Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Confirmation & Auction Info

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

Bruce Davis and friends offer a sermon titled:
A Matthew 25 Message
CONFIRMATION CLASS FAMILIES – students and parents – are invited to an informational meeting on Thursday, October 19 at 6:30. This would include families of teens who are older than eighth graders who might like to form a class of their own. Nancy and Bob will discuss the class plan and schedule and answer questions you may have. If you can’t make the meeting call either Nancy or Bob and let them know so you can receive the information from the meeting. Confirmation for eighth graders begins at 10:45 A..M. on January 7. Confirmation Day is April 29th.
I'm very pleased that we seem to be getting through to AOL readers. Welcome back!
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church will be holding its seventh annual Dinner, Dance and Auction on November 17, 2006 at Champions Run Country Club. This year’s theme is A Night at the Oscars, and both silent and oral auctions will be featured. Over 350 guests are expected to attend.

The proceeds help fund the church’s facilities and programs, including many activities open to the entire community. With over 1,200 members, a family life center, and a year-round child care center, St. Andrews is a significant spiritual and community resource in Omaha.

Everyone is welcome to attend. In addition, we are actively seeking Donors to the auction itself and advertising Sponsors for the auction guide to be distributed to all attendees.

Attendance: $75 per Person (advance reservation required). Tables seating 8 may also be reserved.

Donations: Goods and services for either the Silent Auction or Oral Auction. All donors will be gratefully acknowledged in the Auction Program. All donations over $500 will also receive a free Quarter Page ad. Donations will be picked up by the Event Committee if requested.

Sponsors: Advertising for the Auction Program. May be submitted in PDF or EPS format. Pricing as follows: Inside Front or Back Cover (Full Page) $ 500
Inside Full Page $ 400 Inside Half Page $ 250
Inside Quarter Page $ 100 Inside Business Card $ 50

Forms are enclosed for Donations or Sponsorship. We appreciate your support and thank you for your consideration. Please contact the following with any questions or assistance:

Donations: Stacey F. or Pam T.

Advertising; Mike B.
Pastor CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Nicole H., experiencing health issues (Denise J.’s daughter). Prayers for Zachary V., 2 years old, with brain cancer; medical treatment has been discontinued; pray for a miracle (friend of Heidi G.). Prayers for Duane and JoAnn S. in Arcadia, NE; Duane has been diagnosed with cancer and has been given a short time to live (father of a co-worker of Chris L.). Prayers for Shirley C., preparing for surgery on October 19th. Prayers for Gary A. (business associate of Ron W.).
Ephesians 4:1-6, “I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all."