total count for the weekend was 246. That compares to an EASTER Children’s count of 177. Mandy B. has been telling us that Saturday evening would be a very attractive option for families with young children and the first returns would seem to indicate she was right on target.
  • While some of the Saturday turnout was surely curiosity-driven, we seem to be on to something with this service. Netta reports that when parents were coming to pick up their kiddies afterwards, there was a very positive vibe. I couldn’t be more excited.

This Saturday, and on occasional Saturday evenings from now through the summer, the 5:00 service will be held in the Family Life Center, as the sanctuary is committed to weddings. The congregation spent ten years worshiping in the Family Life Center, so it’s set up for sound, video, etc. This helps explain a recurring dream I’d been having. (I assure you I am not making this up.) In the dream, there were two major league ballparks, just blocks from each other. The home team played some games in the new stadium, and others on the older field. It’s been months now since I had that dream—in fact, I don’t think I’ve had the dream since we decided to commit to the new worship schedule. I have decided the dream was a sign that was okay to switch the Saturday evening service back and forth from the new sanctuary to the former worship space, as necessary. In fact, I’ve taken the dream as assurance that we’re on the right track with the entire restructuring of the worship schedule. . .


In our most recent communication, I made particular mention of the Children’s and Music Departments as critical to the success of our new venture. I should have mentioned also the custodial department. The amount of activity in this building, seven days a week, is astonishing. I am amazed at how Clark Sanders and his team keeps up with it, including some very short turnarounds, as a given space is transformed from the needs of one activity to the next. This is a great problem to have, of course, but it means we need to have the longest possible lead times in scheduling, with lots of patience and understanding when a given space isn’t available. We do our very best to move things around and to be as accommodating as possible. And we always appreciate it when groups can do some cleaning up after themselves. That helps a lot.



Saturday Evening Services/Church School:

We are opening up another classroom for the Pre-Kindergarteners on Saturday night. We were blessed with large numbers in this age level! We will need 2 teachers and 2 helpers to make this happen. You can rotate every other month, giving you an opportunity to worship as well. OR, if you already attend a Sunday Service, prayerfully consider teaching at the 5:00 hour on Saturday.

We are also in need of more helpers in the nursery. Again, you can rotate your schedules.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!! Netta

Children’s Ministries Presents: THE BIG TICKET

There is not a BIG TICKET event this Friday, April 4. It was on the bulletin by mistake. The first BIG TICKET event is April 18.

  • Get closer to God!
  • Watch a Movie!
  • Eat popcorn and snacks!
  • Play games!
  • Meet new friends!
Come to our showing of “A Bug’s Life”, Friday, April 18th from 6:30-8:15.

If your child is 5 years old or under, an adult must accompany them.

Sign up in the entrance!!


From DIANE M.: The United Methodist Women’s group is taking orders for bedding plants for your flower garden! Look for our display in the rotunda. The profits from the sale will fund our $500 youth scholarship. Orders must be in by April 21st. Call Diane if you have questions.


I Corinthians 3:1-3

And so, brothers and sisters, I could not speak to you as spiritual people, but rather as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for solid food. Even now you are still not ready, for you are still of the flesh. For as long as there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving according to human inclinations?



