Monday, October 16, 2006

Soup Labels

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off the list, just let us know and we'll cheerfully delete you.
Joining St. Andrew's on October 15 were:
Tom and Mandy B., parents of two sons, Lex & Jax.
Matthew and Cheryl B., and their twins Colter and Samantha.
David G.
Erik & Mary L.
Justin and Julie Z, parents of Emily, Allison & Turner.
John & Heather E, parents of Sheridan, Grant and Bell.
Tom, Bonnie and Kristin M.

Also on Sunday, we were blessed to share in the baptism of OLIVIA KAY B., daughter of Dana & Ward.
October 22, 2006
Nancy & Bruce:
A Sermon On Depression.
Matthew Ministries invites to attend
Sunday evening, November 5, 6:00
The Lower Level Music Room
We'll be talking about our ministry to the people of Matthew 25, hoping you'll open the book and start reading at verse 31 through the conclusion of the chapter.
Many thanks to RICHARD H. and DAVE S. of the Drama Team for their help in Sunday's sermon.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Madison M., preparing for surgery on October 17th (9 year old daughter of Mark and Stacy M.). Prayers for Brittany W., who is in ICU in a hospital in Denver, Colorado, with brain damage due to a recent automobile accident (granddaughter of Doris A.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Rita S., in her recent passing (mother of Dr. John L.).
ALSO FROM CHARLOTTE: Some folk are asking, "WHERE IS THE PRAYER CHAPEL?" It is located directly across the hall from the back entrance to the main office. It is open when the building is unlocked. You are invited to stop by, sit down and commune with God, as often as you wish.

DO YOU HAVE MILITARY PERSONNEL IN YOUR FAMILY? If so, we are wanting to gather a collection of pictures of those service men and women, specifically to display for our congregation to come to know and to remember in prayer. Please get your pictures to Pastor Charlotte soon. Thank you!

TEE IT UP FOR NICK, October 22nd at Pacific Springs Golf Club. Nick F. was a happy, healthy, normal 2 year-old when, in 2003 he contracted Ecoli, which brought on multiple cardiac arrests, resulting in a severe brain injury. Over the past 3 years, he has shown some improvement, through therapy. Progress is slow and costly, however. The Fritch family relate to our church and we extend the ministry of Pastoral Care to them offering our support as they walk this path.
PAT M. writes:

The 10th Annual Harvest Boutique was a wonderful success. We had over 1,500 people visit our church and over 50 members of the church volunteered to work on Friday and Saturday. We want to thank each and everyone for their time and contributions.

The bake sale and cookie corner was a huge success. Profit from the bake sale was $785 and $275 from the cookie corner. (At $.25 each that would be 1,100 cookies!) Our Harvest Café sells the best Chicken Salad Croissants and Sloppy Joes and the profit from the café was $2,000. Total profit from the Boutique was $8,000. In the past the profit has been split 25% to world missions, 25% to local missions and 50% remaining at St. Andrew's. Again, thanks to all who donated money, baked goods, and their time to the success of our Boutique.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of the Campbell Soup labels that have been collected over the years on behalf of Epworth Village. It occurred to me that there might be some people that are unaware of this project.

Epworth Village, located in York NE, serves males from ages 7 to 18 with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. The overall program consists of family-centered, residential/day treatment and is delivered through the Epworth Village Learning Center, therapy department, healthcare staff, Life Skills Trainers, Spiritual Life Coordinator and a host of dedicated administrative, maintenance and food services employees.

The collected labels are taken to regional UMW (United Methodist Women) meetings. From there they are taken to Epworth Village where a dedicated group of people coordinate the completion of the process. Through these efforts, Epworth Village has just completed the purchase of their third van! Some of the money realized also goes for needed supplies.

ATTENTION ˆ Everyone who is saving Campbell's labels ˆ There is a NEW way to submit Campbell Labels. The only thing we need from the labels is the UPC! Campbell's will not accept anything but the UPC. Please spread the word. FRONT PANEL PRODUCT LABELS WILL NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED. If in doubt, save the whole label. There is a box (the one with the yellow bus on top) in the Ministry Kiosk to deposit your UPC's.
Psalm 22:1-5, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer; and by night I find no rest. Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. In you our ancestors trusted; they trusted, and you delivered them. To you they cried, and were saved; in you they trusted, and were not put to shame." Psalm 22:1-5