Saturday, April 12, 2008


THIS WEEKEND, April 12 & 13

Saturday, 5:00 (We’re back in the sanctuary)

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching:


Including the witness of five who were there

It’s a Pancake Sunday.


Some of our readers are able to access e-mail from remote locations. I have been concerned about Saints of Andrew on the business travel, or spring break, who may be caught up in the American Airlines fiasco. I’m sure you’re handling it better than I would. I recently read a fine novel by Robert Harris, The Ghost—as in ghostwriter. A curmudgeonly fellow of my temperament is at London’s Heathrow airport and complains:

Vast lines of passengers queued to be frisked and X-rayed, carrying their shoes in hone hand and their pathetic toiletries in a clear plastic bag in the other. Travel is sold as freedom, but we were about as free as lab rats. This is how they’ll manage the next holocaust, I thought, as I shuffled forward in my stockinged feet: they’ll simply issue us with air tickets and we’ll do whatever we’re told.

I would add this: On the chance you’re stuck in a place with a nice climate, I encourage you to relax and enjoy yourself. There was a smattering of snow here earlier; now it’s settled into a dull, gray, cold and rainy day.


The St. Andrew's Reckless Abandon Players present....SABBATH NIGHT LIVE 2008!

Sabbath Night Live is a dinner/theater production written, directed, acted, and produced by church members. The drama team performs a comedy of skits which offer a fun perspective on St. Andrew's happenings, and focuses on messages by sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be the 7th annual performance, which has been Sold Out each year since 2004!

This years performances will be fantastic, and some of the skits will include:

  • The Blues Brothers featuring the St. Andrew's Blues Brothers Band and the Blues Sisters
  • Smarter than an Idol (spin-off of Smarter than a 5th grader)
  • Holy-wood (Movie quotes that help tell stories of the Bible)
  • Worship + 1 video (Members get lots of choices to get involved)
  • Special Performance by the St. Andrew's Pastors and Staff (see what really goes on inside the staff meetings!)
  • Special Transition skits with Greeters Gone Wild and Coffee Shop stories

Dates: Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd

Times: 6:00 Doors open

6:15 Buffet Dinner

7:00 Show

Dinner/Theater Prices: $18 per adult; $14 per child with adult meal; $11 per child with Kid's Meal….Childcare is available: $7 per child with a $13 max per family. $4 kids meals available per child…..Reserve your Tickets today. Purchase them during Saturday and Sunday Services in the Round Room, or by contacting the St. Andrew's Church office 431-8560.


Craig B. tells us about:


Would you like to volunteer for one of the largest Christian Music shows to come to the Omaha area this year? I am helping to put on the Casting Crowns show at the Mid-America Center that is quickly coming up April, 27th. We have reviewed the contract and spoken to Mid-America and have come up with a large list of volunteers that will be needed for the concert. Currently, we have openings for the following volunteer positions: Merchandizing (10 people), Security (3-6 people) and ushers (30 people). Please be aware before you volunteer that with some of the volunteer positions you most likely will not be able to watch the entire concert. If you may have an interest in one of these volunteer positions, please contact Craig. THANKS!!!


Christine B. asks: Can you put a prayer request for Randy S.? Randy helped coach an Upward Team and has been involved in the program now for 2 years. He had an 11-hour back surgery on Tuesday and is recovering. It was a success, but will be a long recovery.

DIANE B. writes: Please continue praying for three people in my life who need prayers right now. My Aunt Virginia continues to recover from her brain stem stroke in the Elkhorn nursing home. Lyle H., our long-time friend has melanoma, had surgery for the cancer in his back last week and his left leg is now dragging and he is in a wheelchair for now. My cousin, Dale F., Omaha firefighter/rescue squad paramedic who had the double lung transplant in Oct. in a Denver Hospital, came back to Omaha to recover, ended up with no white blood cells, went back to the Denver Hospital where he remains.


Luke 17:2, words of Jesus: It would be better for you if a millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea than for you to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