Friday, March 28, 2008

Ready To Go

March 29 & 30
Saturday, 5:00
Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00
Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT:
Why Jesus Jumped into the Volcano
We’ve been aiming toward this weekend for months now, dating back to the survey process of last autumn, when we heard strong interest in a Saturday evening service. I think we’re as ready as we can be. The Saturday evening music component has shaped up very nicely; I am excited about the debut of The Ax Of The Apostles. The core lineup at this point is Leon A. on keyboard, Tyler S. and Liam T. on guitar, Bill & Gene W. on drums, Steve G. on bass, with a vocal section of Craig B., Pam F., Lynne J., Trevor J., Patrick P. and Daryl R. Not all the above will be there every week, and we’ll plug others in as we go, but the group has a tight sound and this is going to be a lot of fun. The St. Andrew’s Singers, Praise Band and Horns Of Jericho will grace the Sunday morning services.
In the wake of an amazing Easter Sunday, I found myself thinking a lot about how far our music ministry has come the past couple of years. The program took a big hit in transition issues of 2005, but we’ve built the ministry back up into one of the congregation’s strongest strengths. The leadership team of Leon A., Pam F. and Adam W. are to be mega-congratulated, along with each and every volunteer. With the new services, we need more and more people plugging in. The St. Andrew’s Singers practice on Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:00. Just show up and introduce yourself. The Ax Of The Apostles practice in the 6:00-7:00 slot. Talk with Leon or Pam and they’ll steer you in the right direction.
The Music and Children’s Ministries are the key departments in making the new schedule work. Netta Pollock and her team have done a wonderful job in getting ready for this big adventure. We’ll have fully-staff Sunday Schools in all three hours of our weekend worship schedule. I just stood up from my desk and applauded the Children’s Ministry team in absentia.
April 5 & 6
Bruce preaching (see next paragraph)
Nancy’s wrist surgery was a little more daunting than she originally anticipated, at least as far as recovery. She’ll be in a cast through next Friday, and then in a splint for a while. That means she won’t be able to work a keyboard for a while, while will put a crimp in endeavors such as e-mails and working on sermon manuscripts. I’ll be doing the preaching for the next several Sundays.
Regarding yesterday’s KICKS FOR A CURE (April 18/19) article from John Luddy, BRENDA B. writes: The Millard North Girls Varsity Soccer Team ranked #l, thus far, will be participating. Two St. Andrew’s youth, as far as I know, are on that team..Jada R. and Megan B. The Kicks For a Cure event is not only supporting a great cause, but fun, too.
RONDI M. asks: Would you please ask for prayers for baby Tommy M. son of Sally and Todd M. who was born on Easter Sunday with the CMV virus and is in critical condition in the NICU unit at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.
Mark 16:14-15, “Later Jesus appeared to the eleven themselves as they were sitting at the table; and he upbraided them for their lack of faith and stubbornness, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen. And he said to them, “God into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”
Finally, Saturday is going to be weird for me, personally. I’m not talking about the service itself, but rather the pacing of the hours beforehand, reminding myself that I need to go to church and lead a worship service. I am a creature of habit, an old horse trying to learn a new trick, so if I seem a little befuddled on Saturday evening, just say a short prayer, Help him, Lord. Happily, I seem to have a pretty quick learning curve. We’ll appreciate your prayers as we going into the weekend.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Times They Are A Changing



Saturday, 5:00

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT:

Why Jesus Jumped into the Volcano

Children’s Sunday School will be offered concurrent with all three services.

Saturday evening is designed as very informal, “come as you are.”

The Youth Hour is Sunday at 10:00.


From NETTA P.: Welcome to the new services! As a reminder, children at all service times can attend Bible Studies in their classrooms. Teachers will be waiting your arrival 10 minutes prior to start time. To eliminate any confusion, here is the list again:

Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery, Lower Level 3

Heather Romine-Furr/_______________

Pre-School-PreKind, Lower Level 5

Teacher: Gwen W.

Helpers: Marilyn C., Deb H.

Kindergarten-1st Grade, Lower Level 1

Teachers: Angie W./Ellen T.

Helpers: Morgan/Sydney T.

2nd-3rd Grades, Lower Level 2

Teachers: Gail W./Sheryl O.

Helpers: Chris W./Kim W.

4th/5th GRAPPLE, Lower Level 4

Teachers: Michele A.

Sunday 8:30 a.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery, Lower Level 3

Heather R.

Pre-School-PreKind, Lower Level 5

Teachers: Pam H.

Kindergarten-1st Grade, Lower Level 1

Teachers: Lori P.

Helpers: Ken/Steve P.

2nd-3rd Grades, Lower Level 2

Teachers: Kathy J.

Helpers: Sarah J.

4th/5th GRAPPLE, Lower Level 4

Teacher: Bob R.

Helpers: Susan W.

SUNDAY, 10:00 a.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery, Rooms: 110-111

Gina J./Heather F./Melissa N./Chelsea

Pre-School A (Born 10/16/04-10/15/05), Room: 112

Teachers: Anne J./Hillary C.

