Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives

Our newest member is JUDY W. Judy is a banker with First National and we’re delighted to welcome her to membership in the congregation.


By the grace of God, BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY could not have gone any better. I got so caught up in the experience that I had to keep reminding myself I had work to do. I did hear suggestions we should have scheduled it for some time other than Presidents’ Weekend, which I think also coincided with spring break or some other extended school vacation. We’ll likely reprise BOHEMIAN in a Saturday evening service this summer. In the meantime, the manuscript and program notes are posted on the web-site, and I’m sure CDs will be available at the Welcome Table in the Rotunda. I remain, as always, astonished by the creativity of our music department. I would have never thought of doing BOHEMIAN with a five-piece horn section--but Leon did. I never would have imagined Nate Underwood getting downright Freddie Mercury-ish with the microphone stand—but I saw it with my own eyes on Sunday. Prior to St. Andrew’s, I would never have conceived of being blessed with a choir that would cheerfully participate in such an endeavor--but Pam and her team were not only willing but terrific! I am gratified in our music team’s support of such projects, which I see as a means to communicate ideas that matter. And I’m DELIGHTED the affirmation from the congregation. Bless your hearts. You make this such a joy for me.


Today is granddaughter Madeline Teissier Du Cros’ six-month birthday. I’m going to make another quick trip to Bordeaux to see Maddy and her parents, leaving Thursday, returning on Wednesday. I’ll be taking the laptop, but wireless time in Europe is frightfully expensive, so there won’t be any long-distance St.A-Mails.

I spent several hours yesterday working on orders of worship for Launch Weekend of the new worship schedule, March 29 & 30. I’ll plan to publish these several weeks in advance, so you’ll have an idea of what the services are actually going to look like. I might add that the Ax Of The Apostles (the Saturday night identity of the Praise Band) will be practicing on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00. Interested vocalists are invited to plug in starting tomorrow night. Here’s what’s coming up between now and Launch Weekend:



February 24, 2008

8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Nancy Davis preaching: BY THE BOOK

Nancy will be referencing a well-reviewed non-fiction entry, currently available in bookstores: The Year Of Living Biblically

March 2, Nancy is back in all three services with THE TOWEL: A sermon on Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. I don’t think you need to worry that she’s going to ask you take your shoes and socks off.

March 9 is Upward Basketball & Cheerleading Sunday

Bruce preaching: FOUL!

March 16 is PALM SUNDAY. Nancy is preaching.

March 20 is MAUNDY THURSDAY. The St. Andrew’s Drama Team will present THE LIVING LAST SUPPER. The service begins at 7:00.

March 21 is GOOD FRIDAY. Bruce will be leading a short worship observance starting at noon.


We will worship at 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45

Bruce & Nancy preaching: JESUS ROSE

March 29 & 30


5:00 Saturday, 8:30 & 10:00 Sunday

Bruce preaching: ATONEMENT


Treasurer MARSHA E. just sent out the January 2008 worksheet for the Capital Campaign-- aka SHARING, GROWING, CHANGING LIVES. At the 18 month mark of the three-year campaign, we had collected 65% of our goal. Our mortgage has been reduced from $5,000,000 to $3,320,000 and our interest payments have gone from $23,000 in June of 2006 (the start of SGC) to $15,800 in January 2008. This is a reduction of $7,000 a month/or $84,000 on an annual basis. SHARING, GROWING, CHANGING LIVES has been an unqualified success and every dollar contributed reduces the debt and interest payments that much more. If you have questions about the campaign, we’ll be happy to answer them. We’re hoping to throw a big party on the second anniversary, in either late May or early June.


From MANDY B.: Y-COSA (Young Couples of St. Andrews) – If you are a couple in your 20’s or 30’s join other young couples this Saturday for a night out! We are meeting at 5:30 on Saturday at Boyd and Charlie’s BBQ in Elkhorn and then going to Thunder Alley for some fun! If you are interested let me know by Thursday! If you have any questions contact: Mandy B.


I wrote last week about Dave S.’s sister, Gwen M., and their family’s walk through the valley of the shadow. Gwen passed away on Monday….Dick F. dropped by the office yesterday, expressing thanks for all the support he’s received since undergoing some recent surgery. We’ll be glad to get Dick back in the choir…. People have asked where to send prayer concerns these days. Nancy is taking the lead in this ministry. Her e-address is Or you can call her, 431-8560, ext. 15. Here are other folks we’re holding before the throne of grace these days:

Prayers of Healing:

  • Anne J,, who is beginning treatment for cancer, sister of John W.
  • Sandy M., recovering from surgery at Immanuel Hospital.
  • Suzanne G., diagnosed with cancer and will begin chemo treatment (friend of Chris L.).
  • Spencer M., who is 5 years old. He is recovering from cancer surgery and will soon begin chemo treatment (friend of Chris L.).
  • Tillie V., recovering from a fall (Netta P. mother).
  • Deb P., scheduled for surgery on February 20th.
  • Bruce K.’s father Russell, recovery from a stroke.

Prayers of Celebration:

  • For Phillip & Jaclyn A. on the recent birth of son Alexander Jackson.
  • For Jeff & Jamie K. on the recent birth of son Bennett Thomas.


Matthew 9:35-38: Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”