Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It Is Well With My Soul

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-Mail. Should you ever want off this mailing list, just let us know.
Our newest members are:
JOHN & ROXANNE P. John is in Marketing and Sales with Union Pacific Railroad. Roxanne is in retail at Von Maur. They have two grown children. They are transferring from another United Methodist Church here in Omaha.
JOSHUA & KELLI F. Josh is a reporter with Associated Press and plays the saxophone here at St. Andrew's. Kelli is a video producer with the Nebraska Department of Education. They are joining by Profession of Faith
October 7
October 8, 2006
Pastor Nancy preaches a very relevant sermon:
I try to schedule something special for the last Sunday in October: Time Change Sunday. A year ago, that was "Johnny Cash". This year, concurrent with the Broadway revival of one of my favorite musicals, "A Chorus Line", I'm planning "At The Ballet" for October 29. I promise not to dance.
Nancy and I, along with several other members of the staff, will be in Kansas City, Thursday through Saturday, attending a church leadership event at Church of The Resurrection in Overland Park, Kansas.
I'm not saying my St. Louis Cardinals will make the World Series, but if I was a betting man, I wouldn't bet against them. I know this, for all the floundering at the end of the season, El Birdos have got a lot better chance than the Cubs and Astros! :)
I surely loved that anthem on Sunday. If you didn't hear Adam Witte's story about "It Is Well With My Soul", I've summarized it on the web page: www.standrewsomaha.net. I've also posted a picture I took, of the church at sunset that I hope you'll like. I would also thank the Bell Choir for their fine work at all three services.
PAM F. writes: The Music Makers choir for 4 and 5 year olds will start rehearsing this Wednesday, Oct. 4th at 5:30-5:50 in the lower level. Jessica Rabe and Cindy Raridon have stepped up to lead this group.

If your child hasn't made it to choir yet, it is not too late. Please join us whenever they can. All children's choirs meet in the lower level beginning at 5:30 on Wednesday's.

Youth choir would like to invite all youth who are looking for fellowship and enjoy praising God through music to join us on Wednesday's from 6-6:45 p.m. in the music rehearsal room.

If you have any questions, please give Pam a call.
REV. CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for Melanie S., whose husband recently passed, at his own hand (friend of Trudy M.). Prayers of sympathy for Denise J. and family, in the recent passing of her Aunt Dee. Prayers for Kobe, recently diagnosed with Autism (nephew of Teresa W.). Prayers for Joan, who is experiencing swelling in every gland in her body; awaiting test results (niece of Gail M.). Prayers for Mary Ellen G., undergoing several tests. Prayers for all who are serving in the military, protecting our country. Prayers for Tyler, who is recovering from a hospital stay, due to a blood infection (the older brother of a friend of Grant W.). Prayers for Hazel, recovering from a hospital stay (Tom L.'s mother). Prayers for Pam F., experiencing post cancer surgery issues (Lisa C.'s mother). Prayers for Brian S., just diagnosed with brain cancer; pray, also, for his wife and small children (41 year-old first cousin of Lisa C.).
Proverbs 15:1-5, "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise dispenses knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. A gentle tongue is a tree of live, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. A fool despises a parent's instruction, but the one who heeds admonition is prudent."