Helpers: ___________/___________

Pre-School B (Born 10/16/03-10/15/04), Room: 113

Teachers: Bailey H./Caitlin W.

Helpers: Julie H./Chris S.

Pre-Kindergarten, Room: 120-121

Teachers: Pam T./Carol M.

Helpers: Vicki J./Mark M./______________

Kindergarten, Lower Level 5

Teachers: Sheila C./Karen C.

Helpers: Lindsey B./Betty M.

1st Grade, Lower Level 1

Teachers: Tracy L.

Helpers: Kim P./Stacey F.

2nd Grade, Lower Level 2

Teachers: Lawrence F./Anne Marie T.

Helpers: Brittany N./Lynn M.

3rd Grade, Lower Level 3

Teachers: John & Kathy L./Nancy & Katherine T.

Helpers: Joeni P.

4th/5th GRAPPLE, Lower Level 4

Teachers: Janelle B./Jeff & Deb H.

Helpers: Karen H./Jennifer W.


Nancy came through her surgery just fine. She’ll have her arm in a sling for the next ten days. Tracy & Sarah S. came by last night, representing our Breaking Bread Ministry, bringing us some terrific tortellini soup among other dinner accompaniments. I think BB is feeding us again tonight! What a wonderful ministry.


JOYCE M. writes: The St. Andrews Handbell Ringers wish to thank everyone who, during the year, have told us how much they enjoy our music the first Sunday of each month. We have had a wonderful year ringing over eight times since September with April and May still to come. The choir is also ringing for our first wedding in April so that is very exciting. We plan to continue rehearsals this summer and offer music at the summer services. If you are thinking of joining the handbell choir, this would be a great time to start. We will be losing two ringers due to high school graduation so do have some open positions. Come join us this June!



Due to a change in plans, one ticket to the Women of Faith Conference has become available. The Conference is Friday, March 28th - 7 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 29 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Diana if you are interested.


JOHN L. tells us about:

Kicks for a Cure 2008 – April 18, 19 –

The primary purpose of the weekend is to raise awareness for women’s cancer education and prevention. It is also an opportunity to generate a broader interest in women’s collegiate athletics, and to showcase Omaha as a compassionate, vibrant community where health care, education, commerce and recreation intertwine. The event was envisioned in 2004 by Dave Karnes and Steve and Amy Lindsay. 2006 marked the first year of the event and in just two short years more than $250,000 has been raised benefiting cancer research. Funds are raised through sponsorships, in-kind donations, and sale of banquet and game tickets to the general public. Grants totaling $242,000 have been awarded by Kicks for a Cure, A Benefit for Liz’s Legacy, to fund cancer research initiatives at UNMC Eppley Cancer Center and Creighton University Hereditary Cancer Center. The research targets cancers affecting women, but is more global in its impact. Additionally, a $5,000 grant was awarded in 2007 to Creighton Women’s Soccer for an endowed scholarship. Check out the website for details, game schedule and a printable coupon. Hope to see you on April 19th to support a great cause.


Prayers of Healing

  • Steve J. (friend of Becky L.) surgery for cancer.
  • Madison D., age 5 (great-grand daughter of Orv & Darlene S.) having tests.
  • Dale F. (cousin of Diane B.) health issues from double lung transplant.
  • Ginnie (friend of Sheila C.) test.
  • Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.) battling cancer.
  • Donna B. (friend of Shirley C.) cancer surgery.
  • Larry P. (brother of Bruce P.) having open heart surgery.

Prayer of Celebration

· Birth of Isaac, son of Jason & Deb H.


Romans 5:6-9. For while were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteousness person—though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. Much more surely then, now that we have been justified by his blood, will be saved through him from the wrath of God.



Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ME25, NoGo, New Worship Schedule



Saturday, 5:00

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT:

Why Jesus Jumped into the Volcano


Children’s Sunday School will be offered concurrent with all three services.

Saturday evening is designed as very informal, “come as you are.”

The Youth Hour is Sunday at 10:00.


My first attempt at using the new logo as a banner to these mailings was a no-go. We’ll figure out what went wrong and try again.


Let me warn you that I’ll probably wind up giving away the ending to ATONEMENT this Sunday—referring to the movie/book. It is out on rental, now, so you can see it over the weekend, I suppose.


