Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off the list, let us know.
Bruce Davis preaching:
A Matthew 25 Sermon
I'm at least 10% hopeful this may get out to our previously blockaded AOL subscribers. If you're on AOL and receive this, please let me know.
I understand the convention wisdom is that the Mets will thump up on the Cardinals, but I look at the Mets pitching, with injuries to Pedro Martinez and others, and wonder why. Hey, the Mets have been reduced to starting ex-Cub Steve Trachsel! I'm much more hopeful of the Cardinals reaching the World Series than of this epistle reaching AOL customers.
Director of Youth Ministries BOB D. writes: The news of recent school shootings is a troubling issue to understand and accept. I would like to be available to any youth or family struggling with dealing with the fears and anxieties that are associated with the recent school violence. Please feel free to call me or e-mail me to set up an appointment to meet. We did talk about the issue during our 9th -12th Bible study on Wednesday of last week.
CHERI S. writes: Parents of Sunday School Children - Please continue to bring in your donations for the auction baskets that the Sunday school classes are sponsoring. Hopefully you have received the handout from class and you know what your child's class is donating. If not, make sure to get a letter from your child's Sunday school teacher next week or call Cheri Stevens at 498-5687 for more information. Please place your donation in the black donation boxes located outside the classrooms on Sunday mornings. We would like all donations for this project to be turned in by October 29th. Thanks so much for all you do!

DIANA F. corresponds: Thank you to all who enjoyed the pancake breakfast on Sunday. Proceeds of over $300, will go to support the Women's Retreat that will be coming up in the Spring. Women, mark you calendars now, and plan to attend. The Second Annual St. Andrew's Women's Retreat will be held on March 2, 3, & 4th at Mahoney State Park. If any of you are interested in helping with the planning, please let Diana know. We are looking forward to another inspirational yet relaxing weekend.

UMW is forming a new circle. Faith Circle will meet at 6:30PM on the first Tuesday of every month. If you are not currently a member of a circle come join us on Tuesday, November 7 for a potluck at the church. Bring a dish to share and a friend. If you are interested in joining UMW and want to be a part of an exciting new group-come see what we have to offer.

Don‚t forget to keep Sunday November 12th open. UMW will be hosting a pancake breakfast. Come join us for breakfast and fellowship. Don‚t forget to come hungry and invite your friends!

Come join UMW for a girl‚s night out! On Thursday, November 14th UMW will be hosting a Sub sandwich dinner in the Hospitality room at 6PM followed by a great movie in the sanctuary. The cost is $5.00 per person. Look for the sign up sheet in the rotunda. See you there!

No time to bake? No problem. UMW will be selling Cookie Company cookie dough in the rotunda on November 5 and 12 between services. Take your choice of six delicious options: Chocolate Chip, Lowfat Lemon Oatmeal, Oatmeal Raisin, Peanut Butter, Macadamia White Chocolate and Sugar. The cost is $10.00 per tub and makes great gifts. Look for the sign up sheet in the rotunda.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Darrell D., hospitalized with kidney failure (father of Kathy D.; Kathy is sister-in-law to Brian and Nicole D.). Prayers for Bennett D., preparing for surgery on October 20th to repair a blocked kidney duct (Son of Brian and Nicole D. Prayers for Shirley C., preparing for cancer surgery. Prayers for Jackie as she cares for a new baby and for her father, who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer; pray for strength
each day (friend of Sheila C.). Prayers of sympathy for Jackie and family, in the recent passing of her brother (friend of Sheila C.). Prayers for Wanda M., recovering from gallbladder surgery (mother of Teresa W.). Prayers for Teresa W. and her family, as they try to discern the best solution for taking care of both their parents. Prayers for Rita S. in Dietingen, Germany, whose cancer has taken a turn for the worst (mother of Dr. John L.).
Daniel 2:20-22, "Blessed be the name of God from age to age, for wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons, deposes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with him."