Thursday, October 05, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We've learned that AOL has been identifying St. Andrew's e-mails as spam, therefore A-Mail has not been reaching a good portion of our homes. Hoping the blockade has been lifted, I'm reprinting some of what was sent out yesterday, though there's lots of new stuff here, too, including a notice to the parents of third graders. If you are AOL client and receive this, please let me know.
October 7
October 8 is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday
This is an event geared toward those considering joining St. Andrew's.
Child care is available.
Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda on Sunday.
October 15
Bruce preaching:
October 22
Nancy & Bruce:
"DARKNESS VISIBLE: A Sermon On Depression"
October 29
Bruce Davis and The St. Andrew's Julliards:
Parents of Third Graders:


October 22nd is Bible Sunday for all Third Graders.

It is our pleasure and privilege to present all third graders with their own Bible imprinted with their name each year. We have sent two emails, a postcard and one previous A-Mail reminder about this but still have only received a small portion of responses back. We want to be sure that your child is recognized on Oct. 22nd with their imprinted Bible. We cannot do this without your input!

Friday, Oct. 6th at NOON is the final call for the exact spelling and way in which you want your child's Bible printed. We will order a few non-imprinted Bibles, however, if we do not receive any communication from you, your child may receive a Bible without their name imprinted or may not receive one at all on Oct. 22nd if we run out.

Please email Margie by FRIDAY NOON with the way you want your child's Bible to be printed.

Nancy and I, along with several other members of the staff, will be in Kansas City, Thursday through Saturday, attending a church leadership event at Church of The Resurrection in Overland Park, Kansas.
TRUDY M. writes: Want to thank all that donated to the September blood drive. We obtained 30 useable units. These units will help 90 people. Every unit that we obtain adds to the survival of many other people. Our next blood drive will be Nov. 19th, the sign up sheet is in the rotunda for anyone who would like to donate. If you have never donated please be part of this wonderful ministry to help other by saving lives. If you cannot donate your help is still needed with the registration table and canteen in the bus.

PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Mary Ellen G., who has been diagnosed with a chronic blood disorder; further testing needed. Prayers of sympathy for Chris S. and family, in the recent passing of her father (former neighbor of Denise J.). Prayers for parents, families and friends of the students who have recently been killed while at school; pray, also, for all children and youth who now fear attending school. Prayers of joy for Jason and Andrea F., in the recent birth of a daughter, Josephine Kathryn. Prayers for Pastor Charlotte's Aunt Lady (101 years old), who is experiencing kidney failure.
Psalm 105:1-5, "O give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. Sings to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wonderful works. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually. Remember the wonderful works he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he has uttered. "