I grew up knowing basketball as a game of shooting, finesse and fundamentals. I have been dismayed to watch it devolve into huge people driving to the hoop, resulting in either a dunk or a foul. What a joy then to see this Curry kid from Davidson, a throwback to the pure shooter.


In conjunction with the Luis Palau Festival, St. Andrew’s has participated in the Gallup Organization Membership Engagement Survey, taking the survey three times in the space of six months. A couple of weeks ago, then, Mandy Barkhaus, Diana Faust, Mark Roberts and I attended a seminar at the Gallup campus to review the results and begin making plans for building on what we learned. Those plans include formation of an Engagement Team and a series of listening sessions this fall.

Today marks the first of a 23-week series on results of the survey—one week for each of the 23 Member Engagement Items. We begin at the beginning, #1: AS A MEMBER OF MY CHURCH, I KNOW WHAT IS EXPECTED OF ME. St. Andrew’s ranked pretty well on this. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 representing STRONGLY AGREE and 1 = STRONGLY DISAGREE, we were at a cumulative 4.19. To give you a sense of where that puts us, relative to other congregations, the median Gallup score is 3.92, which, it was explained to us, puts St. Andrew’s significantly above the average..

So what exactly IS expected of members at St. Andrew’s? Four things:

1) We expect your PRAYERS. We expect you to pray for the congregation, the other members of the fellowship and our various ministries. As a means of encouragement, we ask members to sign our MOPED (Minute Of Prayer Every Day) register, which can be found at the entrance to the sanctuary. A minute of prayer for the congregation may not sound like much, but it’s more than a lot of Methodists are praying, and put enough minutes together and it adds up!

2) We expect your PRESENCE. We aren’t interested in more names on the membership register. At St. Andrew’s, we expect our members to participate in the whole life of the congregation, making attendance at worship a priority. We are painfully aware that we are living in fast times, with many demands on our member families. This is a driving factor in our decision to add a Saturday evening come-as-you-are service. Your presence is a great joy and we want to make worship as accessible to as possible to as many as possible.

3) We expect your GIFTS. Christians give, not because the church needs to receive, but because the believer NEEDS to give offerings to the Lord. In turn, St. Andrew’s promises to be excellent stewards of what we receive, delivering maximum bang for the ministry buck.

4) We expect your SERVICE. Here’s the equation: Worship + 1. We expect you to worship with us and find one other place to plug in. There are many and various ways to live this out at St. Andrew’s. If you’re looking for a place of service, stop by CONNECTION POINT in the Rotunda.


Upcoming YOUTH events:

  • March 29 Middle school ice skating at Tim Moylan Tranquility Ice Plex 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
  • March 30 Parent Advisory meeting in the youth room 11am to 11:45am.
  • March 30 Senior high bowling, laser tag, go-karting, arcade games at Thunder Ally 4:30pm to 7pm
  • March 30 Service project (helping clean the Children’s Museum for kids with poor immune systems) 5:30pm to ?
  • Remember no youth group at the church this Sunday March 30th

Please e-mail Bob no later than Wednesday March 26 to sign up. (Please drop off and pick up your youth off at the ice rink for MYF or at Thunder Ally for SYF) YOUTH ARE ENCOURAGED TO BRING THEIR FRIENDS!



  • I know Nancy will appreciate your prayers as she goes in for what should be minor hand surgery, tomorrow, and I’ll appreciate your prayers as I endeavor to play Nurse Bruce in what we trust will be a very speedy recovery
  • Sandi D. has asked that we pray for her sister, CHRIS G., who is battling cancer.
  • We celebrate the birth of ISAAC H., son of Jason and Deb.


Romans 3:21-26

But now, apart from the law, the righteousness of God has been disclosed, and it is attested to by the law and the prophets, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction, since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a sacrifice of atonement by his blood, effective through faith. He did this to show his righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he has passed over sins previously committed; it was to prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and that he justifies the one who has faith in Christ.



Monday, March 24, 2008

5:00, 8:30 & 10:00


We launch our new worship schedule

Saturday, 5:00

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT

Why Jesus Jumped into the Volcano


EASTER SUNDAY was everything we could have hoped for--a truly transcendent morning of Christian fellowship! The music was nothing short of superb and I congratulate Leon, Pam, Joyce Miller and the entire team. Craig, Lisa and Heather got us off to a rousing start; from East To West through Pam’s The Rose and our AMEN, every note communicated the quality of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we are trying to share here at St. Andrew’s. I was delighted and impressed that the choir stayed with us through the entirety of all three services. I also want to thank the Drama Team for their moving presentation of The Living Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, and our Disciple 1 readers for their service on Good Friday. I wish I could communicate how privileged I feel to be able to lead worship at St. Andrew’s—working in this marvelous sanctuary, with you wonderful people, in praise of our great, great God! Wow.


NANCY DAVIS writes: In all the excitement of Easter morning at St. Andrews, we hope you looked upward in the Rotunda to see the beautiful Easter banners made for us by Richard H., Janelle B., and Craig S. They are so inspirational and add so much to the sanctuary entrance area. If you missed them, be sure to look heavenward this week and see them.


Also from Nancy: All United Methodist Church members in the Missouri River District are invited to attend a District Conference with Bishop Sherer on April 6 at Plattsmouth UMC, from 3:00-4:30 P.M…..The MUSIC MAKERS CHILDREN’S CHOIR (age 4 and preschool) will not meet this Wednesday.


NANCY is scheduled for some surgery on Wednesday morning. She’s been diagnosed with basal joint arthritis, and the surgery is intended to replace cartilage in three joints in her left thumb.


From MANDY B.: Our newest member is MARY D. Mary is a Library Technician at UNMC library. She is married to Dan and has a daughter Ashley, 7.


NETTA P. writes: THANKS, MARGIE! Children’s Ministries celebrates the ministry of Margie Wulfkuhle and thanks her for her talented presence and hard work with our team. She is going to be home with her daughter and will be able to travel with her husband, Ron. We will truly miss her, but she assures us that she will be back in a volunteer capacity! This provides us with a new opportunity and we were fortunate to hire KRIS S. Kris is no stranger to St. Andrew’s; she has given many hours of her time and talents to the Children’s Ministry as a volunteer. We welcome Kris and the blessing she will spread to the Children of St. Andrew’s.


From DIANA F.:


Join this study group on Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7 p.m. beginning March 26th. Explore how Psalms records the experiences of God’s people, who try to make sense of who God is—in relation to who they are. This study offers greater understanding of how the Psalms’ moving testimonies of grace, glory, sorrow, and beauty can still speak to us today. Please contact Diana.


Ephesians 2: 11-22, the words of the apostle Paul, a Jew, writing to the church in Ephesus:

So then, remember, that at one time you Gentiles by birth (in the Bible, called “the uncircumcision” by those who are called “the circumcision”—a physical circumcision made in the flesh by human hands—remember that you were at that time without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For his is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us. He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it. So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.



Saturday, March 22, 2008


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Pre-Service Music
EAST TO WEST, Craig B., Lisa O., Heather D.
Opening Prayer Welcome
Ministry Minute: Burmese Refugee Family
*Greeting One Another
*Hymn of Resurrection: CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN TODAY!
*The Easter Prayer
*The Lord’s Prayer
*Song of Praise: ABOVE ALL
Reception Of New Members (10:45)
Offertory: HALLELUJAH!
The St. Andrew’s Singers
*Doxology: Give Thanks
*Proclamation Of The Resurrection, John 20:1-18
The Preaching: JESUS ROSE
Bruce & Nancy Davis
THE ROSE, Pam Fleury

We will be honored to share Resurrection Morning with you and any you bring with you.
God bless, BRD

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Maundy Thursday

Greetings from Panera’s! I’m having a great morning. Praise the Lord.

I knew, yesterday, the end of the Easter sermon wasn’t what I wanted. I brooded about it last night, prayed about it, and this morning the Lord gave it to me. I need to warn you: it includes me singing a little, but maybe I can talk Heather, Steve and others to helping with that part.

Anyway, I’m ready for Easter now. I’ll be excited to see what the Drama Team has to offer us tonight at 7:00. Tomorrow at noon, Good Friday, members of our Disciple 1 classes will be reading Matthew’s narrative, from the Garden of Gethsemane through Jesus dying breath. I’ve put together a video component to illustrate the readings.

The three Easter Sunday services—8:00, 9:15 & 10:45--will be identical. We start with Craig B., Lisa O. and Heather D. singing a song recorded by Casting Crowns: EAST TO WEST. The band, choir, bells and others will lead our opening hymn, CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN TODAY! Pam F. closes the service with THE ROSE. Roses will be a theme throughout the morning, including the Bruce and Nancy sermon: JESUS ROSE. We’ll be reading from the Old Testament book Song of Solomon, also known as Song of Songs, imaging Jesus as The Rose Of Sharon.

Easter Sunday morning, we’ll also be reading from John’s account of the resurrection. Mary Magdalene runs to tell the guys that she has seen the Lord risen from the dead. In turn, I ask you to tell someone about Easter Sunday at St. Andrew’s, inviting them to experience worship with us.


THE WEEKEND AFTER EASTER, March 29 & 30, we move to our new worship schedule, Saturday evenings at 5:00; Sunday mornings at 8:30 & 10:00. Church School will be offered in all three hours, and what follows is an important communication from Children’s Director NETTA P.:

Saturday/Sunday School: Parents, please take time to decide which service your children will be attending Saturday/Sunday School. Check out the Room locations below, as well as teachers. I would encourage you to have a discussion with your child/children prior to attending services on March 29/30 about possible teacher changes, room changes, etc. It will be much easier on your child, and in return, easier for you to make your transition into the service. Thanks! Netta

Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery Lower Level 3

Heather R./_______________

Pre-School-PreKind. Lower Level 5

Teacher: Gwen W.

Helpers: Marilyn C., Deb H.

Kindergarten-1st Grade Lower Level 1

Teachers: Angie W./Ellen T.

Helpers: Morgan/Sydney T.

2nd-3rd Grades Lower Level 2

Teachers: Gail W./Sheryl O.

Helpers: Chris W./Kim W.

4th/5th GRAPPLE Lower Level 4

Teachers: Michele A.

Sunday 8:30 a.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery Lower Level 3

Heather R.

Pre-School-PreKind. Lower Level 5

Teachers: Pam H.

Kindergarten-1st Grade Lower Level 1

Teachers: Lori P.

Helpers: Ken/Steve P.

2nd-3rd Grades Lower Level 2

Teachers: Kathy J.

4th/5th GRAPPLE Lower Level 4

Teacher: Bob R.

Helpers: Susan W.

Sunday, 10:00 a.m.

Infant/Crawler Nursery Rooms: 110-111

Gina J./Heather F./Melissa N./Chelsea W.

Pre-School A (Born 10/6/04-10/15/05) Room: 112

Teachers: Anne J./Hillary C.

Helpers: ___________/___________

Pre-School B (Born 10/16/03-10/15/04) Room: 113

Teachers: Bailey H./Caitlin W.

Helpers: Julie H./Chris S.

Pre-Kindergarten Room: 120-121

Teachers: Pam T./Carol M.

Helpers: Vicki J./Mark M./______________

Kindergarten Lower Level 5

Teachers: Sheila C./Karen C.

Helpers: Lindsey B./Betty M.

1st Grade Lower Level 1

Teachers: Tracy L.

Helpers: Kim P./Stacey F.

2nd Grade Lower Level 2

Teachers: Lawrence F./Anne Marie T.

Helpers: Brittany N./Lynn M.

3rd Grade Lower Level 3

Teachers: John & Kathy L./Nancy & Katherine T.

Helpers: Joeni P.

4th/5th GRAPPLE Lower Level 4

Janelle B./Jeff & Deb H.

Helpers: Karen H./Jennifer W.


From DIANA F.:


Join this study group on Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7 p.m. beginning March 26th. Explore how Psalms records the experiences of God’s people, who try to make sense of who God is—in relation to who they are. This study offers greater understanding of how the Psalms’ moving testimonies of grace, glory, sorrow, and beauty can still speak to us today. Please contact Diana to register for this class.


Prayer Note: KEN S. is scheduled for outpatient surgery today.



Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Holy Tuesday and Hoops


Tuesday, March 18 is our DAY OF PRAYER FOR SAN ANDRES.

MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 20, 7:00,

The Reckless Abandon Players present:

Adrian A. writes: The Reckless Abandon Players made their annual Palm Sunday drive to Defiance, IA, where they performed The Living Last Supper at the Defiance United Methodist Church. The performance went flawlessly, and the membership truly appreciated performace. Afterwards, they offered a fellowship pot-luck meal, and it was great to share in the company of friends and wonderful food. This is the 4th year that the drama team has performed on Palm Sunday in Defiance. They collected a free-will offering that was given to the drama team and in partnership with the Defiance congregation, we have decided to sponsor a student in Nicaragua through Rainbow Networks for one year of high school. A special thanks to Dan T. for Directing the performance, all the actors, costume designers, and technical team for sharing of their talents and time. We hope to see you Maundy Thursday.

Likewise, GREG T. tells us: I was returning from Defiance, Iowa on Palm Sunday along with the other members of the Reckless Abandon Players (drama team). We had just completed the Living Last Supper performance at their small United Methodist Church. The church had maybe 40 people in attendance at the performance but what a great audience! They fed our entire cast a potluck supper and we all truly enjoyed the Christian fellowship following the performance. This was our fourth annual trip to Defiance which has served as a dress rehearsal for our St Andrews Easter performance. I remembered the conversation that I had with Pastor Keith who served as lead and only pastor at Defiance and two other small churches. He like the others at his church was so grateful for our group taking the time and effort to perform at their church. He told me that I only wish we could have a bigger audience for you today.

Reflecting on his words on the way home made me think about how fortunate that we are at St Andrews to have so many great worship opportunities and on this day of prayer for San Andres how fortunate we are to have so many privileges in the wonderful country of ours. I know a lot of members of St Andrews have not attended a Maundy Thursday worship service and maybe have not had a chance to see the drama team in a serious performance. I would just ask that they consider attending this Thursday’s performance of the Living Last Supper. It is an incredibly emotional performance that portrays the thoughts of each disciple as they hear the news that Jesus is going to be betrayed. Please consider starting a new family tradition this week by including the Maundy Thursday performance of the Living Last Supper as part of your Holy week celebration. I believe that if you attend the service you will be as blessed as those who will have the opportunity to perform it. Thank you.


GOOD FRIDAY OBSERVANCE, Noon, featuring readings from the Gospel of Matthew, with appropriate hymns and prayers.

ST. ANDREW’S EASTER EGG HUNT, Saturday, 10:00 am.

Please bring 12 filled plastic eggs to share in the hunt.


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Bruce & Nancy: JESUS ROSE

From BOB DAVIS: The youth grades 6th -12th grade will not have Sunday school this Easter Sunday so they may enjoy sitting with their families. Confirmation class will not meet this Easter Sunday. There will also be no youth group activities this Sunday.

March 29 & 30


5:00 Saturday

8:30 & 10:00 Sunday

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT: Why Jesus Jumped Into The Volcano


This is going to be a great week of basketball in Nebraska, starting with the NIT games in Lincoln and Omaha tonight, and the tournament games at the Qwest Center over the weekend. Maybe the best basketball game I ever saw was a second round NCAA game at the Devaney Center in 1980, as the University of Missouri Tigers beat Notre Dame in overtime. If I’m remembering correctly, it was a St. Patrick’s Day, which made it even sweeter for the Missouri Protestant. I’m excited with the state of the game in Nebraska, right now. Creighton looks to be loaded for next season and I’m very impressed with what Doc Sadler is doing with the Cornhuskers. I might add that I’ll be rooting for North Carolina in the Big Dance. I saw Tyler Hansbrough play in high school and have enjoyed following his career. Allow me a moment of bitterness, if you will. If the pretty-boy who followed Norm Stewart at Missouri hadn’t messed up the program beyond recognition, Hansbrough and the Rush kid starring at KU (whose older brother played for Mizzou) might well be wearing Tiger uniforms this season. But the pretty-boy did mess up the program and once any organization starts downhill, it’s might hard to turn it back around--which makes me all the more appreciative of what Sadler is doing in Lincoln.


I suppose Barak Obama can look on the bright side: No one is talking about him being Muslim anymore. Starting with Mitt Romney’s Mormonism, it’s been remarkable how religious affiliation has influenced this presidential campaign. My advice to any aspiring politicians among our readership: Join the United Methodist Church! (George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton may have little else in common, but both are United Methodists.) UMs try hard (maybe too hard) not to offend anybody—though we still manage it, somehow.


Prayers of Celebration

Birth of Brooke Erin F., daughter of Chris & Lisa F.

Prayers of Healing

Anne J., who is beginning treatment for cancer, sister of John W. (Anne is a former St. Andrew’s member). Immanuel Hospital. .

Hannah H. (2 yrs old), who is undergoing treatment for brain cancer, (family friends of Steve & Emily M.).

Ardyth B. (Sue S.’s Aunt) recovering from back surgery.

Joanne (friend of Carrie T.) critical condition with pneumonia.

Steve J. (friend of Beck L.) surgery for cancer.

Madison D., age 5 (great-grand daughter of Orv & Darlene S.) having tests.

Dale F. (cousin of Diane B.) health issues from double lung transplant.

Ginnie (friend of Sheila C.) test.

Mark R., scheduled for rotator cuff surgery this morning.


John 15:12-15, words of Jesus:
”I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.”

Note from Bruce: It’s very revealing that in the last week of his life, Jesus deliberately seems to prepare the disciples for a dynamic understanding of the life of the church. Jesus does NOT say: You know everything there is to know; rather he promises what I think of as progressive revelation: the Spirit moving among the people of God, revealing Christ’s purpose according to the needs of succeeding generations. Pretty cool, don’t you think!



Monday, March 17, 2008

Holy Monday

We welcome new readers to St.A-Mail. If you ever want off the list, for whatever reason, just let us know.



The newest members of the St. Andrews Family are:

MIKE & MELISSA N.: Mike is a Landscape Foreman at SunCo Grounds Management and Melissa is an Xray tech at Methodist Hospital. They have two boys Logan and Jake.

BRIAN & ANGIE W.: Brian is a Turf Care Manager at SunCo Grounds Management and Angie is a Home daycare provider. They have two girls Delaney and Olivia.

JASON & SARA L.: Jason is employed with Heritage Management and Sara is a homemaker. They have three children Peyton, Parker and Paili.

BRIAN K.: Brian is a Lumber Trader at Roberts and Dybdahl. His wife, Janet, is a member and they have two boys Tyler and Elliot.

JOHN & BARBARA E.: John is a civil engineer with HDR and Barbara is a homemaker. They have two girls Kaitlyn and Emily.


We celebrated two baptisms on Sunday.

ALEXANDER JACKSON A. is the son of Phillip & Jaclyn A.

BENNETT THOMAS K. is the son of Jeff & Jamie K.



Tuesday, March 18 is our DAY OF PRAYER FOR SAN ANDRES. This is our namesake community in rural Nicaragua. When several of us were down there last month, we learned they had set aside the Tuesday of Holy Week as a Day of Prayer for St. Andrew’s, so it seems right and good that we should remember them. A contingent of Nicaraguans will be guests in our service on Saturday evening, April 19, with a reception to follow.

MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 20, 7:00,

The Reckless Abandon Players present:

GOOD FRIDAY OBSERVANCE, Noon, featuring readings from the Gospel of Matthew, with appropriate hymns and prayers.

ST. ANDREW’S EASTER EGG HUNT, Saturday, 10:00 am.

Please bring 12 filled plastic eggs to share in the hunt.


8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Bruce & Nancy: JESUS ROSE

You don’t want to miss the opening musical number, so don’t be late!

From BOB DAVIS: The youth grades 6th -12th grade will not have Sunday school this Easter Sunday so they may enjoy sitting with their families. Confirmation class will not meet this Easter Sunday. There will also be no youth group activities this Sunday.

March 29 & 30


5:00 Saturday

8:30 & 10:00 Sunday

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT: Why Jesus Jumped Into The Volcano


John 12:27-28, words of Jesus: “Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say—‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name.”
